Punjab PSTET Admit Card 2023 PSEB TET Hall Ticket Name wise, Download Punjab TET Exam Call Letter, Link for downloading Admit Card for PSTET-2023 is available under Candidate’s login area from 8th March 2023 at www.pstet.pseb.ac.in
The Punjab School Education Board has announced Punjab TET Exam Date. Recently, Authority has completed the Registration Process for PSTET-2023. Now Punjab State Teacher Eligibility Test will conduct on 12th March 2023. A massive number of students are eagerly waiting for PSTET Hall Ticket, Test Center List and Cities Name. If you want to know where your Punjab TET exam center has come from, then you can check from here.
And also you can download PSTET Paper 1 and Paper 2 Admit Card. We know that every year Teacher Eligibility Test will be conducted for Primary Teachers (Class 1 to 5) and Upper Primary Teacher (Class 6 to 8). In this way, the candidates can download the admit card of Punjab TET First & Second Paper from the link given below.
Moreover, PSTET Admit Card 2023 is equally important to carry during the Exam. Because it contains useful details about the Examination. Therefore, you have to enter Login details such as your Registration number and password to download Punjab TET Call Letter Name wise.
PSTET Admit Card 2023 Exam Date, City Name District Location
School Education Board is finding eligibility for various Primary and Upper Primary Teachers through TET-2023. The Exam consists two papers. Candidates who have applied for Primary Teacher will appear in Paper-1 while for Upper Primary Teacher Paper-2 will organize. There will be 150 questions in each paper and 1 mark will award for each correct answer. Thus Punjab State Eligibility Test Paper-I and Paper-II will be of total 150-150 marks each.
In addition, Board had invited PSTET online Applications from 18 February to 02 March 2023. Lakhs number of aspirants have applied for this Test. Now they are waiting for PSTET Exam Date and Punjab TET Admit Card. They may also see Exam Date, Center and City Name district-wise. We are telling you that Punjab State Eligibility Test will organize on 12th March 2023.
पंजाब स्कूल शिक्षा बोर्ड द्वारा टीचर एलिजिबिलिटी टेस्ट का आयोजन दिनांक 12 मार्च 2023 को किया जायेगा। पंजाब टेट एग्जाम में दो पेपर होंगे – पहला पेपर प्राइमरी टीचर (कक्षा 1 से 5) एवं दूसरा पेपर उच्च प्राथमिक (कक्षा 6 से 8 तक) के लिए आयोजित होगा। इस प्रकार अभ्यर्थी जिन्होंने पंजाब शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा के लिए आवेदन किया है वे यहाँ से पंजाब टीईटी एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकते है।
Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 Details
Board Name | Punjab School Education Board |
Test Name | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test-2023 |
Post Name | Primary Teacher (Class 1 to 5) and Elementary Teacher (Class 6 to 8) |
Test Type | State Entrance Exam |
Punjab TET Exam Date | 12th March 2023 |
PSTET Admit Card Date | Released on 8th March 2023 |
Official website | https://pstet2023.org/ |
pstet2023.org Exam Date Admit Card Details
As we know that PSTET Exam Date is 12th March 2023 and Call Letter is already available to download online. Punjab TET Admit Card is equally important for the Exam. Because it has important details about candidates and tests. In the other hand, invigilators verify the presence of candidates and their details using ID proof and PSTET Exam hall tickets.
Therefore, it is mandatory to carry the PSEB PSTET Admit Card to the Test center for everyone. To access Punjab TET Call Letter, aspirants need to fill up the login credentials. Remember, without an Admit card they can not be allowed to sit in the exam hall. The following information is printed on Punjab TET Admit Card-
- Name of aspirant
- Candidate Category
- Exam Date
- Exam Time
- Candidate Signature
- Candidates Photo
- Roll Number
- Exam Center
- Important Instructions
Required Documents along with PSTET Admit Card 2023
Every aspirant has to carry one photo identity card during the Examination. The ID and Amit card are necessary for verification. Invigilators will verify the presence of candidates in the Exam hall with ID proof. They may carry one ID card out of the following-
- Bank Passbook with the Photograph
- Employee ID
- E-Aadhaar Card with Photo
- PAN Card
- Driving License
- Voter ID Card
- Passport
- Identity Card issued by a recognized College/University
How to download Punjab TET Hall Ticket Name wise
Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test will have two papers such as Paper-1 and Paper-2. Paper-I is for classes from 1 to 5 and Paper 2 is for 6 to 8 Class. Finally, Department has issued the Punjab TET Roll number and Test Center for all candidates. And the board has also Punjab State TET Admit Card after viewing the Application Form.
- First of all, candidates visit an official website like https://pstet.pseb.ac.in/
- On the home page, find the Login/Register section
- And then, Click on the Registered User link
- Also, Enter the Registration Number and Date of birth
- Hit on submit button
- PSTET Admit Card will display on a computer screen
- Finally, Save and take print of the Punjab TET Admit Card for further use.
Download PSEB PSTET Admit Card
Punjab TET 2023: What if Forget your PSTET Password?
Applicants sometimes forgot their passwords. In such cases, they can restore their password by using other login details. Aspirants need to follow the steps given below to restore their password-
- Go to the web portal and check the link given on the left side of the page.
- Choose Registered User Link
- Hit on the “Forget Password” button
- Now, aspirants have to fill in some basic details such as Registered e-mail ID, Date of birth, Registered mobile number
- After that, candidates have to click on proceed button for password recovery
- Then a New Password will be sent to their Email ID and Mobile number
Download the Answer key of PSTET
FAQs for PSTET 2023 Admit Card
What is the Exam Date for Punjab State Teacher Eligibility Test- 2023?
PSTET Paper-1 & Paper-2 Exam Schedule Announced and Test will conduct on 12th March 2023.
When will PSTET Admit Card for Paper-I & Paper-II be issued?
All aspirants will soon download PSTET Exam Hall Ticket from here.
What details are required to access the PSEB TET Admit Card?
Registration Number (User ID) and Password to access the admission certificate
What is the helpline number for Punjab TET 2023?
If you find any difficulty in getting your PSEB TET Admit Card, then you can call on the helpline number 9289807323 from 9:30 am to 6 pm.
Which one is the Official web portal to download PSTET Exam Roll numbers & Admit Card?
Answer- Official website of Punjab TET is pseb.ac.in or https://pstet2023.org/
Thus, Lots of aspirants are searching PSEB TET Exam Date, Test Center, City Name. Now they may see Punjab TET Exam Date, Test Center and Roll numbers from here. If they want more details about PSTET TET Admit Card then put a comment here.