MH SET Result 2023 Maharashtra SET Exam Score, State Eligibility Test Cut off Marks Category Wise, and How to check UNIPUNE SET Exam Scorecard, Result of SET Exam 26 March 2023 at setexam.unipune.ac.in (The Interim Answer key Concerning SET Exam Held On 26th March, 2023)
The Organization of Savitribai Phule Pune University has conducted “Maharashtra State Eligibility (MH-SET)”. Also, Paper 1 & Paper 2 of the SET Entrance Test has been held on 26 march 2023 at various Exam Centres. At present, many candidates are waiting for SPPU SET Exam Result and Merit List. As per official news, Pune University SET Result will issue in mid of April 2023. The government determines eligibility for Assistant Professors. Moreover, aspirants see category-wise SPPU SET Cutoff Marks for General OBC, SC ST and EWS.
In addition, applicants have to obtain minimum qualifying Marks for paper-I and Paper-II. We have provided a direct link to get MH SET Exam Results for Paper-I and Paper II. Further, Students who will get equal or above the minimum passing marks will be declared qualified for the MH SET Examination.
Meanwhile, MH SET Result 2023 page contains useful details about candidates. After getting the Maharashtra SET Result contenders must check details like Name, Roll Number, Exam marks, Cut off marks, and Rank. They are also able to get Subject wise MH SET Exam marks from here. You can also Verify Maharashtra State Eligibility Test Cut-off Marks 2023 from here. The Authority will find eligibility for Assistant Professor through MH SET 2023. So candidates need to qualify for Maharashtra SET written exam and get selected for the CV document verification.
MH SET Result 2023 Unipune SPPU SET Exam Result Merit List
The Savitribai Phule Pune University organized the Maharashtra State Eligibility Test on 26.03.2023. Aspirants will be eligible for the Assistant Professor Junior Research Fellowship (JRF).
It is equally important to obtain minimum marks in aggregate of both the papers i.e. Paper 1 & Paper 2, for eligibility for Assistant Professor. The Board has decided on minimum Marks for Paper-I & Paper-II and we have procedure & Criteria for the Declaration MH SET Results below in this article. The entire candidate who has successfully completed their MH SET written exam on the official date can now check the Maharashtra SET Exam Result, Cut off Marks, and Merit List.
Latest News- The University has declared the Result of the SET Exam on 26th March 2023. Students check the list of qualified candidates. They may check the MH SET Exam score to enter the Seat Number, Name, Date of birth and mobile number.
Maharashtra State Eligibility Test 2023 Details
Organization Name | Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) |
Post Name | Assistant Professor |
Exam Name | Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (MH SET) |
MH SET Exam Date | 26th March 2023 |
MH SET Result Date | Mid of April 2023 |
Category | Maharashtra SET Result |
Location | Maharashtra |
Examination Mode | Online/ Objective Mode |
Official Website | www.setexam.unipune.ac.in |
महाराष्ट्र SET परिणाम 2023
सावित्रीबाई फुले पुणे विश्वविद्यालय (SPPU) के संगठन ने 26 March 2023 को UNIPUNE SET परीक्षा आयोजित की है। अधिकारी जल्द ही पेपर 1 और पेपर 2 के लिए MH SET Paper 1 & 2 Result की घोषणा करेंगे। महाराष्ट्र SET एडमिट कार्ड विवरण का उपयोग करके उम्मीदवार जांच कर सकते हैं महाराष्ट्र राज्य पात्रता परीक्षा परीक्षा परिणाम। जिन उम्मीदवारों को लिखित परीक्षा के लिए शॉर्टलिस्ट की गई सूची में अपना नाम मिलेगा, उन्हें आगे की चयन प्रक्रिया के लिए चुना जाएगा।
आप यहां से Maharashtra SET Result भी सत्यापित कर सकते हैं। एमएच सेट लिखित परीक्षा चयनित उम्मीदवारों को प्रमाणपत्र सत्यापन के लिए बुलाया जाएगा। इसलिए उम्मीदवारों को महाराष्ट्र सेट लिखित परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करने और सीवी दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन के लिए चयनित होने की आवश्यकता है।
Declaration of Maharashtra SET Result 2023
Students need to obtain minimum Marks in aggregate of both the papers i.e. Paper-I and Paper-II for eligibility for Assistant Professor as given below-
Category | Minimum Marks (%) to be obtained | |
Paper-I | Paper-II | |
Open/EWS/Orphan | 40% aggregate Marks in both the papers taken together | |
SC/ST/PH/VH(Disability 40% or more)/Trans-genders * OBC/DT(A)(VJ)/NT(B)/NT(C)/ NT(D)/SBC/SEBC (Non Creamy Layer only) | 35% Aggregate marks in both the papers taken together |
How to Check MH SET Result 2023 Paper-I & Paper-II
The Maharashtra SET Result declared by the Savitribai Phule University is the official website. The Result will available in PDF format which consists of useful information like the Roll Number of aspirants selected as finally qualified. Authority decides minimum passing marks and 40% marks for General and 35% for reserved categories. The Department issues the E-Certificate and Marksheet after releasing MH SET Result 2023.
Candidates will have to open the official website of the exam to check the MH SET Result. If you will face any difficulty checking the MH SET Paper 1 & 2 Result, you can take the help of the following instructions.
- First, Visit the official website of Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) i.e. setexam.unipune.ac.in.
- From the homepage, search for the Maharashtra SET Result 2023 link.
- And then Open the desired link
- After that, enter login details such as DOB, Name, Seat Number and Application number
- Also, click on the submit button.
- The MH SET Entrance Exam Result will display on your window screen.
- Finally, Download and save SPPUSET Exam Cut-off Marks and result for further use.
Category-wise MH SET Exam Cut off
Click here- Maharashtra SET Result
MH SET Cut off Marks 2023 Minimum Qualifying Marks
The Maharashtra SET Cut-off Marks is the minimum qualifying mark announced by the exam organizer i.e. Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). The Cut off Marks uses to shortlist qualified candidates on the basis of their scored marks. Every candidate has to score at least equal to or above the MH SET Cut off marks to get qualified for the MH SET Written Examination.
If any of the students fail to reach the minimum qualifying marks will disqualify from the further process. The Cutoff Marks will declare on the basis of some of the factors, which are the Total number of exam candidates who appeared, Total number of qualified candidates, Total vacancies and the Difficulty Level of the question papers.
The process to declare Maharashtra SET Exam Score Card
- It is mandatory for all candidates to secure minimum MH SET Qualifying marks Category-wise. There is 40% minimum passing mark for the Open/EWS category and 35% marks for all other categories.
- Amongst those candidates who have appeared in both the papers and cleared Step-I, a merit list will prepare subject-wise and category-wise using the aggregate marks of both the papers secured by such candidates.
- According to UGC’s directive, 6% of the appearing candidates are to declare qualified for Eligibility for Assistant Professor only (Appearing means appearing in both the papers of SET).
No. of qualifying slots for a subject Under the General Category =
(No. of candidates who fulfilled minimum eligibility in that subject under General category) X ( No. of slots available under General category)
Total no. of candidates who fulfilled minimum Eligibility in all subjects Under General Category
Latest Update– Savitribai Phule Pune University has released MH SET Answer Key for Paper-I & Paper-II. Aspirants check MH SET December Paper Solution for Booklet-A, Booklet-B, Booklet-C, and Booklet-D. Hence students can Answer Key and download the Feedback Form for SET Examination which has held on 26th March 2023.
MH SET Merit List 2023
The Maharashtra SET Merit List will prepare based on Exam Score. Those Merit List candidates are having some priority for a further selection process based on the obtained marks in the written examination. Check the Merit List at the time of the Maharashtra SET Result declaration.
The Maharashtra State Eligibility Test Exam Result will announce after the UNIPUNE SET Written Exam completion. The Candidates who have appeared for the exam are now eagerly waiting for the MH SET Result 2023 declaration. The selection will base on the Final merit list. First of all, candidates check the Rank list and then list of eligible aspirants will eligible for Assistant Professor Jobs.
FAQs for MH SET Result 2023
Question- What are the MH SET Cut off Marks
Answer- We have described the minimum qualifying marks for Paper-I and Paper II in this article.
Question- When the Maharashtra SET Result will declare?
Answer- The University has declared the SPPU SET Result in April 2023
Question- From where we can access the SPPU MH SET Exam Result?
Answer- Our team has mentioned some simple to get the score in this article.
Question- When will the waiting list release?
Answer- The students are requested to kindly refer to the relevant advertisement available on the official website. The validity of the reserve list is clearly given.
Thus, we have given complete details of Maharashtra SET Result, Cut off Marks, Merit List. Also, it is the responsibility of candidates to check the MH SET Result 2023 using the above link. Further, they may ask any doubt by putting comments here.
Important Links