Haryana Police Constable Syllabus 2023-24 HSSC Constable Exam Pattern, www.hssc.gov.in Constable (Male/Female) Bharti Preparation Plan, Strategy, Prepare for HSSC Police Constable Exam & Physical Test (PST PMT)
The Haryana Staff Selection Commission has finally decided to hold the exam for 6000 Constable Male/Female Vacancies. Besides, Lakhs of aspirants are preparing for the HSSC Constable Bharti Exam. Therefore, all job seekers are able to download the Haryana Police Constable Syllabus PDF. It is equally important to see a complete Selection Process and start self-study using study materials. Furthermore, they may collect Best Books, GK/Coaching Notes, Moc Test, practice paper set and Previous Year Papers.
We are providing you with the Latest HSSC Constable Syllabus so that you can cover important topics. You can collect the latest Constable Police Exam Study materials of each subject for better Exam Preparation. For more information about Haryana Police Constable Exam stay connected with us.
Using the HSSC Police Constable Exam Pattern, you can take an idea about what type of Paper Pattern will be there and how many questions will be asked, and the total marks of the exam. Here applicants can get the exam pattern with a detailed HSSC Police Constable Syllabus 2023. Read full details here and get all the topics of each subject in the article.
Haryana Police Constable Syllabus 2023-24 HSSC Exam Pattern
Haryana Staff Selection Commission is organizing a Paper for appointing new posts of 6000 Police Constables. Generally, Constable Bharti has many selection phases like the Written Exam, PST, PMT, and Medical Test. The Haryana Police Exam Syllabus has been listed below with the latest exam pattern released by HSSC.
Meanwhile, the Commission will also conduct Recruitment for 5000 Male Constable in Commando Wing. First Board will organize a Physical Measurement Test (PMT) & Physical Standard Test (PST) soon.
However, we are advised to aspirant that collect the latest study materials like Best Books, Coaching Notes, GK Note, Preparation Tips, and Online Test Series, and practice using daily Mock Test. They solve Haryana Constable Previous Papers for better Exam preparation. Apply online for Haryana Police Constable
HSSC Police Constable Syllabus 2023 PDF
Organization Name | Haryana Staff Selection Commission |
Post Name | Constable Male/Female |
Total Vacancies | 6000 |
Application Mode | Online |
Category | Syllabus |
Exam Date | Announce Later |
Selection Process | PMT, PST & Knowledge Test |
Job Location | Haryana |
Official Site | www.hssc.gov.in |
Haryana Police Constable Exam Pattern 2023
Knowledge Test (80% Weightage)- All aspirants shall have to undergo a Test of 80 marks comprising objective-type multiple-choice questions. The Knowledge test shall be of the objective type having 100 multiple choice questions of 0.80 marks each and the Test shall be of 90 Minutes duration. While each correct answer will get 0.8 marks, there will be no negative marking for wrong answers.
The table given below explains the Exam Pattern of the HSSC Police Constable exam, Candidates who are giving the exam can get the topics and content from here. The Exam has subjects like General Studies, General Science, Current affairs, General Reasoning, Mental Aptitude, Numerical ability, Agriculture, and Animal husbandry. Please see the below table for more information.
- The exam questions will be Objective-type questions.
- Each correct answer is 0.8 marks.
- The exam paper will be in both English & Hindi.
- Total time given is 90 Minutes
- Minimum 10 questions are expected from the Computer Awareness section.
Topics | Questions | Marks |
General Knowledge | 100 | 80 |
Reasoning Ability | ||
Numerical Ability | ||
Agriculture | ||
Current Affairs | ||
Animal Husbandry | ||
General Science |
हरियाणा पुलिस कांस्टेबल सिलेबस
हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग जल्द ही 6000 पुलिस कांस्टेबल पदों की परीक्षा का आयोजन करने जा रहा है। इन पदों के लिए आवेदन करने वाले उम्मीदवारों को Haryana Police Constable Syllabus की खोज करनी होगी। हम आपको नवीनतम परीक्षा सिलेबस प्रदान कर रहे हैं ताकि आप महत्वपूर्ण विषयों को कवर कर सकें। बेहतर परीक्षा तैयारी के लिए आप प्रत्येक विषय की नवीनतम कांस्टेबल पुलिस परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री एकत्र कर सकते हैं। HSSC पुलिस परीक्षा के बारे में अधिक जानकारी हमारे साथ जुड़े रहें।
HSSC पुलिस कांस्टेबल परीक्षा पैटर्न का उपयोग करके, आप एक विचार ले सकते हैं कि किस प्रकार का पेपर पैटर्न होगा और कितने प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे, और परीक्षा के कुल अंक। यहां आवेदक विस्तृत कॉन्स्टेबल परीक्षा विषय-वार सिलेबस के साथ परीक्षा पैटर्न प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। यहां पूर्ण विवरण पढ़ें और लेख में प्रत्येक विषय के सभी विषय प्राप्त करें।
Haryana Police Constable Bharti 2023 Selection Process
Well, Selection of Haryana Police Constable the Person has to qualify for various selection rounds. First, they have to undergo a written exam (80% weightage). After that shortlisted candidates will be called for the Physical Screening Test (PST), and Physical Measurement Test (PMT). MOreover, following are the Selection phases-
- Written Test (80% Weightage)
- Physical Screening Test (PST)
- Physical Measurement Test
- Medical Test
Marks Distribution
Events | Max. Marks |
Written Examination | 80 Marks |
PMT / PST | Qualifying Test |
Higher Education | 7 Marks |
NCC Certificate | 3 Marks |
Miscellaneous | 10 Marks |
Total | 100 Marks |
Physical Screening Test (PST)-
Aspirants, equaling 7 times the number of vacancies in each category shall be declared to have qualified for the Knowledge Test (KT). The Applicants who have qualified in the Knowledge Test shall be put to a Physical Screening Test, which would be only qualifying in nature, to judge their physical fitness and Endurance.
Candidates | Test Distance | Qualifying Time |
Male | 2.5 Kilometer | 12 Minutes |
Female | 1.0 Kilometer | 6 Minutes |
Ex-Serviceman | 1.0 Kilometer | 5 Minutes |
Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
Physical Measurement Tests shall be of qualifying nature only. The Candidates who have qualified for the Physical Screening Test shall have to undergo a Physical Measurement Test. The result of the physical measurement test shall be prepared by the Haryana staff selection commission. The Haryana Staff Selection Commission shall display the same on its official website.
Physical Screening Test (PST) –
Aspirants, equaling 7 times the number of vacancies in each category shall be declared to have qualified the Knowledge Test (KT). The Applicants who have qualified in Knowledge Test shall be put to a Physical Screening Test, which would be only qualifying in nature, to judge their physical fitness and endurance.
Candidates | Test Distance | Qualifying Time |
Male | 2.5 Kilometer | 12 Minutes |
Female | 1.0 Kilometer | 6 Minutes |
Ex-Serviceman | 1.0 Kilometer | 5 Minutes |
Download Haryana Police Constable Syllabus 2023
The HSSC Constable Syllabus consists of questions on General Studies, General Science, Current Affairs, General reasoning, Mental Aptitude, Numerical Ability, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, other relevant fields/trades etc. There shall be at least 10 questions relating to basic knowledge of computers.
Those who have filled out the form for the Haryana Police Constable Recruitment Form can check the HSSC Constable Syllabus PDF. With the help of the Subject-Wise Syllabus, you can score well. We have mentioned the subject content below for you so that you can prepare the topics by the exam time.
General Knowledge & Current Affairs
- Constitution of India & State Administration
- Political series of Country Five-Year Plan
- Contribution of Haryana in the National Movement
- History of India (Haryana mostly) & its Adjacent Countries
- Culture
- Geography
- Economical Scenario
General Science
- Scientific methodology concepts, principles, and techniques
- The earth/space sciences, technologies
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Life sciences (Biology)
Reasoning Ability
- Arithmetical computation and other analytical functions
- Venn diagrams
- Analogies
- Similarities and differences
- Problem-solving
- Relationship
- Relationship concepts
- Ability to observe and distinguish patterns
Numerical Ability
- Ratio & Proportion
- Percentage
- Average
- Profit & Loss
- Number Systems
- Simplification
- Decimals
- Fractions
- C.M
- C.F
- Discount
- Simple & Compound Interest
- Mensuration
- Time & Work
- Time & Distance
- Tables & Graphs
- History/ Facts of Agriculture
- Fruits & Vegetable
- Crop Production
- Fertilizing
- Irrigation and Damage
- Weed/Pests Control
- Types of Crops
- Soil & Land
- Soil
- Fertility
- Horticulture
- Plantation and Deforestation
Animal Husbandry
- Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Importance
- Dairy
- Importance of animal
- Livestock farming
- Animal breeds
- Diseases and symptoms in animals
HSSC Constable Exam Preparation Tips
- Check the latest Haryana Police Constable Syllabus & Exam Pattern from the above sections.
- Solve previous year question papers for better preparation of Exams.
- Attend mock tests on a regular basis to analyze your performance.
- Practice Sample Tests online series for preparation.
- Make notes for last time revision for the test.
HSSC Police Constable Syllabus PDF
FAQs for Haryana Police Constable Syllabus 2023
What is Selection Process for Haryana Police Constable Bharti?
There are many phases of the final selection for the Constable Post Like Knowledge test (written), Physical Screening Test (PST), Physical Measurement Test (PMT).
What is HSSC Constable Exam Pattern 2023?
The Constable Question Paper will be 80 Marks. The Paper will carry 100 Objective type Questions and each question carry 0.80 Marks. Candidates have to complete the question paper in 1.30 Hours (90 Minutes).
Can we access a detailed schedule for the Haryana Police Constable Exam?
Our Team has already mentioned the complete Schedule for the Constable GD Examination in this article.
What is the Haryana Police Constable Syllabus 2023?
The essay will include questions on general studies, general science, current affairs, general reasoning, mental aptitude, number ability, agriculture, animal husbandry, other relevant fields/trades, etc.
What is the minimum height and chest for the Haryana Police Constable Recruitment 2023?
- General- 170 CMS for Male and 158 CMS for Female
- Reserve Category- Male (168 cm); Female (156 cms)
- General category- 83 CMS for Male (unexpanded) and 87 CMS with Expanded.
- Reserved Category- Male (81 cm (Unexpanded) to 85 cm (Expanded))