MP Forest Guard Result 2023 MP Vyapam Vanrakshak Cutoff Marks, Merit List Category wise download एमपी वनरक्षक रिजल्ट
Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board has organized ‘Van Rakshak & Kshetra Rakshak and Jail Prahari Combined Recruitment Test-2023’. Besides, the Vanrakshak Written test has been held between 25 May to 20 June 2023 at various centers. Many candidates have participated in this Exam and now they are eagerly waiting for MPPEB Forest Guard Result along with Cutoff Marks. It is equally important to secure minimum passing marks out of 100. Likewise, we have updated the MP Vyapam Vanrakshak Expected Cutoff Marks category wise.
Moreover, we have uploaded a link to check MP Forest Guard Result 2023 Name wise. Board is recruiting eligible candidates for 2112 Vacancies of Forest Guard, Field Guard and Jail Prahari Posts. Generally, aspirants need to enter login details such as Application number and Date of birth to download MPPEB Forest Guard Exam Scorecard. Applicants can further visit the official website esb.mp.gov.in to collect more details.
MP Forest Guard Result 2023 Vanrakshak Exam Score Link
Employees Selection Board, Madhya Pradesh has organized Van Rakshak & Kshetra Rakshak, Jail Prahari (Karypalik) Combined Recruitment Test-2023. Recently, MPESB has received Online application form from eligible aspirants from 25 January to 08 February 2023. Aspirants have to undergo Written test, Physical Standard Test and Walk test for final Selection. As per official news, the Department has held the Written Test from 25.05.2023 to 20.06.2023 across the state. Examinees who will score equal or above marks out of 100 Marks they will call for Physical Ability Test and Endurance Test.
कर्मचारी चयन मंडल, भोपाल ने ‘वन रक्षक, क्षेत्र रक्षक एवं जेल प्रहरी व सहायक जेल अधीक्षक (कार्यपालिक) पदों की सीधी भर्ती परीक्षा-2022’ का संचालन सफलतापूर्वक करवा लिया गया है। इस भर्ती के तहत 1772 पद वनरक्षक, 140 पद क्षेत्ररक्षक एवं 200 पद जेल प्रहरी के भरे जायेंगे। इस बीच आयोग ने लिखित परीक्षा दिनांक 25 मई से 20 जून 2023 तक आयोजित की है। अब लिखित परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थी अगले चरण हेतु योग्य होंगे जो शारीरिक क्षमता परीक्षण होगा। छात्र निचे दिए लिंक से एमपी फारेस्ट गार्ड रिजल्ट देख सकते है।
MP Vyapam Forest Guard & Field Guard Exam 2023 Details
Organization Name | Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board |
Post Name | Forest Guard and Field Guard |
Total Posts | 1912 |
Exam Name | Van Rakshak & Kshetra Rakshak (Karyapalik) (Van Vibhag) Combined Recruitment Test- 2023 |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | MP State |
Application Dates | 25 January to 08 February 2023 |
MPPEB Vanrakshak Exam Date | 25 May to 20 June 2023 |
MP Forest Guard Result | Declare Soon |
Status | Available |
Post Category | MP Vyapam Vanrakshak Result |
Official website | https://esb.mp.gov.in/ |
esb.mp.gov.in Forest Guard Cut off Marks 2023
Finally, the Board has prepared to announce the MP Forest Guard Result 2023. As we all know that written test was held for 100 Marks. There is no sectional cutoff and examinees have to obtain minimum qualifying marks category wise. The exam agency has already fixed the Vanrakshak Cutoff for General, OBC, SC, ST and EWS Categories. There are various factors that affect the Cutoff like Total posts, Paper difficulty level, registered candidates for the Exam, previous cutoff etc. Followings are qualifying marks for the MPPEB Vanrakshak Exam-
- Unreserved- 33%
- OBC, SC, ST- 23%
MP Vyapam Vanrakshak Cutoff Marks
Likewise, MPESB will issue the cutoff along with MP Forest Guard Result. Field Guard cutoff marks are determined by the experts at MPPEB depending on several factors such as Number of Posts, Exam Difficulty level, Number of participants in the Exam etc. The Cutoff is equally important to be eligible for the next round of the selection process. It is the minimum marks that aspirants need to score to be eligible for the post and are different for examinees belonging to different categories and different districts of MP.
MPPEB Forest Guard Expected Cutoff
Category | Cutoff Marks |
General | 60 – 75 Marks |
EWS | 60 – 70 marks |
ST | 50 – 60 Marks |
OBC | 60 – 70 Marks |
SC | 50 – 60 Marks |
How to check MP Forest Guard Result 2023 Online
- All candidates first visit official web portal i.e. esb.mp.gov.in
- And then, Go to the Dashboard section
- Find link of Van Rakshak & Kshetra Rakshak (Karyapalik) (Van Vibhag), Jail Prahari (Karyapalik)(Jail Vibhag) Combined Recruitment Test- 2023
- After that, click on Result Link
- Enter login credentials such as Application Number and Date of birth
- Click on submit button and MPPEB Vanrakshak Result will display
- download and finally save MPESB Forest Guard Result for further use
Download Vanrakshak Answer key
एमपी फारेस्ट गार्ड रिजल्ट – यहाँ क्लिक करे
MP Forest Guard Result & Merit List
Madhya Pradesh Staff Selection Board will share the merit list on the official website esb.mp.gov.in. The candidates who will be included in the MPESB Forest Guard Merit List 2023 will be the prescribed category-wise total number of vacancies. In the selection process, the merit list will prepare and selected candidates will be appointed on Forest Guard posts.
The merit list will play an important role in determining the final selection of the candidates for the post of Forest Guard in Madhya Pradesh. The merit list shows the names of the candidates who have scored the highest marks in the Forest Guard exam. It is released on the basis of factors like the performance of the candidates in the written test, their physical fitness test and other selection stages.
Thus, our team has given the complete information of MP Forest Guard Result 2023 here. We also hope that aspirants will easily check MP Vyapam Vanrakshak Cutoff Marks. Still, they may ask any doubt by putting question in below comment box.