Assam Police SI Cut off Marks 2023 SLPRB Sub Inspector Cut off List Category wise- The Assam State Level Police Recruitment Board has organized the Combined Written Test for Sub Inspector (AB-UB), Platoon Commander and Assistant Jailor Posts. And the test has been held successfully on 02 April 2023 at various Exam Centres. A huge number of applicants have participated in this competitive Exam. Now they are searching for SLPRB Assam Sub Inspector Exam Score, Cutoff marks and Merit list.
Besides, we are introducing the expected and Previous Cutoff for General, OBC, SC, ST and EWS Categories. As per the report, 1.5 times more aspirants will declare qualify for Physical Standard Test and Physical Efficiency Test. Therefore, applicants visit the below link and check Assam Police SI Assistant Jailor Cutoff List. The written exam was held for 100 Marks. If you secure marks equal to or above Cut off then you will be eligible for the next selection phases. Meanwhile, students may check expected Assam Police SI Cut off Marks and Final Cut off category-wise. More details about Assam SLPRB SI Cut off are available below.
Assam Police SI Cut off Marks 2023 Sub Inspector Merit List
The Assam Police Recruitment Board is recruiting eligible candidates for Sub Inspector (AB-UB) Bharti. And job seekers have registered for 116 Vacancies of Platoon Commander, Assistant Jailor and Sub Inspector Posts. Likewise, candidates have to undergo a Written Exam, Physical Standard & Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Test. If you will qualify for the Exam and then a list of shortlisted candidates will invite for PST PET. We have provided here the category Assam Police SI Expected Cut-off Marks.
Board has recently organized Written Exam on 02.04.2023 at various affiliated centers. And then the written test has 100 Marks. Applicants have to secure a minimum SLPRB Sub Inspector Cutoff out of the total score. And then, they are going to appear Physical Standard Test and Physical Efficiency Test (PST & PET).
असम पुलिस भर्ती बोर्ड द्वारा सब-इंस्पेक्टर, प्लाटून कमांडर एवं असिस्टेंट जेलर पदों पर लिखित परीक्षा दिनांक 02 अप्रैल 2023 आयोजित की गई है। अब बोर्ड ने निरीक्षक एग्जाम रिजल्ट घोषित कर दिया है। और अब योग्य अभ्यर्थी शारीरिक मानक परीक्षण एवं दक्षता परीक्षा देंगे जो 25, 26 व 27 अप्रैल 2023 को आयोजित हो रही है। इसलिए सबसे पहले अभ्यर्थी यहाँ से आसाम पुलिस सब इंस्पेक्टर रिजल्ट देखे।
Assam Police Jail Warder Result
SLPRB Assam Police Sub Inspector Exam 2023 Details
Organization Name | State Level Police Recruitment Board, Assam |
Post Name | Sub Inspector |
Total Vacancy | 597 Posts |
Job Category | Police Jobs |
Category | Result |
SLPRB Assam SI Exam Date | 02 April 2023 |
Assam SI PST/PET Dates | 25, 26 & 27 April 2023 |
SLPRB Assam SI Result | Release Soon |
Selection Process | Written Test, PST/PET, Document Verification, Proficiency in Computers, Extra-Curricular activities |
Job Location | Assam |
Official Website | www.slprbassam.in |
www.slprbassam.in Police SI Final Cut off Marks 2023
Finally, Sub Inspector Exam Score is available along with the Cutoff. it is equally important to obtain minimum SLPRB SI Exam Cutoff Marks. Likewise, Assam Sub Inspector Cut off Marks are the minimum required marks to qualify for the Examination. The authority decides these passing marks category-wise out of total marks. We know that the written exam was held for 100 Marks. So we have also given official Cut off marks or percentile category-wise.
The department fixes different Assam Police SI Cut off marks for different categories. The Cut off List will Prepare based on various factors. Hence Authority determines the Cut off marks on the basis of the followings factors-
- Total Vacancies
- Number of candidates who appeared in the Exam
- Exam paper difficulty Level
- Category wise reservation
- Previous Cut off marks
Assam SLPRB Sub Inspector Cut off for Male/Female
Category | Male | Female |
Unreserved | 44.50 | 34.50 |
General (EWS) | 37.50 | 27.00 |
OBC/MOBC | 40.50 | 31.00 |
SC | 41.00 | 29.50 |
ST(H) | 38.00 | 31.00 |
ST(P) | 41.50 | 31.50 |
How to check Assam Police SI Cut off & Result
The Assam Police Sub Inspector Cut off List will release along with the Result. As we discussed the Assam Police SI Cut off marks decided based on the number of vacancies, the Difficulty level of the Exam, the Number of candidates who appeared in the Exam and the Analysis of the Previous Year Cut off Marks. They follow the below steps to see the Assam SLPRB SI Cut off Marks –
- Visit the official site of the Assam Police Department i.e. www.slprbassam.in.
- On the Home Page, you need to search the Result Link which is available on the right side.
- Now Click on Assam Police Sub Inspector Cut off Marks Link
- Fill in all relevant details i.e. Roll Number, Name, Date of Birth and Password
- Now Click on Submit Button
- Assam Police SI Exam Merit List shall display on your computer screen.
- Now if you get to qualify to take a hard copy of it for the next selection phase.
Click here- Assam Sub Inspector Cut off
Assam Sub Inspector Merit List 2023
The Recruitment board will make a Merit list based on marks from the written Examination and Physical Efficiency Test. The Physical Standard test is qualifying in nature. The PST will carry no marks. Once a candidate clears the PST, he/she will have to appear in the Physical Efficiency Test (PET).
Candidates with the highest Marks in Sub Inspector Exam list top of the Assam Police SI Merit List. After issuing the official Merit list, candidates check the status and list of selected candidates for final appointment.
Selection Process for Assam Police SI Recruitment
There are various selection phases for Sub Inspector Bharti like Written Test, Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Document Verification.
Written Examination
The written test will be of 100 marks and OMR based. There will be 100 questions and each question will be of 1 (one) mark.
Candidates numbering only 5 times the number of posts in respect of each category (Unreserved, S.T. (P), S.T.(H), OBC/MOBC) both male & female will be called for PST (Physical Standard Test) and PET (Physical Efficiency Test) on merit basis.
Scrutiny of Documents – Call letters and the identity of the candidates through the biometric system will check before the qualified candidate is allowed to appear in the Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) as per the given eligibility criteria.
Physical Standard Test- After the Call letter and the identity are found correct, the candidates will be asked to appear in the PST. The PST will carry no marks.
Physical Efficiency Test:- 40 Marks
The Physical Efficiency Test will carry 40 marks. It will have 2 (two) events viz.
- 1600 meters race for male candidates and 800 meters race for female candidates
- Long Jump – for males 335 cm (minimum) and for females 244cm (minimum), 3 chances (longest valid jump will be considered)
Male candidates:
a) Race: Those who qualify in the PST will have to appear in 1600 meters race to be completed within 450 seconds. Maximum qualifying time 450 seconds.
b) Long Jump: Minimum 335 cm for long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).
Thus, we have provided Assam Police SI Cut off marks 2023. We have also given information about Assam SLRB Sub Inspector Cut-off List from various news sources. You can further put your comment if have any doubt/Mistakes in the Assam Police Sub Inspector Cutoff.