ASRB NET SMS STO Result 2023 ICAR ASRB National Eligibility Test Score Result Name wise, ASRB SMS Cut Off Marks Category wise, ASRB STO Merit List at www.asrb.org.in
Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board has organized a Computer Based Test for NET-2023, SMS (T-6) & STO (T-6). And CBT Exam for these posts has been held from 26th April to 30 April 2023 at various test centers. Many candidates have appeared in the national Eligibility Test, Subject Matter Specialist and Senior Technical Officer Exam. Also, they are waiting for ASRB CBT Results for the NET SMS and STO Examination. A list of qualified candidates will call for the next selection phase i.e. Interview/viva-voice. There are 195 vacancies to recruit through only a single online Computer based Exam.
Moreover, aspirants may check Cutoff Marks along with ASRB NET SMS STO Result 2023. They have to login using their registration number and Date of birth. We have provided here qualifying marks for Combined Exam for National Eligibility Test, Subject Matter Specialist and Senior Technical Officer (T-6). Further, the Recruitment board will prepare the ASRB SMS Merit List category-wise. Hence, candidates check ASRB Expected Cutoff and Previous Year NET SMS STO Cutoff List for general, OBC, SC, ST and EWS categories.
ASRB NET SMS STO Result 2023 Cutoff Merit List
Finally, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board has announced “Combined Notification for NET-2023, SMS (T-6) and STO (T-6) Examination-2023”. Authority has invited NET, SMS & STO (T-6) from 26 March to 10 April 2023. Many aspirants have applied for the latest ASRB Recruitment. in addition, Department has conducted a Computer Based Test from 26 to 30 April 2023 at various Exam Centres. Generally, there was only a single written Exam for the Final Selection. Candidates have to secure minimum ASRB SMS STO Cutoff marks category-wise out of 150 marks. Further, a list of qualified applicants in SMS and STO (T-6) will invite for Personal Interviews (30 marks).
Therefore, we have uploaded here category-wise ASRB NET Cutoff Marks for General, OBC, SC, ST. You visit below official link to download the Exam Score, Result and Merit list for National Eligibility Test, Subject Matter Specialist and Senior Technical Officer
ARS NET and STO 2021 Exam Updates
Recently ASRB has declared Agricultural Research Service Final Result. And 208 candidates in 47 disciplines have been recommended for appointment to Entry level scientific posts. Before this, Board has conducted the Preliminary Exam in August 2021 and Main Exam on 28 November 2021. And then, the department organized Viva-voce on 09 December 2022. ON 12 january 2023, ASRB ARS NET STO 2021 result was declared. Visit the below link to check the Results and Apply NET, SMS & STO Exam 2023.
ASRBNET-2023, SMS (T-6) and STO (T-6) Examination-2023 Details
Organization Name | Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) |
Test Name | Combined Examination for National Eligibility Test (NET)-2023, Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) and Senior Technical Officer STO (T-6) |
Total Posts | 195 Vacancies |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Pan India |
ASRB NET SMS Online Form Dates | 26 March to 10 April 2023 |
NET SMS STO Exam Date | 26 April to 30 April 2023 |
ICAR NET Exam Result | Declare Soon |
Post Category | ASRB National Eligibility Test Result |
Official Website | www.asrb.org.in |
एएसआरबी एआरएस परिणाम 2023
कृषि वैज्ञानिक भर्ती बोर्ड ने सब्जेक्ट मटर स्पेशलिस्ट (SMS) (टी-6) और सीनियर टेक्निकल ऑफिसर (STO) के कुल 195 पदों पर भर्ती का नोटिफिकेशन जारी किया है। इसके लिए योग्य अभ्यर्थियों ने दिनांक 26 मार्च से 10 अप्रैल 2023 तक ऑनलाइन आवेदन किये है। साथ ही बोर्ड ने 26 से 30 अप्रैल तक कंप्यूटर आधारित परीक्षा आयोजित की है। अब सभी छात्रों को ASRB रिजल्ट का इन्तकार है। आपको बता दे की एनईटी, एसएमएस एवं एसटीओ परीक्षा कुल 150 अंक की है। और आपको उत्तीर्ण होने के लिए न्यूनतम अर्हतांक प्राप्त करने होंगे जो हमने यहाँ पर दिए है। इसके अलावा परीक्षार्थी यहाँ से ASRB SMS STO कटऑफ मार्क्स भी देख सकते है।
परिणाम को देखने के लिए आपको निचे दिए लिंक को विजिट करना होगा। इसके लिए आपने लॉगिन डिटेल्स जैसे रजिस्ट्रेशन नंबर एवं जन्मतिथि दर्ज करे और ASRB रिजल्ट की जाँच करे। हम जानते हैं कि बहुत से उम्मीदवार ASRB ARS परिणाम की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं। अधिकारियों ने इसके पोर्टल पर NET, SMS और STO परीक्षा परिणाम जारी किए हैं।
ASRB SMS STO Cutoff Marks 2023
The Cutoff Marks are the minimum qualifying marks required to pass the Exam. As per the latest Exam pattern, the written Exam has been held for 150 marks. Board has already fixed the minimum passing marks for General, OBC, SC, ST and EWS Categories. There are different ASRB Cutoff Marks for each post like NET, SMS (T-6) and STO (T-6). Authority will determine based on various factors. Moreover, they can see ASRB Subject Matter Specialist expected cutoff Marks. And then, based on exam scores, the board will prepare a Merit list.
Minimum Marks Required for Qualifying NET SMS & STO-2023
Category | Qualifying Marks |
Unreserved (UR) | 75.0 (50%) |
OBC, EWS | 67.5 (45%) |
SC, ST, PwBD | 60.0 (40%) |
How to Download ICAR ASRB NET SMS STO Result Name wise
We want to tell the candidates that ASRB SMS Result and Cut off marks will release on the same day through online mode. Candidates have to visit the official website and follow the below-given steps to check the Exam Result.
- First, Visit the official portal of the ASRB i.e. http://www.asrb.org.in/.
- Now, search for the NET, SMS and STO (T-6) Examination-2023 link given on the page.
- Click on that, there you will find the relevant link.
- Later, you can click on the given link.
- The ASRB National Eligibility Test Result 2023 will be available on the screen.
- Download and Take a printout of the ICAR ASRB NET SMS STO Result 2023.
Download ASRB Result – Click here
Details Present on ASRB Result 2023
If you are checking the ASRB NTA Results card then you should check the mentioned below details. Here we are sharing some important details, verifying them on the NET result sheet.
- Minimum Scores
- Marks Obtained
- Center Details
- Date of Test
- NET Roll Number
- Centre Code
- Name of Test
- Status
- Candidate Name
ASRB Exam Scheme
The Exam was of Objective Type & the Questions were in the form of Multiple Type Choice Questions (MCQs). The total number of questions in this exam was 150 questions. The maximum Marks for this exam were 150 marks. Every question was of 1 mark each. The time allocated for this exam was of 2 hours. There was also a Negative Marking of 1/3 marks for attempting the wrong answers.
Thus, We have given all the information related to ASRB ARS Result 2023 from the official website. We hope that all candidates will easily check Subject Matter Specialist Cutoff List using the above link. Further, they may ask any doubt by putting comments here.