Bihar B.Ed CET Application Form 2023 Bihar B.Ed Entrance Exam Notification, Eligibility Criteria for LNMU CET B.Ed, How to fill B.Ed Common Entrance Test Online Form at biharcetbed-lnmu.in/
Good News for all those candidates who are searching for Bihar B.Ed CET Notification. Because, Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Kameshwarangar, Darbhanga has invited Online Applications for B.Ed Entrance Test. Besides, eligible students can apply online from 20 February 2023. Hence, Candidates who want to take Admission in Bachelor in Education course, first of all, read the Bihar CET B.Ed notification carefully. Apart from this, B.Ed and Shiksha Shastri Joint Entrance Examination (CET -BEd) will be held on 8th April 2023. Hence, you go to the official link and Complete Online Registration by 15th March 2023.
In addition, Applicants have to enter the number of any one Photo ID in the Bihar B.Ed CET Application Form. Also, they have to upload the necessary Documents, Photo and Signature during Applying online for B.Ed and Shiksha Shastri Joint Entrance Test. Further, we have given the latest Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Cutoff, Answer key and Counselling process. Thus, applicants read this article carefully and complete LNMU CET B.Ed online Registration.
ललित नारायण मिथिला यूनिवर्सिटी, दरभंगा “बी.एड. एवं शिक्षा शास्त्री संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा (CET -B.Ed )-2023” का आयोजन करवा रहा है। प्रवेश परीक्षा का आयोजन दिनांक 08 अप्रैल 2023 (रविवार) को होगा। इसके लिए आवेदन प्रक्रिया दिनांक 25 अप्रैल से शुरू हो गई है। योग उम्मीदवार निचे दिए लिंक से अपना आवेदन जमा करवा सकते है। सभी छात्र अपना फॉर्म भरने से पहले Bihar B.Ed CET Notification को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़े। आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि 15 मार्च तथा विलम्ब शुल्क के साथ 20 मार्च 2023 तक है।
Bihar B.Ed CET Application Form 2023 Notification Eligibility
If you are waiting or want admission to two Year B.Ed and Shiksha Shastri Programme then first apply for Bihar CET B.Ed 2023. A combined Entrance Test is equally important for Counselling in 2 Year Bachelor of Education Course. This year, Lalit Narayan Mithila University is conducting the ‘Bihar B.Ed Combined Entrance Test’ on 18.04.2023. As per the report, Online Application Form has been invited also by the Authority from 20.02.2023. So, interested aspirants complete their LNMU B.Ed Exam Form and then start self-study.
Meanwhile, the Entrance test shall be 120 marks. University has decided on minimum Qualifying Marks i.e. 35% for Unreserved, 30% for SC, ST, BC and others. Candidates can start their preparation with the latest Exam Pattern & Syllabus.
Bihar CET-B.Ed 2023 Admission Form
Department Name | Lalit Narayan Mithila University Kameshwaranagar, Darbhanga |
Course Name | Two-Year B.Ed./Shiksha Shastri Programme |
Test Name | B.Ed Combined Entrance Test for B.Ed 2023 |
Type of Test | State-Level Entrance Exam |
Application Mode | Online |
Bihar B.Ed CET Online Form Start | 20 February 2023 |
Last Date to apply Bihar B.Ed Entrance Exam | 15th March 2023 (20 March with Late Fees) |
B.Ed Entrance Test Date | 18th April 2023 |
Admission Process | Written Exam |
Official website | biharcetbed-lnmu.in |
biharcetbed-lnmu.in CET B.Ed Exam 2023 Eligibility
Students should check detailed Notifications before filling Bihar B.Ed CET Application Form 2023. If you meet to complete eligibility criteria then start LNMU B.Ed Entrance Exam Registration Form. Hence they check Education Qualifications for B.Ed and CET for Shiksha Shastri Admission.
B.Ed Entrance Exam (CET-B.Ed)-
Students with at least 50% marks either in the Bachelor’s Degree (10+2+3) and/or Master’s Degree in Science/Social Science/ Humanity/ Commerce or Bachelors in Engineering/ Technology with specialization in Science and Mathematics with 55% marks or any other qualification equivalent thereto are eligible to appear in the admission test for the B. Ed. Program.
दो वर्षीय बीएड प्रवेश परीक्षा (CET BEd) में वैसे अभ्यर्थी सम्मिलित हो सकते है जिन्हे विज्ञान/सामाजिक विज्ञान/मानविकी/वाणिज्य में स्नातक (10+2+3) अथवा स्नातकोत्तर में कम से कम 50% अंक या बीई /बीटेक में विज्ञानऔर गणित विशेषज्ञता के साथ कम से कम 55% अंक अथवा इनके समतुल्य कोई अन्य योग्यता है।
Shiksha Shastri Entrance Exam – Qualification
किसी मान्यता प्राप्त विश्वविद्यालय से शास्त्री या बी ए (संस्कृत मुख्य विषय के रूप में) या समतुल्य परंपरागत परीक्षा में न्यूनतम 50% प्राप्तांक के साथ उत्तीर्ण होना अनिवार्य होगा।
Candidates must have Bachelor’s degree (10+2+3) in Sanskrit with at least 50% marks. And Master’s Degree in Sanskrit/Acharya in traditional Sanskrit Shastra with 50% marks or any other qualification equivalent thereto are eligible for admission to the Shiksha Shastri (B.Ed.) program
Age Limit – There is no age limit for LNMU B.Ed CET 2023.
Application Fees for Bihar B.Ed Common Entrance Test 2023
Candidates will have to pay the Entrance Test fee online mode. They click the Pay button and make payment of the prescribed fee through Payment Wallet/Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking.
- Rs 1000/- for General/unreserved candidates
- Differently-abled/EBC/BC/Women/EWS -Rs 750/-
- Rs 500/- for the SC/ST category candidates
Note- The fee is to be paid through an online payment gateway only. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstance.
Bihar B.Ed CET 2023 Important Dates
- Date of Entrance Test Notification- 20.02.2023
- Start date to apply for Bihar CET B.Ed- 20 February 2023
- Close date to submit Application Form (without fine)- 15 March 2023
- Last date for Application Form (with fine)- 16 to 20 March 2023
- Admit Card release Date- 30 March 2023
- Bihar B.Ed CET Exam Date- 08 April 2023
- Answer key Release Date- Release soon
- Declaration of Result- Release Soon
How to fill the Bihar B.Ed CET Application Form 2023
Finally, the university has invited the Applications for B.Ed Combined Entrance Test through online mode. First aspirants visit the official website i.e. https://bihar-cetbed-lnmu.in. They choose the Registration for New user Account link. The Registration is done with a Valid E-Mail ID and Mobile number.
Before Applying for Bihar B.Ed CET Application Form, keep a scanned copy of your passport-size Photograph and Signature ready with you. They Upload the Photograph and Signature and proceed to fill Bihar B.Ed Admission Form.
Step-1: Online Registration and Upload Photograph & Signature
2nd Step: To complete the Application Form
Step-3: Payment of fee and take Print out of the application
The process to apply for LNMU CET B.Ed Exam Online Form 2023
- First, all candidates visit the official website i.e. https://biharcetbed-lnmu.in/
- Select the link “Apply for Entrance Test”
- And then, Click on Registration for New User Account
- After that, Enter E-Mail ID and Mobile number
- And then log in to the Bihar B.Ed CET Application form and Upload a photo and Signature
- After that fill LNMU CET B.ED Admission Form with Personal Details, Generic section, Address, Qualification, Choose Exam Centre etc.
- Pay the Application fee
- Finally, Click on submit button and save Bihar B.Ed Admission Application 2023 for further use.
LNMU B.Ed Entrance Exam Pattern 2023
The Question Booklet shall have 120 objective-type questions and each question carries one mark. The maximum mark allotted to the exam is 120. The Question Paper shall be made from General English Comprehension, General Hindi, Logical & Analytical Reasoning, General Awareness, and Teaching-Learning Environment in Schools.
Subject Name | Questions | Marks |
General English Comprehension (B.Ed) | 15 | 15 |
Sanskrit General (Shiksha Shastri) | ||
General Hindi | 15 | 15 |
Logical & Analytical Reasoning | 25 | 25 |
General Awareness | 40 | 40 |
Teaching-Learning Environment in Schools | 25 | 25 |
Total | 120 Questions | 120 Marks |
Bihar CET-B.Ed 2023 Minimum Qualifying Marks- Candidates are required to obtain given qualifying marks to clear the B.Ed Entrance Exam in Bihar State. They have to secure a minimum of 35% (42 Marks) for General Category, and 30% (36 Marks) for SC, ST, BC, OBC, and WBC categories.
CET B.Ed Important Links:-
Download Bihar B.Ed Exam Syllabus Solution
Check B.Ed CET Exam Date Admit Card
FAQs for Bihar B.Ed Admission Form
Question- When will the B.Ed Entrance test be held?
Answer- The LNMU will organize the Exam on 08.04.2023.
Question- What is the education Qualification for Bihar B.Ed Admission?
Answer- Candidates must have Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks.
Question- How many universities participate in the Bihar B.Ed CET exam?
Answer- A total of 15 universities participate in Bihar B.Ed CET and accept exam scores for admission in B.Ed programs.
Question- What is the application fee for Bihar B.Ed CET?
Answer- Students have to pay Rs 1,000 (Rs 750 for differently-abled/EBC/BC/Women/EWS and Rs 500 for SC/ST) as the application fee for the exam.
Question- Can we fill the Bihar B.Ed CET Application form via offline mode?
Answer- No, the aspirants can’t apply for Bihar B.Ed Entrance Exam via offline mode. It has to be filled and submitted through online mode only.
Thus, Students first check LNMU CET B.Ed Exam Notification carefully. We hope that they will fill Bihar B.Ed CET online Application using the above link. You can put a comment in case of having any doubts or queries.