By | 18/11/2023 BSTC College Allotment List 2023 Rajasthan Deled Counselling Result 1st Seat Allotment Result – As per the latest news, the Rajasthan Primary Education Department is planning to release Pre D.El.Ed First Allotment Result. Many students have applied for Rajasthan BSTC Admission and are now waiting for Deled Counselling Result (बीएसटीसी काउन्सलिंग रिजल्ट). Likewise, we have uploaded a direct link to check the Rajasthan BSTC College Allotment List. Hence, aspirants are ready with login credentials to check BSTC 1st Seat allotment Result. Students visit the official website for more details. 

Rajasthan BSTC College Allotment List 2023 

Well, the Department of Elementary Education has conducted Pre D.El.Ed (General/Sanskrit) Examination 2023. After that, the Board has declared the PRe Deled Result on 29 September 2023. A huge number of applicants want Admission to 2 Year Diploma in Elementary Education programme. Recently, the Online Registration Procedure of BSTC Counselling has been organized from 6th to 16th October 2023. Thus, candidates who qualified in Pre D.El.Ed Entrance Exam they are participating in BSTC Counselling through online mode. Presently, they are searching for Rajasthan Deled Counselling Result and Seat Allotment List. However, we have uploaded link to get the BSTC College Allotment Result and 1st Seat Allotment List. 

UP NMMS Admit Card

KUD UG PG Result 

NHPC JE Result 

BSTC College Allotment List 2023

Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed Exam Counselling 2023 Details

Department  Department of Elementary Education, Rajasthan
Test Name Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed Examination 2023
Course Offered Basic School Teaching Course BSTC or Diploma in Elementary Education 
BSTC Exam Date 28.08.2023
Rajasthan Pre Deled Result Date 29.09.2023
BSTC Counselling Registration Date 06 October to 16 October 2023
Pre D.El.Ed 1st Seat Allotment Result  Last week of October 2023
Choice Filling  18 October 2023 
Official web portal BSTC Counselling Result Date & Time 

Thousand of students have applied for Pre D.El.Ed Counselling and Chocie Filling till 18.10.2023. Besides, the Board has invited online Applications for BSTC Counselling from 6th October to 16th October 2023. As per latest news, the Department of Elementary Education, Rajasthan will isuse Pre Deled First Allotment Result in October last week. Students have to enter the Correct login credentials such as Login ID and password to download BSTC First College Allotment List 2023. Once your name appears in Rajasthan Pre Deled Counselling Result and Seat Allotment list then report to the allotted college. After that, they must pay the Admission fee as per the schedule. 

How to check Rajasthan BSTC College Allotment List 2023 

  • First, all candidates visit the official website @
  • And then, Go to the Candidate Login section 
  • Find the BSTC Counselling Result Link 
  • Open the desired link
  • After that Enter login details such as Login ID and Password 
  • Click on the submit button and the BSTC College Allotment List will display
  • Check details like Name, Rank, Allotted College and Seat 
  • Finally, save the Pre D.El.Ed 1st Seat Allotment Result for further use. 

Check BSTC First Seat Allotment- Click here 

Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed College Allotment List 

राजस्थान बीएसटीसी कोर्स में प्रवेश के लिए आयोजित ऑनलाइन काउंसलिंग प्रक्रिया शुरू हो गयी है।  हजारो छात्रों ने दिनांक 06 से 16 अक्टूबर 2023 तक प्री डीएलएड काउंसलिंग हेतु आवेदन किया है और चॉइस फिलिंग की अंतिम तिथि 18 अक्टूबर 2023 थी। अब सभी को राजस्थान बीएसटीसी काउंसलिंग रिजल्ट एवं सीट अलॉटमेंट लिस्ट का इंतजार है। इसलिए हमने यहाँ पर BSTC College Allotment List का सीधा लिंक उपलब्ध करवा दिया है।  इस प्रकार अभ्यर्थी प्री डीएलएड सीट अलॉटमेंट रिजल्ट देख सकते है।