UP ITI Merit list 2022- Uttar Pradesh NCVT & SCVT Course Merit list, Check Complete Admission Process for UP ITI Cut off List, ITI 1st Counselling Allotment Result, College Allotment
Board has prepared UP ITI 2022 Admission merit list according to Educational Qualification & Preference Marks for Group A, Group B Courses. The UP ITI First Merit List was released on 18th August 2022. Students who applied for Government and Private ITI Admission can now see Allotment Result. They have to enter their Registration Number and Date of birth to check UP ITI First Round Allotment Result. The official link to check the Uttar Pradesh ITI 1st merit list is given below here.
We know very well this time all students are waiting for UP ITI 1st Merit List and Round 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th seat Allotment Result. Vyavasayik Parishad Uttar Pradesh (VPPUP) is conducting the VPPUP ITI Counselling process for admission into Industrial Training Institute in various Trades. This Board is preparing to release the UP ITI Cut off list, Merit list Category-wise.
After the UP ITI Merit List declaration, the Authority will organize the VPPUP ITI Counselling in 1, 2, 3 & 4 Rounds. Therefore first all students check the Uttar Pradesh ITI merit list & Seat Allotment Result 2022. Many contenders filled the ITI Application and now they are eagerly waiting for the UP ITI Cut-off List/ Merit List for General/OBC/SC/ST.
Latest News- UP ITI Private and Government New Choice Filling Option started after 2d Round Counselling…Visit this article carefully and…. check ITI Seat Allotment Result for all rounds.
UP ITI Merit list 2022, SCVTUP ITI College Allotment Result
The State Council for Vocational Training, Uttar Pradesh was issued notification for admission to Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in various Trades to Govt Aided and Private Unaided Institutions of Uttar Pradesh. The UP ITI Admission process will complete based on the academic record of students from the 10th/12th Classes. Based on the 10th/12th Marks, the Board will prepare UP ITI Merit List 2022.
Students who take admission to NCVT & SCVT Courses first check UP ITI Seat Allotment Process, and Merit list. In this article, We are sharing information related to the UP ITI Admission process like Merit List, Counselling, Seat Allotment, Cut off List Category wise.
यूपी आईटीआई मेरिट लिस्ट – राज्य व्यवसायिक प्रशिक्षण परिषद द्वारा राजकीय एवं निजी आईटीआई प्रवेश के लिए मेधा सूची (Merit List) जारी कर दी है। इसलिए जो छात्र उतर प्रदेश ITI एडमिशन के आवेदन किया है वे यहाँ से UP ITI First Round Allotment Result for Govt & Private ITI Institutes की जाँच कर सकते है। आधिकारिक लिंक हमने निचे दे दिया है। उम्मीदवार निचे लिंक पर क्लिक करके यूपी आईटीआई मेरिट लिस्ट एवं सीट Allotment रिजल्ट चेक करे।
आई० टी० आई० प्रवेश 2022 हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन
UP ITI College Allotment Result 2022
Department Name | State Council of Vocational Training, Uttar Pradesh |
Admission Process | Industrial Training Institute |
Application last Date | 31 July 2022 |
UP ITI Merit list Date | Released on 18th August 2022 |
Post Category | VPPUP ITI 1st Merit list |
official website | www.scvtup.in |
Location | Uttar Pradesh |
Importance UP ITI Selection 2022 & Merit list
There is no written test for the UP ITI Admission process. The board will prepare the UP ITI Merit list 2022 based on academic marks. The merit list is very important for the students looking to avail admissions to various colleges which are affiliated or are under the main department. Students are required to download the UP ITI 1st Seat Allotment /merit list form using the link below.
If you’re in UP ITI Merit list then students have to apply for ITI 1st Round Counselling, Choice Filling and Seat Allotment. The VPPUP ITI Merit releases depend upon the Authority, as if there seat vacancy in the colleges then the board will organize the next round of ITI Admission.
यूपी आईटीआई मेरिट लिस्ट 2022
व्यवसायिक शिक्षा परिषद्, उत्तर प्रदेश, लखनऊ ने विभिन्न ट्रेडो में औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान (ITI) में स्तर के लिए उत्तर प्रदेश के सहायता प्राप्त संस्थाओ और निजी मान्यता प्राप्त संस्थानों में प्रवेश के लिए अधिसूचना जारी की है। सीट आवंटन मेरिट सूची पर आधारित होगा। छात्रों को विभिन्न ट्रेडों के तहत NCVT और SCVT पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश प्रदान किया जाएगा। तो जो छात्र आईटीआई सीट आवंटन प्रक्रिया और मेरिट सूची के बारे में अनभिज्ञ हैं, वे लेख से जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
UP ITI Seat Reservation
In this section, candidates check the Seat Allotment Process, and the Reservation of seat process. in the ITI Institutes 70% of seats will be reserved for SC/ST Trainees & 15% of seats will be reserved for OBC Trainees. Applicants will be given Horizontal reservations for Freedom Fighters (02%), Ex-Servicemen (05%), Physically Handicapped students (03%) & Female students (20%). These reservations will be given on Trade wise and all admission seats.
State ITI (सरकारी आईटीआई ) | Private Institutions (प्राइवेट आईटीआई ) | |
In Capital | 05 | 70 |
In-State | 305 | 3000 |
No. of Seats | 1.6 Lacks (10% Seats increases After Opening the 14 New Institutes) |
UP ITI 2020 Tie-Breaking Criteria
In case the students score the same marks in the Exam then who will be preferred. To have the Answer to this question refer to the tie-breaking criteria given below.
- Students who were born earlier will be given more preference
- If the tie persists again the preference shall be given to the candidate who has filled the application first.
How to check the UP ITI 1st Merit List 2022, Seat Allotment List
Students can refer to the steps given below to check the UP ITI Selection list for Counselling. They can also have to list through our website as we will be updating it after it is launched in the official portal. Follow the below steps to check the VPPUP ITI Merit List Category wise-
- First, all candidates visit the official website i.e. www.scvtup.in
- In Examination Section, Select Result Link
- Select UP ITI Merit list 2022
- Check your name, Rank, Cut off Marks
- Hit on the link and the Uttar Pradesh ITI Merit List PDF will be appeared on the computer screen
- Press ctrl+f and type your name
- Save and take the printout of UP ITI Seat Allotment Result & merit list
Check ITI Seat Allotment Result for Round First
UP ITI 2022 Counselling and Seat Allotment
UP ITI 1st Round Seat Allotment Result has been declared. Aspirants visit the official website www.scvtup.in to check First Merit List, Cutoff. Round 1st College Seat allotment will release Shortly. (यूपी आइटीआइ 1st मेरिट लिस्ट राजकीय तथा निजी प्रशिक्षण संस्थान में प्रवेश हेतु द्वितीय चरण का आवंटन परिणाम आज दिनांक 18 August 2022 को जारी हो गया है |
Students who are shortlisted as per their rank in the merit list will be invited for UP ITI Counselling and seat allotment process. The selected aspirants need to visit the web portal of the authority to check the schedule and venue of UP ITI Counselling. After applying for UP ITI 1st Round Counseling, the board will declare the UP ITI Seat Allotment Result and again the college and NCVT & SCVT Admission Courses.
The ITI Seats will be allotted to the students on the grounds of their marks in the qualifying exam, Rank, category, Preferences, and seat availability. Students must also carry some necessary documents for the purpose of verification.
Uttar Pradesh ITI Seat Matrix Trend
year | Total Seats | Admissions | Vacant Seats |
2019 | 121,120 | 103,441 | 17,679 |
2018 | 123,310 | 107,383 | 15,957 |
2017 | 115,738 | 99,536 | 19,202 |
Result of 2nd Round SeatAllotment for Admission 2022 (Government ITI)
Result of 2nd Round Seat Allotment for Admission 2022 (Private ITI)
FAQs on UP ITI Merit list 2022
Question – How can we check the Uttar Pradesh ITI Merit list?
Answer- Our team is provided the full details of downloading the UP ITI 2022 Merit list here.
Question- How are determining the UP ITI Rank List and factors?
Answer- The Authority will prepare the VPPUP Merit list on the basis of the student’s score in the qualifying Examination.
Question- What would do after qualifying for the Uttar Pradesh Merit list?
Answer- If your name is on the merit list, then You are able to apply for UP ITI Counselling Process.
Question- What is the basis for the preparation of the Merit list?
Answer- The VPPUP ITI merit list for admission will be made on the basis of the marks of the candidates in the qualifying Examination.
Tamil Nadu ITI Application Form | Haryana ITI Application Form |
Arunachal Pradesh ITI Application Form | Rajasthan ITI Merit list |
We hope that all candidates will easily check the UP ITI Merit list 2022 using the above link. Our team tried to give complete & useful details about the UP ITI Admission Merit list here. Students may also put your comment here if they want to get more details.
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