WB TET Admit Card 2023-24 WBBPE Primary TET Exam Date, City Name of Center District wise, Download West Bengal TET Hall Ticket Name wise
All candidates have a question when will the Teacher Eligibility Test conduct in West Bengal State? So, they should be assured now because the Primary Education Board has released the West Bengal TET exam date. Thus, candidates preparing for Primary TET can get information about WB TET Exam date, center city name and district location from here. As per Reports, Exam agency is ready to hold the West Bengal Teacher Eligibility Test on 10th December 2023 at various centers. Likewise, we have uploaded link to access the WB TET Admit Card 2023 Name wise. Examinees should read this article carefully to get details such as the WBBPE Primary TET Call Letter, Where is Primary TET Center is located and others.
WB TET Admit Card 2023-24 Primary TET Exam Date
West Bengal Board of Primary Education is preparing to conduct Primary TET-2023 for Classes I to V. The board will organize the West Bengal Teacher Eligibility Test on 10.12.2023. Besides, Primary TET will hold for various Primary Teachers (Class 1 to 5). However, a large number of aspirants have applied for WB TET from 14 Sept to 04 Oct 2023.
Well, the department will recruit eligible candidates for Primary and Elementary Teacher Posts. Also, the Teacher Eligibility Test conducts with Paper I and Paper II. Paper-1 will be held for Primary Teacher Level-I (Classes 1 to 5) and Paper-2 for Elementary Teacher Level-II (Classes 6 to 8). Generally, the Authority will issue the West Bengal TET Admit Card before 10 days of the Exam.
West Bengal Teacher Eligibility Test Date 2023 Details
Department Name | West Bengal Board of Primary Education |
Test Name | Teacher Eligibility Test-2023 |
Post Name | Primary Teacher (Class 1 to 5) and Elementary Teacher (Class 6 to 8) |
Category | Admit Card |
Location | West Bengal |
Type of Test | Pen and Paper-Based Exam |
WB TET Exam Date | 10 December 2023 |
Admit Card Date | November 2023 last week |
Selection Process | TET Paper-I and Paper-II |
Official website | www.wbbpe.org |
wbbpeonline.com Primary TET Admit Card 2023 Link
The WB TET Admit Card is equally important to enter in the Exam hall. Because invigilators will verify the presence of aspirants using the WBBPE Primary TET Call letter and ID Proof. Hence, applicants should bring the necessary documents during the Examination. In addition, the WB TET Hall Ticket consists of useful details regarding with Candidate and examination. After accessing the Admit Card, aspirants must check the relevant information.
If you face any doubt in West Bengal TET Admit Card details then must contact to exam cell as soon as possible. To correct it. meanwhile, they must ensure about following details available on WB Primary TET Hall Ticket–
- Name and Father Name of Candidate
- Exam Roll number and Registration Number
- Date of birth, Caste, and Category
- Gender
- Exam Date, Day, and Time of Test
- Paper Pattern and section name of Syllabus
- Test Center Name, Code, and Address
- Space for photograph and Signature
- Instructions for the Exam
Required ID with West Bengal TET Hall Ticket 2023
Candidates are also required to bring one photo identity along with WB TET Exam Admit Card to the exam center. Both IDs are required for verification during verification. They choose one ID proof out of the followings –
- Pan Card
- Employee ID Card
- Aadhaar Card
- Voter ID
- Photograph
- Bank Passbook
- Passport
- Driving License
- Any other ID proof issued by a Gazetted officer
- College ID
How to download WB TET Admit Card 2023-24 Name Wise
The Board of Primary Education has finally decided to hold the Teacher Eligibility Test-2023 for Lower Primary Level and Upper Primary Level Teachers. Furthermore, the Authority is going to start Primary TET on 10.12.2023. However, aspirants have to enter their Registration number and Date of birth to access West Bengal TET Admit Card. And lastly, Follow the below steps to download the Admission Certificate-
- First of all, candidates visit the official website i.e. wbbprimaryeducation.org
- On the home page, they select “Notification for holding TET-2023
- And then, Choose Admit Card for the Teacher Eligibility Test
- After that Enter your User ID and Password
- Also, Click on the submit button and WB TET Exam Hall Ticket will display
- Check relevant details available on the WBBPE TET Admit Card
- Finally, Save and take a printout of WB TET Admit Card 2023 for further use.
WB TET Exam Pattern 2023-24
The Teacher Eligibility Test will be held for Primary and Upper Primary Teachers. In this exam, there are two papers i.e. Paper-1 and Paper-2. There will be a total of 150 Marks and the Paper will carry 150 objective-type questions. The Question Paper shall be made from Child Development and Pedagogy, Language & II, Mathematics, and Environmental studies.
FAQs for WB TET Admit Card 2023-24
What is the WB TET Exam Date?
The West Bengal Teacher Eligibility will hold on 10th December 2023.
What is the official site to access WB Primary TET Admit Card 2023?
We have mentioned the link of the official web portal i.e. www.wbbpe.org in this article.
When will the West Bengal TET Admit Card be Released?
The Board announced the WBBPE TET Hall Ticket on 29.11.2023.
In which mode, the WB TET Admit Card will release?
The Admit Card will be issued online mode.
Get the WBBPE Primary TET Exam Call Letter- Click here
Disclaimer – So, we have provided complete information regarding WB TET Admit Card 2023-24. We also hope that applicants will easily download the WBBPE TET Exam Hall Ticket name-wise using the above link. If you want to get more then put your query in below comment box.
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