Bihar STET Result 2023-24 BSEB TET Exam Score, Bihar Secondary Teacher Eligibility Paper-1 & paper-2 Cutoff List, BSEB STET Merit List Subject wise at biharboardonline.com
The Bihar School Examination Board has organized the “Bihar Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test 2023” across the state. Besides, the Board has issued the BSEB TET cutoff with STET Result on 19 September 2023. The department is recruiting eligible candidates for Secondary Teacher (9 to 10 Class) and Senior Secondary Teacher (11 to 12 Class). The Bihar Government is ready to release 37,335 Teacher Vacancies based on Bihar TET 2023 Exam score. Therefore, applicants have to visit the below link to check the BSEB TET Result Roll number-wise.
In addition, We know that this time lots of candidates are waiting for Bihar STET Result 2023. The written exam was held for Paper-I (Secondary Teacher) and Paper-II (Senior Secondary Teacher)/Many students appeared in this competitive Exam. Now they can check Bihar STET Cut off Marks and BSTET Paper 1 Paper 2 Results. The Result page contains useful information about candidates such as Roll number Name, Date of birth, and Rank category-wise. Furthermore, aspirants get more about BSEB STET Results.
बिहार स्कूल शिक्षा बोर्ड ने माध्यमिक शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा का सफलतापूर्वक आयोजन दिनांक 04 से 15 सितम्बर 2023 तक करवा लिया है। इस प्रकार परीक्षा में शामिल अभ्यर्थी बिहार टीईटी रिजल्ट देखना चाहते है। वे निचे दिए लिंक पर जाकर अपना यूजर आईडी एवं पासवर्ड से परिणाम देख सकते है।
Bihar STET Result 2023-24 BSTET Exam Cut off Marks
The Bihar School Examination Board is recruiting eligible candidates for Teacher Bharti through Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test. Board will find eligibility for 25270 Secondary Teachers and 12065 Senior Secondary Posts through “Bihar Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test 2023”.Earlier, the Board has completed the online application for BSTET Entrance Exam from 09 to 23 August 2023. A large number of candidates have applied for Bihar TET. And Department further has organized the Secondary TET at various Exam centers. Meanwhile, Many candidates appeared in BTET from 4th September to 15th September 2023.
Students have to get minimum qualifying Marks from BSTET Paper-I and BSTET paper-II. Paper-I will be eligible for Secondary Teachers (Class 9 to 10) and Paper-II will be for Senior Secondary Teachers (11 to 12 Classes). So, all students can check the Bihar STET Result 2023 using the official link below.
बिहार एसटीईटी रिजल्ट- बिहार शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा 2023 का आयोजन सफलतापूर्वक करवा लिया गया है। विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति अब जल्द ही बिहार सेकेंडरी टीईटी रिजल्ट जारी करेगा। आपको बता दे कि लगभग 3.5 लाख परीक्षार्थियों ने या परीक्षा दी है। इस प्रकार इस समय वे बिहार एसटीईटी परिणाम का इंतजार कर रहे है। रिजल्ट लिंक के साथ ही हमने Bihar STET Cutoff एवं न्यूनतम उत्तीर्ण अंक भी दिए है।
Subject-wise STET Cut off Marks
KMUT Magalir Urimai Thogai Status
Bihar Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 Details
Department Name | Bihar School Examination Board |
Total Vacancies | 37,335 |
Post Name | Secondary and Senior Secondary |
Exam Name | Bihar Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test, 2022 |
Job Category | Latest Teaching Jobs |
Location | Bihar |
BSTET Exam Date | 04.09.2023 to 15.09.2023 |
Bihar STET Result Date | Declared on 19 September 2023 |
Official website | biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in |
Bihar STET Cut off Marks 2023 BSTET Cutoff list Category wise
We know that Paper-I and paper-II will be held for 150 Marks each. Aspirants have to obtain BSTET Minimum Cut-off Marks to qualify for the test. The board has fixed the Cut off marks for General/OBC/SC/ST Categories. The board prepares the BSTET Cut-off list category-wise based on various factors. There are many factors that affect the Bihar STET Cut off Marks such as –
- Total Vacancies for Secondary and Senior Secondary Teachers
- The number of candidates who participated in the exam
- Paper Difficulty Level
- Previous Year Cut off Marks
- Reservation category wise
How to check BSEB STET Result 2023 at biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in
We want to tell the candidates that BSTET Result and Bihar STET Cut-off marks have been declared online mode. Candidates have to visit the official website and follow the below-given steps to check the Results of the Bihar Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test 2023.
- First of all, candidates visit the official website i.e. http://biharboardonline.com/
- Find the BSTET 2022 link and search the Result link
- Open the Result link and a login page will display on a computer screen
- And then, Enter the Registration number and Date of birth
- After that, Click on submit button and the Result page will open
- Find Name, Roll number, and Rank and Cut off marks
- Finally, click on the download button and save the Bihar STET Result 2023 for further use.
BSEB BSTET Exam Marking Scheme
The Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test (STET) was held into two papers Paper-I and Paper-II. Paper I carried 150 objective-type questions and Paper II also did the same. For both papers, the board has decided on BSTET Cut off marks. Therefore first aspirants check the Marking scheme from Paper-I and Paper-II.
Paper | Section Name | Question | Marks |
Paper-I (Secondary Teacher- Class 9 to 10) | Concerned Subject | 100 | 100 |
Teaching arts and other skills | 50 | 50 | |
Total | 150 Questions | 150 marks | |
Paper-II (Senior (Secondary Teacher- Class 11 to 12) | Concerned Subject | 100 | 100 |
General knowledge and other skills | 50 | 50 | |
Total | 150 | 150 Marks |
Compilation in BSTET Result 2023
well, the Bihar STET Result 2023 depends on various factors such as Marks obtained by an aspirant, the number of vacancies, Paper difficulty level, the highest Marks scored by an applicant, and the number of candidates who appeared in the exam. Meanwhile, we have mentioned BSTET Result Compilation below here-
- The total marks of each student calculate
- Every right answer is given 1 mark each
- There is no negative marking
- The list of made for candidates who have cleared the cut off in decreasing order of Marks scored
- The candidates are selected on the basis of vacancies in decreasing order of marks.
Check Deled Seat Allotment in UP
Bihar STET Result Tie-Breaking
There are instances when two or more aspirants grab the same exam marks. In such cases, the exam authority requires to have tie-breaking criteria. The tie-breaking criteria for the preparation of BSTET Merit List 2023 have been specified as follows:
- Firstly, the date of birth of the contenders with the same score consider for tie-breaking. The candidate who is older in age is given preference.
- If the age of the candidates is the same, then the marks scored in graduation/post-graduation are considered.
- The last criterion is if the marks scored in graduation/post-graduation are the same, and then the names of the candidates are considered in alphabetical order.
Check Bihar STET Result- Click here
Latestjobhub.in Home page – Visit here
FAQs for BSEB Bihar STET Result
When will the BSTET Scorecard release?
The Bihar School Examination Board will declare the BSTET Exam Result 2023.
What are the Cut off marks for Bihar Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test?
Students may check STET Cut off for Paper-I and Paper-II from this page.
When Bihar Secondary TET Exam held?
Department has organized the Teacher Eligibility Test between 04 to 15 September 2023
How can we check the Bihar STET Result 2023?
We have provided simple steps or direct official links to access the BSEB STET Scorecard & merit list on this page.
Thus, we have provided full details about Bihar STET Result 2023 on this page. We also hope that all candidates will easily check BSEB BSTET Result and Bihar STET Cut-Off Marks using the above link. Still, If you want to ask any query then put the question in below comment box.