Rajasthan RTE Lottery Result 2021- Check RTE Admission Seat Allotment List, RTE Rajasthan School Admission Merit List
Good news for all those children whose parents want to teach free in private schools. From here they can check the RTE Private School Admission List. Directorate of Elementary Education has invited RTE Admission Application from 16th April to 8th May 2021. The Department provides free education on 25% of seats in private schools.
For RTE Admission, the Board will release a Merit list based on their applications. Therefore students or guardians can check Rajasthan RTE Lottery Result 2021 from here. It is expected that Rajasthan RTE Admission Result will be declared in May/June month.
प्राइवेट स्कूलों में निशुल्क प्रवेश के लिए विज्ञप्ति जारी हो गई है। निशुल्क एवं अनिवार्य शिक्षा अधिनियम के तहत गैर सरकारी विद्यालयों को अपनी एंट्री लेवल कक्षा की 25 प्रतिशत सीट्स पर दुर्बल वर्ग एवं असुविधाग्रस्त समूह के बालक-बालिकाओं को प्रवेश देकर कक्षा 8 तक निःशुल्क शिक्षा देने का प्रावधान है। इसके लिए आवेदन प्रक्रिया 16 अप्रैल से शुरू हो चुकी है। सभी अभिभावक 8 मई से पहले आवेदन जमा कराये। आयोग Rajasthan RTE Admission Lottery द्वारा प्रवेश हेतु बालको का वरीयता क्रम निर्धारण करेगा। विभाग द्वारा आरटीआई निशुल्क एडमिशन लॉटरी 11 मई 2021 को निकाली जाएगी।
Rajasthan RTE Lottery Result 2021- RTE Private School Merit List
The Directorate of Elementary Education is going to take RTE Rajasthan Admission for Session 2021-22. So parents of children who want to teach their children in Govt or Non-Government Schools through RTE Scheme must apply first. The Department will release the RTE Rajasthan Admission Result through Lottery. The Rajasthan RTE Free Admission Merit list will be released on 11th May 2021.
As per official news, more than 1.5 lakhs students are given free admission in 33 thousand schools every year. The Department will announce the Rajasthan RTE Lottery Admission Merit list on 11th May 2021 at the state level. Parents would be checked for the Result with the Application ID and Mobile number and would be able to see the priority number of the children at the RTE Rajasthan Admission Selection List.
RTE Rajasthan Admission 2021 Details
Name of Department | Directorate of Elementary Education, Rajasthan |
Name of Scheme | Right to Education (RTE) on 25% seats in Private Schools |
Application Mode | Online |
Benefits | Free Admission in School |
Post Category | Rajasthan RTE Lottery Result |
Application Form dates | 16th April to 8th May 2021 |
RTE Rajasthan Lottery Result Date | 11th May 2021 |
Official website | www.rte.raj.nic.in |
RTE Admission 2021 Important Dates
How to check RTE Admission Lottery Result 2021
People can see Rajasthan RTE Lottery Result and selection list using the link below. If your children’s Names appeared in the RTE Admission Merit list then you have to do online reporting from 12 May to 16 May 2021. First aspirants may check Admission Time Frame and check details accordingly. The RTE Rajasthan Lottery announced state level. Therefore parents of children follow the below process to check Rajasthan RTE Free Admission Result district wise-
- First, visit the official website i.e. http://rajpsp.nic.in/
- Search Lottery Result for Admission to reserve 25% for students belonging to Economically backward sessions.
- Open the desire link and login with the Application number and Mobile number
- Check Name of children in the RTE Admission Lottery merit list
- Ready with necessary documents for Online Reporting at allotted schools.
- Save and take the print out RTE Admission Lottery Result for further use
RTE Rajasthan Admission Process-
Under the Free and Compulsory Education Act, State governments reserved 25% school seats for the weaker family children. The Children’s entry-level is Class 1 to 8th. Hence parents who want to provide their children admission in Free Private Schools must fill RTE Rajasthan School Admission Form. As per their Application, the Board will decide the order of precedence/ merit through RTE School Admission Lottery.
प्रदेश में कुल 40 हजार निजी स्कूल है जिनमे 4 लाख सीटें निशुल्क एवं अनिवार्य शिक्षा के लिए निर्धारित की गई है।
छोटे वार्ड पर नजदीक वार्ड को प्राथमिकता
Right to Education के तहत केवल पहली कक्षा में ही प्रवेश मिलेगा।
अगर प्री प्राइमरी कक्षाएं संचालित है तो प्राइमरी व पहली कक्षा की कुल सीटों का औसत निकालकर उसे 25 फीसदी सीटों पर पहली कक्षा में प्रवेश लेना होगा।
आयु:- प्रथम कक्षा के लिए आयु 5 से 7 साल तक होनी चाहिए।
प्रदेश के प्रमुख जिलों में आरटीई के आवेदनों की स्थिति
जिला | पात्र स्कूल | आवेदन लिए | कुल आवेदन |
अजमेर | 1330 | 1172 | 35299 |
बीकानेर | 1386 | 1244 | 30457 |
जयपुर | 5015 | 4765 | 218189 |
जोधपुर | 2157 | 1986 | 83861 |
कोटा | 1124 | 1042 | 53051 |
उदयपुर | 1001 | 794 | 26242 |
RTE Maharashtra Lottery Result
FAQs for Rajasthan RTE Admission Result 2021
Question- What are Application Dates for RTE School Admission?
Answer- The Dates of Filling RTE Admission Form are 16th April to 8th May 2021.
Question- When will Rajasthan RTE School Lottery Result Declare?
Answer- On 11th May 2021, the board will release Lottery /merit list for 25% free Private School Admission Process.
Question- What documents are required to apply for RTE Admission?
Answer- Parents must keep necessary documents like Income Certificate, Resident Certificate, Age Proof, Caste Certificate, Orphan Certificate, Disable Certificate and BPL Card.
Question- When will RTE Admission online Reporting Start?
Answer- After checking RTE Rajasthan Lottery Result, parents have to go for Online Reporting from 12 May to 16th May 2021.
Therefore all parents who have submitted RTE Admission Form stay tuned here. The Board will issue a decided priority for RTE Free private School Admission through Lottery. We have provided here completed details regarding Rajasthan RTE Lottery Result 2021 here.