Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023-24 Pre D.El.Ed Merit List राजस्थान प्री डीएलएड रिजल्ट at www.panjiyakpredeled.in प्री डीएलएड का रिजल्ट आज 29 सितम्बर को घोषित हो गया है, सामान्य वर्ग में 600 नंबर के पेपर में 390 से 400 अंक लाने पर मिलेगा कॉलेज – प्री परीक्षा की मैट में आने वाले 25 हजार विद्यार्थियों को मिलेगा प्रवेश
Rajasthan Primary Education Department, Bikaner is planning to announce Pre DElEd Result along with Cutoff Marks. Recently, Authority has organized Pre D.El.Ed Examination 2023 on 28.08.2023 at various centers of the state. Presently, participants are eagerly waiting for BSTC Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed Exam Scorecard and Merit List State wise. Meanwhile, we are sharing here BSTC Expected cutoff and minimum qualifying marks category wise. Hence, aspirants read this article to download Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023 name wise.
Diploma in Elementary Education (General/Sanskrit) Entrance Exam 2023 was held successfully on 28 August. A huge number of students attended this Entrance Test. So, they read this article carefully and check Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed Exam Cutoff for General, OBC, SC, ST categories. They will also have to enter login details like Mobile number/Login ID and Password. lastly, they can finally view the BSTC Merit/Rank list State wise for Counselling Process.
कार्यालय समन्वयक प्री डीएलएड परीक्षा एवं पंजीयन शिक्षा विभागीय परीक्षाएं राजस्थान बीकानेर द्वारा जल्द ही बीएसटीसी परीक्षा परिणाम घोषित किया जायेगा। आपको बता दे कि बोर्ड ने ‘प्रारंभिक शिक्षा में डिप्लोमा (सामान्य/संस्कृत) प्रवेश परीक्षा, 2023’ दिनांक 28 अगस्त 2023 को आयोजित की है। इस प्रकार परीक्षार्थियों को कुल 600 अंको में से न्यूनतम उत्तीर्ण अंक हासिल करने होंगे जो निचे दिए गए है। जल्द ही बोर्ड राजस्थान बीएसटीसी रिजल्ट जारी करेगा। इसलिए डीएलएड रिजल्ट देखने के लिए आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर panjiyakpredeled.in विजिट करे। प्री डीएलएड (सामान्य/संस्कृत) प्रवेश परीक्षा के लिए 06 लाख अभ्यर्थियों ने पंजीकरण करवाया था।
Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023-24 Pre D.El.Ed Merit List
The Rajasthan Primary Education Department, Bikaner had recently announced the BSTC Notification for admission into 2 Year Diploma in Elementary Education (General/Sanskrit). Many candidates have applied for Pre DElEd Examination 2023 between 10.07.2023 to 30.07.2023. And then department has organized BSTC Entrance Exam on 28.08.2023 at various centers. Now all candidates are waiting for the BSTC merit List, Cutoff District wise. The Pre D.El.Ed Exam was held for 600 Marks. And BSTC Question Paper consists of 200 Questions about Mental Ability, General Awareness of Rajasthan, Teaching Aptitude, and Language Ability (English, Sanskrit or Hindi). There is no Sectional BSTC Cutoff. Aspirants have to score minimum Pre Deled Cutoff Marks out of 600 Marks.
panjiyakpredeled.in Rajasthan BSTC Exam 2023 Details
Organization Name | Rajasthan Primary Education Department, Bikaner |
Examination Name | Pre D.El.Ed (General/Sanskrit) Entrance Examination, 2023 |
Available Certificates | BSTC (Sanskrit) & BSTC (General) |
Exam Type | Single Written Exam |
Category | Rajasthan BSTC Result |
Exam Mode | Offline Mode |
BSTC Exam Date | 28 August 2023 |
BSTC Result date | 29th September 2023 |
Official Website | www.panjiyakpredeled.in/ |
राजस्थान बीएसटीसी रिजल्ट 2023
प्रारंभिक शिक्षा विभाग ने ‘प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा में डिप्लोमा (सामान्य/संस्कृत) प्रवेश परीक्षा, 2023’ का आयोजन सफलतापूर्वक करवा लिया है। अब सभी अभ्यर्थियों को बीएसटीसी (डीएलएड) रिजल्ट का इंतजार है। परीक्षा कुल 600 अंको की है एवं उम्मीदवारों को परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करने के लिए न्यूनतम अंक हासिल करने होंगे। प्रदेश के 372 डीईएलएड कॉलेजो की 25 हजार सीटों के लिए प्री डीएलएड परीक्षा 28 अगस्त को हुई थी। अब प्री डीएलएड परीक्षा परिणाम जल्द घोषित होगा।
राजस्थान प्राथमिक शिक्षा विभाग ने के महीने में प्री D.El.Ed (सामान्य/संस्कृत) प्रवेश परीक्षा, 2023 आयोजित की है। सामान्य/संस्कृत पाठ्यक्रमों में डिप्लोमा इन एलीमेंट्री एजुकेशन (D.El.Ed) में प्रवेश के लिए लिखित प्रवेश परीक्षा में बहुत से उम्मीदवार उपस्थित हुए। अधिकारी जल्द ही Rajasthan Pre BSTC Result 2023 को अपनी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जारी करेंगे। वे सभी नीचे दिए गए लिंक का उपयोग करके Rajasthan BSTC Result और कटऑफ मार्क्स की जांच कर सकते हैं।
Rajasthan BSTC Pre D.El.Ed Cut Off Marks Category Wise
The Rajasthan Primary Education Department Exam has decided the minimum qualifying marks called Cut off Marks for BSTC Examination. We all know that Pre DElEd Entrance Exam was held for 600 Marks. And aspirants have to obtain minimum qualifying marks out of 600 Marks. All the applicants are able to check Rajasthan BSTC Cut off marks category wise such as General/OBC/SC/ST. Candidates have to secure minimum passing marks or above from Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed cutoff marks. The BSTC Exam Cut-off Marks 2023 will depend on multiple factors i.e. appearing candidates, Written Exam Level, Total Vacancies, etc.
- The difficulty level of the paper
- Number of Seats in all DIET
- Total Candidates participated in the exam
- Expected Pre BSTC Cutoff
Pre DElEd Exam Expected Cutoff Marks 2023
Category | Cut-Off |
General Male | 430 – 440 |
General Female | 410 – 420 |
SC Male | 400 – 410 |
SC Female | 370 – 380 |
ST Male | 415- 425 |
ST Female | 390 – 410 |
TST Male | 350 – 370 |
TST Female | 310 – 320 |
OBC Male | 400 – 410 |
OBC Female | 360 – 370 |
Rajasthan BSTC Previous Year Cut off 2023
This time applicants are exciting to check Rajasthan Pre Deled Cutoff and Exam Scorecard. Also, they need to know previous Year BSTC Cutoff trends to ensure their chance of Selection. Here we are updating BSTC Previous Year Cutoff and Expected Cutoff Marks category-wise. Therefore candidates check the last 2017, 2018 & 2019 Years Cutoff Marks for Primary Diploma in Elementary Education (General/Sanskrit) Entrance Exam 2023.
Category | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |
General Male | 427 | 426 | 426 |
General Female | 410 | 408 | 408 |
SC Male | 400 | 399 | 399 |
SC Female | 368 | 365 | 365 |
ST Male | 415 | 412 | 412 |
ST Female | 385 | 382 | 382 |
TST Male | 355 | 353 | 353 |
TST Female | 310 | 307 | 307 |
SBC Male | 405 | 404 | 404 |
SBC Female | 367 | 365 | 365 |
Rajasthan BSTC Merit List 2023
Likewise, BSTC Merit list will release along with the BSTC D.El.Ed Result in next month. Once BSTC Result is declared, the board will issue a Merit List of qualified candidates for the Pre-Deled Examination 2023. Authority will release BSTC Merit List after the Result declaration. Thus, the Rajasthan Pre DElEd Merit list will prepare based on Marks secured by the aspirants in the written Examination.
It will indicate the names of the qualified aspirants in the order of Merit along with other information. Pre BSTC Merit List will act as the base for Admission to 2 Year Deled Diploma. Those candidates will be allotted College/DIET and Seat whose Name is in the BSTC Exam Merit List. Hence, aspirants stay tuned here and check BSTC Counselling Date, Rank List and College-wise Cutoff Marks.
How to check Rajasthan Pre DElEd BSTC Result 2023-24
Primary Education Department Bikaner has finally conducted the Diploma in Elementary Education (General/Sanskrit) Entrance Exam on 28.08.2023. Meanwhile, Many candidates have given this Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed Exam and now they want results, Cutoff and Merit list. So, they visit the below simple procedure to check BSTC Exam Result Name wise.
- First, Visit the official website of the Rajasthan Primary Education Department, Bikaner i.e. www.panjiyakpredeled.in.
- And then, search for the Primary Education Bikaner Pre BSTC (D.El.Ed) Link.
- After that Click the link given for downloading their Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023.
- Candidates will redirect to the Login Page.
- Log in to the main page with the registration number and password.
- Also, Click on the “Login” tab.
- The Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed Result 2023 will display on the computer screen.
- Finally Download the soft copy of your BSTC Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed Result.
Download Rajasthan Pre BSTC Result- Click here
Meanwhile, we have given complete details of Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023-24, Primary Education Bikaner BSTC Pre D.El.Ed Cut off Marks/ Merit List, and Previous Year Cut off List. We also hope that aspirants will easily download BSTC Exam Scorecard.
FAQs for Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed BSTC Result 2023
When the Result of Rajasthan BSTC 2023 will declare?
Pre Deled Exam Score has been declared on 29 September 2023
How to check the Rajasthan D.El.Ed Exam Result?
Hello guys, we have provided a direct link to access the scorecard above here. You find the respective official link from the post and download BSTC Score Card.
What are the details required to download Rajasthan BSTC Result?
Once the result is declared, students can check the Result using Roll number and application number.
What is the BSTC official website to get the Pre D.El.Ed Exam Result?
All candidates visit official websites i.e. www.panjiyakpredeled.in to access the necessary details.
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