ASRB NET Cut off Marks 2023 SMS STO Exam Score Merit List, Cutoff Marks of Selected Candidates in ARS-2021 Exam at www.asrb.org.in
The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board has organized NET-2023, SMS and STO (T-6) Exam 2023 successfully. And the online Computer Based Exam has been held from 26 April to 30 April 2023. Now aspirants are searching Answer key, Result and Cutoff List. A huge number of candidates have attended this competitive Exam. And now they want to see their ASRB NET SMS STO Result Roll Number wise. Along with Exam Score, we are introducing here the Expected ASRB Cut off Marks for the National Eligibility Test, Subject Matter Specialist and Senior Technical Officer Posts. Candidates have to undergo a written Exam (150 Marks) and Interview (30 Marks) for Final Selection on SMS & STO Posts.
Moreover, aspirants check ASRB NET Cut off Marks out of 150 Marks. By the way, Authority has fixed the ASRB Minimum Qualifying Marks for General, OBC/EWS, SC & ST Categories. It is equally important to secure these ASRB Exam Cutoff Marks to qualify the Exam. Candidates may further visit the official website www.asrb.org.in for more details.
ASRB NET Cut off Marks 2023 SMS STO Exam Cutoff List
The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board is finding eligibility for Assistant Professor, Subject Matter Specialist and Senior Technical Officer. So there are 195 vacancies to recruit through NET 2023, SMS and STO (T-6) Examination. Recently, Authority invited online Applications from 26 March to 10 April 2023. Lakh number of candidates have applied for ASRB Recruitment. After that, Department has organized an online Computer Based between 26 to 30 April 2023. Now all examinees are searching their ASRB NET SMS STO Cutoff, Score and Merit List.
Candidates have to secure minimum ASRB SMS STO Cutoff marks category-wise out of 150 marks. Further, a list of qualified applicants in SMS and STO (T-6) will invite for Personal Interviews (30 marks). Therefore, we have uploaded here category-wise ASRB NET Cutoff Marks for General, OBC, SC, ST.
ASRB NET 2023, SMS and STO (T-6) Examination 2023 Details
Organization Name | Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) |
Test Name | Combined Examination for National Eligibility Test (NET)-2023, Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) and Senior Technical Officer STO (T-6) |
Total Posts | 195 Vacancies |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Pan India |
ASRB NET SMS Online Form Dates | 26 March to 10 April 2023 |
NET SMS STO Exam Date | 26 April to 30 April 2023 |
ASRB NET Cut off Marks | Declare Soon |
Post Category | ASRB NET SMS STO Cutoff |
Official Website | www.asrb.org.in |
asrb.org.in NET Cutoff 2023 SMS STO Qualifying Marks
Finally, The online written Exam for National Eligibility Test, Subject Matter Specialist and Senior Technical officer has been completed. And Board has also fixed the minimum Cutoff Marks category-wise out of 150 Marks for NET, SMS and STO. And applicants have to secure these passing marks to qualify the Exam. Moreover, There are various factors based on Board will prepare ASRB Cutoff List.
Meanwhile, the Exam agency has decided on minimum ASRB NET Qualifying Marks for each category. only those applicants will consider qualified who secure the minimum passing Marks.
Category | Min. Qualifying Marks |
Unreserved /UR | 75 Marks (50%) |
OBC/EWS | 67.5 Marks (45%) |
SC/ST | 60 Marks (40%) |
PwBD | 60 Marks (40%) |
ASRB NET SMS STO Cut off Marks 2023
The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board has organized the National Eligibility Test, Subject Matter Specialist and Senior Technical Officer exam. For selection on SMS and STO posts, candidates will have to give computer-based test and interviews. The same NET exam will be of 150 marks for selection to the posts of Lecturer/Assistant Professor. The board has already fixed the minimum passing marks. Thus the candidate has to score equal to or more than these passing marks to pass the exam.
However, we are providing here ASRB NET Expected Cut off Marks subject & Discipline wise. Recently, Department has issued Cut off for ARS Examination 2021. Recruitment Board will prepare ASRB SMS STO Cutoff List based on various factors such as –
- Total Posts
- Number of candidates
- Exam Difficulty Level
- Previous Cutoff
- Reservation
- Depends on Vacancy
ASRB Merit List 2023
Candidates obtaining marks more than or equal to the Cut off will be eligible for the next round of the Recruitment process such as interviews. They will have to clear the Sectional as well as the overall ASRB NET SMS STO Cutoff. As per reports, Cutoff will be different for each of the categories. And then, Board will also issue the merit List after the declaration the Result. The merit List will be based on the Result of the National Eligibility Test. As we all know that a separate ASRB Merit list will prepare for each discipline.
How to check ASRB NET Cut off Marks 2023 Online
- First, all candidates visit the official website @asrb.org.in
- And then, find NET, ARS, SMS (T-6) and STO Examination Link
- After that, Choose the Result Link for NET SMS and STO Exam 2023
- Open the desired link and find status like Name, Category, DOB, Obtain Marks and Roll number
- Also, open the ASRB SMS STO Cut off Marks
- Check Category and Discipline-wise ASRB Cutoff List
- Finally, download and save the ASRB NET Result & Cutoff for further use
Cut off marks for NET, SMS & STO – Click here
However, Detailed ASRB Result, in order of Merit based on the number of vacancies intimated by the Council is available on this page. The NET SMS STO Exam marks of the aspirants will be made available on the official website within 60 days from the Date of publication of the Result. We hope that all aspirants wil easily check ASRB NET Cut off Marks 2023 from here.