MP Vyapam Group 5 Result 2023 – MPESB Staff Nurse Cut off Marks, MPPEB Staff Nurse Merit List, MP Vyapam Group 5 Cut off List for General/OBC/SC/ST Categories
The Professional Examination Board has conducted the “Group-5 Staff Nurse, Sahayak Pashu Chikitsaka Kshetra Adhikari, and Other Direct and Backlog Combined Recruitment Test-2023“. Besides, the department conducted the Group-05 Exam from 25th June to 03 July 2023 Onwards. As per the latest updates, Authority issued the Answer key on 05.07.2023. This time students are waiting for the MP Vyapam Group 5 Result 2023. Meanwhile, examinees may also see Cutoff marks category-wise. In addition, Aspirants have to obtain minimum qualifying marks out of 100 mark.
Therefore, all contenders may check MPESB Group 5 Exam Result using the link below. Because the Exam agency will announce the MPPEB Staff Nurse Score on its official portal. Similarly, to download Students can use their Registration Number and Date of birth to access the Exam marks.
Likewise, MP Vyapam Staff Nurse Result 2023 will be available in PDF with the necessary details. Applicants find their name, Roll Number, Cut off, Category Grand Total, etc. Still, we are providing previous and expected MPPEB Group 5 Cutoff marks for all categories.
MP Vyapam Group 5 Result 2023 – MPPEB Staff Nurse Exam Score
Lots of candidates have appeared in the Group 5 Exam on the scheduled date. The professional Examination Board has announced a Notification for the “Group-5 Staff Nurse, Sahayak Pashu Chikitsaka Kshetra Adhikari, and Other Direct and Backlog Combined Recruitment Test-2023”.
Recently, MP Vyapam has issued an employment notice for 4792 vacancies of Staff Nurse, Assistant Veterinary Field Officer and other posts. And a huge number of applicants registered between 15th March 2023 till 29th March 2023. After that, MP Vyapam conducted the written exam from 25th June to 03 July 2023. The selection of candidates will complete via written exam, Personal Interview, and Document Verification.
MP Vyapam Staff Nurse Exam Result Details
Organization Name | Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board |
Total Posts | 4852 |
Test Name | Group-5 Staff Nurse, Sahayak Pashu Chikitsaka Kshetra Adhikari, and Other Direct and Backlog Combined Recruitment Test-2023 |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | MP State |
MPPEB Group 5 Application Dates | 15 March to 29 March 2023 |
MP Group 5 Exam Date | 25 June to 03 July 2023 |
MPPEB Staff Nurse Answer key | 05 July 2023 |
MP Vyapam Group 5 Cut off Marks | Declare soon |
Selection Process | Written Test, Personal Interview, Document Process |
Official website | https://esb.mp.gov.in/ |
MP Vyapam Group 5 Cut off Marks 2023
The written exam for Group 5 has been held for 100 Marks. The authority has already fixed minimum passing marks for all categories. Applicants have to secure equal or above marks from MPPEB Staff Nurse Cut off to qualify for the Exam.
There are no sectional MPPEB Group 5 Exam Cut off Marks and examinees are required to obtain qualifying marks out of overall marks. We are providing the expected MP Vyapam Staff Nurse Cut off for General, OBC, SC, and ST communities.
There are various factors that affect the Cut off marks. Exam Authority will prepare the MP Vyapam Group 05 Cut off list through various factors. So the followings factors are useful to determine minimum passing marks for Group-05 Recruitment Test-
- Number of vacancies available for various posts
- Exam Paper difficulty level
- The total number of candidates who appeared in the Exam
- Previous year Cut off
- Reservation Category wise
How to check MP Vyapam Group 5 Result 2023
Finally, the department is preparing to declare MPPEB Staff Nurse Result through online mode. If you are searching Result & Cut off then read this article carefully and follow the official link below to access the Group 5 Exam Scorecard.
However, aspirants must remember the Registration Number or Roll number and Date of birth to check the MP Vyapam Group 5 Result. Meanwhile, Follow the below steps to check the MPPEB Staff Nurse Result Name wise-
- First, candidates visit the official website i.e. www.esb.mp.gov.in
- And then, Go to the Dashboard section and open the desired link.
- Find the link to “Group 5 (Paramedical & Nursing) Combined Recruitment Test 2023”
- After that, Select the Result download link and the login page will display on the computer screen.
- Enter the Application number or Roll number and Date of birth.
- Also, Click on the search button.
- Finally, save MP Vyapam Group 5 Result for further use.
MP Vyapam Group 5 Merit list 2023
The department shall announce the merit list after the declaration of the MPPEB Staff Nurse Result. The double number of aspirants will declare qualified for the next selection phase. The MP Vyapam Group 5 Merit list contains useful details about candidates like Name, Roll Number, and Cut off marks.
The Contenders can see a Merit list of Staff Nurses, Lab Technicians, and other posts. The MP Group 5 Merit List file will contain the names and scores of the selected candidates. So aspirants may check MP Vyapam Group 5 Result and merit list from the above link.
Thus, Our team has given useful and important information about MP Vyapam Group 5 Result 2023. We also hope that aspirants will easily download MPESB Staff Nurse Exam Score using the above link. Still, if you face any problem checking the MPPEB Staff Nurse Cut off then out your comment here.
FAQs for MP Vyapam Group 5 Result 2023
When will MPESB Staff Nurse Result declare?
The professional Examination Board will declare the Result shortly on its official website.
How to check the MPPEB Staff Nurse Exam Result?
The whole process is to get the MP Vyapam Group 5 Exam Score using the above-mentioned link.
What details will require to check MP Vyapam Group 5 Exam Result?
The Aspirants will need an Application Number or Roll number and date of birth to access the exam score.
From where we can download the MP Vyapam Staff Nurse Result 2023?
Contenders can check results from the official website @www.esb.mp.gov.in
What are MP Vyapam Group 5 Cut off Marks?
From the above table, you must check the expected Lab Technician Cut off categories.
When was the Group 5 Exam organized?
The MPPEB conducted the exam from 25 June to 03 July 2023.
Can we get MP Vyapam Group 5 Result 2023 by post/person?
No, MPPEB Group 5 Exam Result will be declared online only.