WB TET Syllabus 2023-24 West Bengal TET Exam Pattern, Download WB Primary TET Syllabus Subject wise, WBBPE TET Paper 1 & Paper 2 Syllabus PDF
West Bengal Board of Primary Education is going to organize the “Teacher Eligibility Test -2023 (Primary)”. And this year, the WB TET Entrance Exam will be held on 10th December 2023 across the state. Presently, Many aspirants are preparing for this Competitive Exam. So they collect the latest study materials to cover WB TET Syllabus for Paper I and Paper II. Many aspirants opted for First Paper for Primary Teacher (Class 1 to 5) and Second Paper for Elementary Teacher (Class 6 to 8).
Therefore, candidates see the WB TET Exam Pattern and then cover all topics of West Bengal TET Paper 1 & paper 2. MOreove, they join online Test, Mock Test and Practice Paper sets for better preparation. Likewise, we are updating the WBBPE Primary TET Syllabus. They also visit the official website wbbprimaryeducation.org for more details.
Latest Update – The West Bengal Board of Primary Education has announced the WB TET Admit Card. The Written Exam is scheduled to be held on 10th December 2023.
WB TET Syllabus 2023-24 WBBPE Primary TET Exam Pattern
The West Bengal Board of Primary Education is recruiting eligible candidates for Teacher Recruitment in the State. Every Year, the Board conducts the Teacher Eligibility Test for Primary Teacher (Class I to V). Recently, Online Applications were invited from eligible applicants from 14 September to 04 October 2023. Lakhs of students are preparing for this Test.
So, they download the WB Primary TET Syllabus and Exam Pattern to prepare well for the Exam. The WBBPE TET Syllabus consists of five Subjects in Paper I i.e. Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I: English, Language-II: Bengali, Mathematics and Environmental Studies. Aspirants will have to mandatorily prepare for major subjects including Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I, Language-II, Math and Science or Social Studies for Paper II.
West Bengal Teacher Eligibility Test-2023 Details
Department Name | West Bengal Board of Primary Education |
Test Name | Teacher Eligibility Test-2023 |
Post Name | Primary Teacher (Class 1 to 5) and Elementary Teacher (Class 6 to 8) |
Job Category | Latest Teaching Jobs |
Location | West Bengal |
Type of Test | Pen and Paper-Based Exam |
WB TET Exam Date | 10th December 2023 |
Selection Process | TET Paper-I
TET Paper-II |
Official website | https://www.wbbpeonline.com/ |
wbbprimaryeducation.org TET Exam Pattern 2023
As per the WB Primary TET Exam Pattern, there will be two papers i.e. Paper I for Classes 1 to 5 and Paper II for Classes 6 to 8. There will be 150 multiple-choice Questions carrying 01 mark each for both Paper-I and Paper-II. You have to solve the Paper in 03 Hours to appear for the Test.
- The Teacher Eligibility Test will hold for Primary and Upper Primary Teachers.
- In this exam, there are two papers i.e. Paper-1 and Paper-2.
- There will be a total of 150 Marks and the Paper will carry 150 objective-type questions.
- The Question Paper will be made from Child Development and Pedagogy, Language & II, mathematics, and environmental studies.
WB TET Primary Teacher Level-I (Classes I to V)
Subject Name | Questions | Marks |
Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I | 30 | 30 |
Language II | 30 | 30 |
Mathematics, Science, and Social Science
Anyone Subject |
60 | 60 |
Total | 150 Questions | 150 Marks |
WB TET Upper Primary Level-II (Classes VI to VIII)
Subject Name | Questions | Marks |
Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I | 30 | 30 |
Language II | 30 | 30 |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
Environmental Studies | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 Questions | 150 Marks |
West Bengal TET Syllabus Subject Wise
With the help of the WB TET Syllabus 2023-24, candidates can score well. We have mentioned the topics below for you so that you can prepare the topics till the exam time. The West Bengal TET Syllabus is available for Primary and Elementary Teachers. Therefore, candidates can improve their knowledge and understand the Exam Pattern. Aspirants can easily get the WB SET Syllabus along with Exam Pattern for both papers.
It is equally important to cover all topics from the WB Primary TET Syllabus carefully. The WBBPE TET Syllabus includes five subjects as Child Development and Pedagogy, Languages, mathematics, Environmental Studies and Science. Meanwhile, examinees must focus on important topics to get higher marks in the Examination.
WB TET Syllabus for Paper-I
Child Development & Pedagogy
- Understanding Child Development during Childhood
- Concept of Inclusive Education and Understanding Children with Special Needs
- Approaches to Teaching and Learning
- Understanding the learning process and learners
- Assessment
English Language- learning English at the Elementary Level, Assessment of English, The Language items, Language Learning, Skills in learning English and Comprehension
Bengali Language– Learning Bengali at the Elementary Level, Language Comprehension, Teaching, Reading and Writing Skills, Assessment of learning Bengali, Language items
WB TET Syllabus for Mathematics
- number System and Operation in numbers
- Assessment in mathematics
- Mathematics Education in Schools
- Measurement
- Shapes and Spatial Relationship
- Methods and Approaches to Teaching-Learning Mathematics
- Data Handling and Patterns
Environmental Studies Syllabus
- Governance
- Methods and Approaches
- Evaluation in EVS
- Concept
- Internal Systems of the Human Body
- Physical Features of West Bengal and India
- health and Diseases
- History of Freedom Struggle in India and West Bengal
- Matter, Force and Energy
WB TET Syllabus for Paper II
Child Development & Pedagogy
- Child Development (Focus on Upper Primary School Children) Learning
- Curriculum Teaching: Learning Approaches and Evaluation
Bengali Language I
- Learning Bengali at the Upper Primary Level
- Elements of Bengali Language
- Language Items
- Contribution of famous literates for the Development of Bengali Language’Teaching language
- Teaching Language
- Assessment of Language
Language II (English)- Learning English at Upper Primary Level, language Items, Comprehension, Development of English language Skills, Assessment of learning the English Language
WBBPE Primary TET Mathematics Syllabus
- Math at Upper Primary Stage
- Algebra
- Shapes and Spatial Relationship
- Methods and Approaches to Teaching-Learning Mathematics
- Evaluation in Mathematics
- number System
- Commercial Arithmetic
West Bengal TET Syllabus for Science Paper-II
- Nature of Science
- Life Science
- Methods and Approaches
- Evaluation in Science
- Physical Science
Social Study Syllabus
- Aims and Objectives of Teaching Social Studies
- Political Science’History and Political Science
- Geography
- Methods and Approaches
- Evaluation in Social Science
WB TET Exam Preparation Tips
- Search for the updated WB TET Syllabus & Exam Pattern Examination.
- Make notes for the last time revision for the test.
- Solve previous year question papers for better preparation for exams.
- Attend Sample Tests online series for preparation.
- Make a self-study Time Table
- Practice mock tests on a regular basis to analyze your performance.
- Make short notes on difficult topics and revise them regularly till the exam date
Disclaimer – Thus, aspirants visit the official website for more updates of the WB TET Syllabus 2023. We have tried to give useful information about WBBPE Primary TET Syllabus in this article. Still, aspirants can ask any doubt by putting comments here.
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