Odisha New Ration Card list 2023-24 Check Odisha Ration Card Application Status and How to apply for Odisha New Ration Card Village/Block Wise PDS Ration Card List
The Odisha Government has announced New Ration Card for Poor Peoples. The Food and Civil Supplies Department will be issue the Odisha Ration Card Suchi District wise (यूपी नई राशन कार्ड लिस्ट जिलेवार). You can download Odisha New Ration Card list 2023 Name wise or District wise Ration Card. They can also collect the Ration card online by visiting the official website i.e. www.pdsodisha.gov.in.
Candidates can check here the status of Odisha Ration Card list 2023 and know about Types of Ration cards (BPL, APL & Anthyodaya Ration Card). Due to COVID-19 Lockdown, CM of Odisha has released a new notification to make New Ration Card as per the candidate’s category. Therefore you can apply online for New Ration Card with necessary documents, check status, and Beneficiary list for BPL, APL, and Antyodaya Ration Card holders.
Odisha New Ration Card list 2023-24 Odisha BPL APL Ration Card Status
Ration card has been divided into 2 categories by Odisha government i.e. category APL and BPL. Families below the poverty line fall in the BPL category and families living above the poor line fall in the APL category. Ration card Odisha is an important document at today’s time which offers many types of facilities and rationing at low rates. Ration Card is a legal document that is provided by the state government to all families of Odisha State. The ration is important for every citizen because using the ration card they can get the essential goods (food grains and others) at a government-subsidized rate which is circulated through the public distribution system (PDS).
Ration Card Odisha List 2023
Authority Name | Govt. of Odisha |
Department Name | Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department |
Service Type | Ration Card |
Mode of Checking List / Status / Application | Online |
Beneficiary | Resident of Odisha State |
Article Category | Ration Card List / Status |
Official Website | www.pdsodisha.gov.in, www.foododisha.in |
ओडिशा न्यू राशन कार्ड सूची 2023
ओडिशा सरकार ने गरीब लोगों के लिए नए राशन कार्ड की घोषणा की है। खाद्य और नागरिक आपूर्ति विभाग ओडिशा राशन कार्ड सुचि जिलेवार (यूपी न्यू राशन कार्ड लिस्ट जिलेवार) जारी करेगा। आप ओडिशा न्यू राशन कार्ड सूची 2024 नाम वार या जिलेवार राशन कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। वे आधिकारिक वेबसाइट यानी www.pdsodisha.gov.in पर जाकर ऑनलाइन राशन कार्ड भी एकत्र कर सकते हैं।
उम्मीदवार यहां ओडिशा राशन कार्ड सूची 2023 की स्थिति की जांच कर सकते हैं और प्रकार के राशन कार्ड (बीपीएल, एपीएल और अंत्योदय राशन कार्ड) के बारे में जान सकते हैं। लॉकडाउन के कारण, ओडिशा के सीएम ने उम्मीदवार की श्रेणी के अनुसार नया राशन कार्ड बनाने के लिए एक नई अधिसूचना जारी की है। इसलिए आप बीपीएल, एपीएल और अंत्योदय राशन कार्ड धारकों के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेजों, जांच की स्थिति और लाभार्थी सूची के साथ नए राशन कार्ड के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं।
Types of Odisha Ration Card
ओडिशा में राशन कार्ड को तीन श्रेणी में बांटा गया है – एपीएल (APL) राशन कार्ड, बीपीएल (BPL) राशन कार्ड और अन्तोदय राशन कार्ड
एपीएल (APL) राशन कार्ड– APL Ration Cards are issued for people Above Poverty Line. Any citizen can apply for APL ration card, for this there is no income limit and the color of the card is orange.
बीपीएल (BPL) राशन कार्ड– BPL ration cards are issued for people Below Poverty Line. BPL ration cards are red in color.
अंतोदय राशन कार्ड– Antodaya Ration Card is issued to the poorest family. In this category, there are older unemployed people who do not have a stable income. These ration cards are yellow in color.
Documents required for Odisha Ration Card
All must submit some documents while submitting the application form. Below we have given the list of documents which are required:
- Address proof (it could be electricity bill /water bill/ phone bill etc.)
- Passport size photograph
- Aadhar card
- Bank passbook
- Income certificate (issued from the competent authority)
- Ration card surrender receipt (in case of transfer)
- Photo identification proof of all the family members
How to apply online for Odisha New Ration Card 2023
- Visit the official website of Odisha Food Supply i.e. www.foododisha.in
- Open the E-Bitaran Odisha Portal from the home page.
- Scroll down the page and Search the Application Form Link and Download it.
- Take a printout of it and fill up the application form details.
- Attach the required documents.
- Submit the application form to the DFO Office along with the application fee.
- After verifying all documents, the department will issue the Ration Card,
- Department will take 30-40 days to issue the Ration Card.
How to download Odisha New Ration Card 2023-24
- Candidates visit the official web site of Food Supplies Department i.e. www.pdsodisha.gov.in
- On the Home Page, click on NFSA Cards & Beneficiaries.
- Select your District, Block, and FPS.
- Click on Get report and the Benefices List will appear on the screen.
We have mentioned here complete details about Odisha New Ration Card list 2023-24. You can search the Name in राशन कार्ड नयी लिस्ट and also check Odisha New Ration Card Status.