WB TET Result 2023-24 West Bengal TET Cutoff List, WB Primary Teacher TET Qualifying Marks, WBBPE TET Merit List, Check how to Download WB Primary TET Cutoff Marks Category wise
The West Bengal Board of Primary Education has organized the exam for Teacher Eligibility Test-2023 (Classes I to V, Primary). Authority has conducted this Test to find eligibility for Primary Teacher (1 to 5 Class). The Teacher Eligibility Test – 2023 was held by the board on 10th December 2023. Recently, the official announced the WB Primary TET Result on its portal. Our team has uploaded the direct link to check WB TET Result 2023 below.
Now, they are searching WB Primary TET Result & Cut off Marks. We are also giving here minimum Qualifying Marks and Expected Cutoff Marks category-wise. Applicants have to log in using their User ID (Registration Number) and Password (Date of Birth) to check the WBBPE TET Exam Score. Along with West Bengal Primary TET Result, Cut off Marks, and Merit List will release. And then Board will issue a Final Merit List of qualified candidates in the Teacher Eligibility Exam for Primary Teachers.
Latest Update- The West Bengal Teacher Eligibility Test-2023 (Classes I-V), Primary Result has been released. Now, aspirants can download and check WB TET Result 2023 using below link.
WB TET Result 2023-24 West Bengal Primary TET Cut off Marks
West Bengal Board of Primary Education is preparing to conduct Teacher Eligibility Test-2023. The board held the West Bengal Teacher Eligibility Test on 10.12.2023. Besides, the Board will recruit eligible candidates for Primary and Elementary Teacher Posts. The WB TET has been held for Paper I and Paper II. Paper-1 will be held for Primary Teacher Level-I (Classes 1 to 5) and Paper-2 for Elementary Teacher Level-II (Classes 6 to 8). Read the whole article for WBBPE TET Results.
Moreover, the West Bengal TET Exam has conducted for a total of 150 marks. The board has already fixed the minimum passing marks. But the board will release the official cutoff along with the result. A candidate who secures 60% in TET out of a total of 150 marks will consider a TET-2023 qualified candidate. There will be a relaxation of 5% (55%) for SC, ST, OBC-A, OBC-B, PH, EC, Ex-Servicemen, and DH (Death-in-Harness) candidates.
wbbpeonline.com WB Primary TET Result 2023 Details
Department Name | West Bengal Board of Primary Education |
Test Name | Teacher Eligibility Test-2023 |
Post Name | Primary Teacher (Class 1 to 5) and Elementary Teacher (Class 6 to 8) |
Job Category | Latest Teaching Jobs |
Category | WB TET Result |
Type of Test | Pen and Paper-Based Exam |
WB TET Exam Date | 10 December 2023 |
TET Result Date | Announce Soon |
Selection Process | TET Paper-I, TET Paper-II |
Official website | https://wbbprimaryeducation.org/ |
WB Primary TET Qualifying Marks 2023
The person who appeared for the exam will have to score minimum marks to qualify. General candidates have to secure at least 60% Marks in the test and SC, ST, and OBC candidates require at least 55% Marks. it is equally important to score these passing Marks category wise.
- General Category – 60% Marks
- Reserved category– 55% Marks
How to Download WB TET Result 2023-24
The board has finally released the cutoff marks along with the result. And finally, the merit list of the passed candidates will declare by the board on the basis of which they can apply for Primary Teacher Recruitment. They can check their WB Primary TET Result by visiting the official website www.wbbprimaryeducation.org. In addition, we have given a simple procedure here, follow it –
- First, Visit the official website of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education i.e. www.wbbpe.org.
- From the homepage, search for the link to WB TET Result 2023.
- After that enter the registration number, and date of birth details.
- Now click on the submit button.
- The West Bengal Teacher Result would be available on your screen.
- Finally, Download it and take a printout of the WBBPE Primary TET Result for further use.
WB TET Cut off Marks 2023
Before conducting the Exam, the authority decides the minimum Cutoff Marks Category wise. The Primary Education board has also fixed WB TET Cutoff Marks for General, OBC, SC/ST Categories. Applicants have to obtain these minimum passing or above marks to qualify for the examination. Based on minimum cut off marks aspirants will shortlist for the further process. The board will release the name of shortlisted candidates on the official portal known as the merit list.
Factors affecting WB TET Cut off List 2023
The board will prepare WB TET Cut off List based on various factors. It is already decided how many marks will be qualifying for the test. Department fixed passing marks category-wise3 for General, OBC, SC, ST. In the below table, we have given qualifying Marks and percentile. The following factors are based on which WB TET Cut off Marks will determine.
- Total candidates applied for the examination
- Availability of Seats
- Lowest and average marks in the main examination
- Previous year cut-offs
- Examination difficulty level
- The number of candidates actually appeared for the exam
WBBPE TET Cut off Marks 2023
Category | Previous Cut off | Expected Cut off |
UR/ General | 75 | 73-78 |
OBC | 63 | 60-65 |
SC | 55 | 53-58 |
ST | 52 | 50-55 |
WB TET Result Primary TET Merit List 2023
Likewise, WB TET Merit List contains the name of the applicants who have qualified for the minimum marks. You can check the Merit List on the official portal. Registration Number, Score, and Result are available in the Merit List Pdf. A candidate should qualify in the papers then only the person’s name select for post allotment.
Generally, Assistant Teacher selection list will prepare based on the marks obtained by the candidate in the exam. Persons whose name is on the list will be selected for the Post. Check whether you are selected or not.
West Bengal TET Exam Marking Scheme
The Exam Scheme for West Bengal TET is given below –
- The Teacher Eligibility Test will hold for Primary and Upper Primary Teachers.
- In this exam, there are two papers i.e. Paper-1 and Paper-2.
- There will be a total of 150 Marks and the Paper will carry 150 objective-type questions.
- The Question Paper will be made from Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I & II, mathematics, and environmental studies.
WB TET Primary Teacher Level-I (Classes I to V)
Subject Name | Questions | Marks |
Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I | 30 | 30 |
Language II | 30 | 30 |
Mathematics, Science, and Social Science, Anyone Subject | 60 | 60 |
Total | 150 Questions | 150 Marks |
WB TET Upper Primary Level-II (Classes VI to VIII)
Subject Name | Questions | Marks |
Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I | 30 | 30 |
Language II | 30 | 30 |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
Environmental Studies | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 Questions | 150 Marks |
Download West Bengal TET Result- Click here
Thus, we have mentioned all the possible details related to the WB TET Result 2023-24. You can also download the West Bengal TET Exam Score by clicking on the above link. Aspirant may further ask any dount by putting question in below comment box.