Assam Police SI Result 2023 SLPRB Assam Sub Inspector Cut off Marks & Merit List Category wise www.slprbassam.in
The State Level Police Recruitment Board Assam has conducted “Recruitment for 116 Vacancies of Sub-Inspectors (Un-Armed Branch)”. Also, Authority organized Combined Written Test for SI (AB-UB), Platoon Commander and Assistant Jailor on 02.04.2023. Also, the list of selected candidates is appearing in Physical Standard Test & Physical Efficiency Test. Therefore, aspirants first check Assam Sub Inspector Result Name wise for next selection Phase. Further, Department will organize Sub Inspector PST PET on 25, 26 & 27 April 2023 at various centers.
Meanwhile, We will provide a direct link to download the SLPRB Assam Police SI Result 2023 here. It is equally important to secure minimum SLPRB Assam SI Cutoff marks from the total score. Recently, the Exam authority has completed Recruitment for 597 Sub Inspector AB-UB Posts.
The Assam Police SI Cut off marks will play a very important role in the Examination. Aspirants are advised to check SLPRB Assam Cut-off Marks/ Merit List from this article. For more details related to Assam Sub Inspector Result, you can refer to our website. Contenders who have qualified Assam Police SI Written Exam are selected for the post. Scroll down the article to read more about Assam SLPRB Sub Inspector Result.
Assam Police SI Result 2023 Cut off Marks
Good News for all those candidates who appeared in Combined Written Test for Sub Inspector, Platoon Commander and Assistant Jailor Posts. Recently, Assam State Level Police Recruitment Board has issued an employment notice. And large number of applicants have registered for SLPRB Assam SI Bharti. And then, Recruitment Board has held the Written Exam on 12 April 2023. Now aspirants are searching the Assam Sub Inspector Result, Cutoff and Merit List.
Likewise, Examinees have to undergo a Written Exam, Physical Standard & Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Test. If you will qualify for the Exam and then a list of shortlisted candidates will invite for PST PET. We have provided here the category Assam Police SI Expected Cut off Marks.
असम पुलिस भर्ती बोर्ड द्वारा सब-इंस्पेक्टर, प्लाटून कमांडर एवं असिस्टेंट जेलर पदों पर लिखित परीक्षा दिनांक 02 अप्रैल 2023 आयोजित की गई है। अब बोर्ड ने निरीक्षक एग्जाम रिजल्ट घोषित कर दिया है। और अब योग्य अभ्यर्थी शारीरिक मानक परीक्षण एवं दक्षता परीक्षा देंगे जो 25 26 व 27 अप्रैल 2023 को आयोजित हो रही है। इसलिए सबसे पहले अभ्यर्थी यहाँ से आसाम पुलिस सब इंस्पेक्टर रिजल्ट देखे।
SLPRB Assam Sub Inspector Exam 2023
Organization Name | State Level Police Recruitment Board, Assam |
Post Name | Sub Inspector, Platoon Commander, Assistant Jailor |
Total Vacancy | 116 Vacancies |
Type of Exam | Combined Written Exam |
Job Category | Police Jobs |
Category | Assam Police SI Result |
SLPRB Assam SI Exam Date | 02 April 2023 |
Assam SI PST/PET Dates | 25, 26 & 27 April 2023 |
SLPRB Assam SI Result | Release Soon |
Selection Process | Written Test, PST/PET, Medical Test, Document Verification |
Job Location | Assam |
Official Website | www.slprbassam.in |
Assam Police Sub Inspector Cut off Marks 2023
SLRPB Assam Sub Inspector Cut-off marks are the minimum marks obtained by the aspirants to get qualified in the exam and be able to appear for the PST/ PET, Document Verification, Proficiency in Computers, and Extra Circular activities. Contenders can also check their exam scores by checking the SLPRB Assam SI Category-wise Cut off marks list available with the merit list. However, applicants who will secure marks above the minimum cut-off marks will be shortlisted for the next selection phase round.
- Total candidates appeared in the exam
- Previous year cut-offs
- Vacancy Available
- The difficulty level of the paper
- Category wise
How to download Assam Police SI Result 2023
Finally, the Assam Sub Inspector Result is available to download online. Candidates also keep login credentials to download SLPRB SI Written Exam Score. Moreover, they may follow the below steps to check the Sub Inspector Result. Apart from this, you have to find passing status such as Name, Roll number, Category, Cutoff and obtain marks.
- Candidates first visit the official website of the Assam Police Department i.e. www.slprbassam.in.
- On the Home Page, you need to search the Result Link which is available on the right side.
- And then, Click on Assam Police Sub Inspector Result Link
- Fill in all relevant details i.e. Roll Number, Name, Date of Birth and Password
- Also, Now Click on Submit Button
- Now your Assam Police SI Exam Merit List is displayed on your computer screen.
- Finally, download and save the Assam Police SI Result 2023 for further use.
Download SLPRB Assam Sub Inspector Result
Check Sub Inspector (UB) PST/PET Notice
Assam Police SI Cut off Marks
Here, Our team is providing an official Cut off for Male/Female candidates. The written exam was held for 100 Marks. Board has decided on minimum qualifying marks category-wise. If you secure minimum passing marks then a list of qualified candidates will be called for the Physical Test (PST/PET).
Category | Male | Female |
General | 34 to 39 | 40 to 45 |
OBC | 30 to 35 | 38 to 43 |
EWS | 25 to 30 | 35 to 40 |
SC | 30 to 35 | 37 to 42 |
ST | 30 to 35 | 35 to 40 |
Assam Police SI Merit List 2023
The SLPRB Assam Sub Inspector Merit List contains the name of the candidates who have qualified the minimum qualifying marks of the examination. You can check the Merit List on the official website. Roll Numbers are given in the Merit List PDF in this article check whether you are selected or not. The merit list will also be prepared based on the highest marks obtained by the candidate in the exam. If your name is in the Final Merit list then you will eligible for an appointment. However, Board will issue Selection List after releasing Assam Police SI Result 2023.
SLPRB Assam Sub Inspector Selection Process
The applicants will be selected on the basis of many rounds for Assam SI. The process includes a written test, selected in the exam will give pst/pet and then document verification, computer proficiency, and extra-curricular activities will be taken. See all the tests below with the marks.
- Written Exam
- Document Verification
- Computer Proficiency
- Extra-Curricular Activities
Test Name | Marks |
Written Test | 100 |
Extra-Curricular Activities | 30 |
Computer Proficiency | 30 |
Physical Efficiency Test | 40 |
Total | 200 |
FAQs for Assam Police SI Result 2023
Question- How can check Assam Police SI PST PET Result?
Answer- Our team has mentioned simple steps to access the Scorecard of Sub Inspector Physical Test in this article.
Question- When was the Physical Test held?
Answer- The Recruitment board has conducted the Physical Standard Test and Physical Efficiency Test from 25 to 27 May 2023.
Question- Where can we check the Assam Sub Inspector Result?
Answer- From the official website, www.slprbassam.in or police.assam.gov.in, aspirants may access their Results.
Question- Do we need to enter the login details to check Assam Police SI Result 2023?
Answer- yes, students have to enter login credentials to see the scorecard.
Question- What detail are available on the Exam Scorecard?
Answer- The scorecard will display the scores obtained by the candidates along with the cutoff.
Question- Do candidates need to qualify for the PET and PST in the Assam Police SI exam?
Answer- Yes, it is mandatory to qualify the PET and PST for the final selection.
Disclaimer – Thus, we have mentioned all the latest information on Assam Police SI Result 2023 from the official website. You can also check SLPRB Assam Police SI Exam Cut off Marks, and Merit List. Candidates can further visit the official website for more details. Still, they may ask any doubt by putting comments here.