TANCET Result 2023 Tamilnadu CET Cutoff Marks Category wise, Anna University CET Exam Scorecard & Rank List link tancet.annauniv.edu
Anna University, Chennai has organized the ‘Tamilnadu Common Entrance Test’ at various affiliated Exam Centres. A huge number of students have participated in this Entrance Test. Now they all are eagerly waiting for Tamil Nadu CET Scorecard Cutoff Marks. As per the latest update, Anna University declared TANCET 2023 Result and Rank List on 14 April 2023 on its official website. Besides, qualified candidates will be eligible for admission into Post Graduate Programmes. They first know their TANCET Exam Marks or Rank and then apply for Counselling Process for MCA, MBA, M.Tech, ME, M.Arch and M.Plan.
In addition, our team is giving a direct link to check TANCET Result 2023 along with category wise Cutoff List. Recently, University finally held the Common Entrance Test on 25 & 26 March 2023 across the State. Applicants should keep login credentials such as E-Mail ID and Password to download TANCET Exam Scorecard. Based on Tamil Nadu CET Rank List, a list of selected students will invite for Counselling Process. Further, you can visit the official website @tancet.annauniv.edu for more details.
TANCET Result 2023 Tamil Nadu CET Cutoff Marks
Anna University, Chennai is preparing for admission in various Professional degree courses. For this, Authority is conducting Tamilnadu Common Entrance Test for admission into Post Graduate courses. Earlier, Department has invited Online Applications from eligible candidates. And many aspirants have applied for this Entrance Exam. University is offering admission into various Master’s Programs such as MBA, MCA, M.Tech, ME, M.Arch and M.Plan to students. And eligible examinees will eligible for admission to top colleges of Tamil Nadu State.
Meanwhile, Anna University has held successfully Tamilnadu Common Entrance Test on 25th March and 26th March 2023 at various test centers. Common Entrance Exam has one paper of 100 Marks for MBA & MCA Courses. While for ME M.Tech M.Arch, CET has one paper in three parts. Part-I has 20 Questions for 20 Marks, Part II has 35 Questions for 20 Marks and Part III has 60 Questions for 60 Marks. We have uploaded a direct link to check Tamilnadu CET Result, Cutoff and Rank List.
Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test 2023 Details
Department Name | Anna University, Chennai |
Exam Name | Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test |
Course Type | Post Graduate Degree Programmes |
Admission Courses | MCA & MBA, M.E M.Tech, M.Arch M.Plan Courses |
Type of Test | National Level Entrance Test |
Mode of Exam | Online Computer-Based Test |
TANCET Exam Date | 25 & 26 March 2023 |
TANCET Result Date | 14 April 2023 |
Official website | tancet.annauniv.edu |
अन्ना यूनिवर्सिटी ने तमिलनाडु सीईटी परीक्षा का परिणाम घोषित कर दिया है। यूनिवर्सिटी ने दिनांक 25 व 26 मार्च 2023 को प्रदेश के विभिन्न केन्द्रो पर परीक्षा आयोजित कि है। TANCET MCA परीक्षा के लिए कुल 9279 उम्मीदवार उपस्थित हुए हैं और TANCET MBA परीक्षा के लिए 22774 उम्मीदवार उपस्थित हुए हैं। अब आज 14 अप्रैल 2023 को TANCET 2023 का रिजल्ट जारी हो गया है। अभ्यर्थी निचे दिए गए लिंक से अपना परिणाम कि जाँच करे।
tancet.annauniv.edu Cutoff 2023
Finally, Authority has released TANCET Rank List After the completion of the Tamilnadu Common Entrance Test. Candidates are required to obtain minimum Tamil Nadu CET Cutoff Marks out of Total Marks. Along with the result, University will also release TANCET Cutoff List Category-wise. In CET 2022, around 17699 candidates registered in the previous Exam cycle. Since the number of students attempting the exam is so high, it also becomes quite competitive and the Cutoff is very high. It is equally important to secure minimum passing marks to be eligible for Counselling Process.
There are various factors that affect TANCET Cutoff. Board will determine minimum Qualifying Marks based on the following factors –
- Difficulty Level Exam Tamilnadu CET
- The number of candidates who appeared in the Tamilnadu Common Entrance Test
- Total number of Seats Available for Admission
- Previous Year Cutoffs
Tamilnadu CET Cutoff for MBA (Expected)
For Admission to MBA and MCA courses, TANCET Cutoff is prepared by considering the various categories and scores required for candidates. They are shortlisted for the admission process by considering the TANCET Passing Marks obtained by them –
General Category- 37.5
OBC category- 35.25
SC Category- 25.5
ST Category- 22.5
TANCET Rank List 2023
Score obtained | Expected TANCET Rank List |
70-55 | 1-10 |
54-52 | 11-30 |
51-47 | 31-60 |
46-43 | 61-100 |
42-34 | 101-500 |
33-30 | 501-1000 |
30-27 | 1001-1500 |
27-25 | 1501-2000 |
25-23 | 2001-2500 |
23-22 | 2501-3000 |
Tamilnadu CET Cutoff for MBA Colleg wise
Institute | Cutoff Open Category |
Velammal Engineering College, Chennai | 31 |
Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai | 34 |
Gnanam School of Business, Sengipatti | 13 |
Measi Institute of Management, Royapettah | 32 |
PSG Institude of Management, Coimbatore | 35 |
Thiagarajar School of Management, Thirupparankundram | 53 |
Galaxy Institute of Management, Chennai | 33 |
Coimbatore Institute of Management and Technology, Coimbatore | 11 |
JJ College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli | 12 |
PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul | 30 |
Sona School of Management, Salem | 34 |
How to Check TANCET Result 2023 Online
Anna University is going to declare the Tamil Nadu CET Result on 14.04.2023. After completion of the Entrance Test, University will normalize TANCET Score and then published the Score and TANCET Rank List. Each College will fix its own Cutoff. So there is not any official Cutoff List released by the Exam authority. Based on TANCET Rank selected candidates will be eligible for Counselling Process. Also, Follow the below steps to check the Tamilnadu CET Result Roll Number wise-
- First of all, candidates visit the official website i.e. https://tancet.annauniv.edu/
- Find the Answer key for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test-2023
- And then, Open the Result and Rank Card page
- After that, Enter login credentials like E-Mail ID and Password
- TANCET Result will display on your computer screen
- Also, Check your Score and Name in the Rank list
- Finally, download and Save and Tamil Nadu CET Result for further use
Download the TANCET Answer key
TANCET Result 2023 Normalisation of marks
The entrance test question paper for M.E, M.Tech, M.Arch and M.Plan will have two common parts, Part – I Engineering Mathematics and Part – II Basic Engineering & Sciences, and Part – III meant for different disciplines. On evaluation, the average marks may vary from discipline to discipline under Part – III. Thus, Marks of Part III will be computed using the formula
Computed Marks of Part III = (X+r)m
Where X is the adjustment factor, r is the raw mark scored by the candidates and m is the multiplication factor used to level the averages of all subjects.
Candidates who have written the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test will normally be notified with actual marks and percentile score they have obtained, at the time of publishing the TANCET Result. However, to avoid projecting negative scoring, the final scorecard contains only the percentile score. The percentile score is calculated using the formula:
Percentile Score =(Y/N)* 100.
Where Y is the Number of students who scored lesser marks than the candidate in that examination and N is the total number of students who appeared for the examination.
Tamilnadu CET Merit Rank List
Anna University will release 3 separate TANCET Rank Lists viz GATE Category, TANCET Category and Sponsored Category. Tamil Nadu Rank List for the respective courses will be as per the candidate’s category and performance in TANCET Exam. Furthermore, the Performance of Candidates in TANCET 2023 will determine a candidate’s position in the TANCET Rank List 2023.
All colleges affiliated with Anna University will consider the Tamilnadu CET Rank list in the admission process. Candidates are required to download Marksheet as it would be necessary at the time of admission after their name is in TANCET Rank List.
TANCET Rank List 2023
CATEGORY | University Departments / Colleges | Government/
Government Aided Colleges |
Self-Financing Colleges |
Open Category (OC) | 157 | 3 | 4045 |
Backward Class Muslim (BCM) | 78 | 16 | 594 |
Backward Class (BC) | 406 | 21 | 4275 |
Most Backward Classes (MBC) | 404 | 26 | 3282 |
Special Central Assistance (SCA) | 55 | 3 | 509 |
Scheduled Caste (SC) | 222 | 20 | 2483 |
Scheduled Tribe (ST) | 28 | 5 | 172 |
Thus, We have updated details about TANCET Result 2023 in this article. We also hope that all candidates will easily check Tamil Nadu CET Cutoff & Rank List. They may further ask any doubt by putting comments here.