Indian Coast Guard Navik Result 2023-24 CGEPT Stage 1 Exam Scorecard, ICG Navik GD & Yantrik Cuoff Marks Merit List Category wise
Hello guys, we are updating here the CGEPT Stage-II Result for Coast Guard Yantrik /Navik (GD-DB) 02/2023 Batch. Likewise, the Department conducted Stage-II CGEPT 02/2023 Batch July 2023. Many students are waiting for ICG Navik GD-DB & Yantrik Results and Cut off Marks. The officials announced the Indian Coast Guard Navik Result 2023-24. Check List of candidates selected for Stage-II (Physical Test).
Moreover, Lots of candidates are enrolled in Recruitment for the post of Navik (General Duty), Navik (Domestic Branch), and Yantrik in the Indian Coast Guard. For final selection, aspirants have to clear various rounds such as Stage-I, II, III & IV. Many applicants have qualified for Stage-I and now the list of selected candidates will be called for Stage II (Physical Fitness Test/ Document Verification).
The Indian Coast Guard Navik Result will be available in PDF Format with useful information. After getting ICG Navik GD & Yantrik Results, contenders should check these details carefully. We also uploaded here Coast Guard Exam Passing Marks for Navik (GD-DB) & Yantrik (Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical).
Latest Update – ICG Navik Result- Indian Coast Guard announced CGEPT Stage 1 Result on 16 May for 01/2023. While Stage 1 Result for 02/2023 Batch is available on 24 April 2023. So, candidates can access their Results online by login with their E-Mail ID and password.
Indian Coast Guard Navik Result 2023-24 CGEPT 01/2024 Score
The Indian Coast Guard has announced a Notification for the Recruitment of Navik (General Duty and domestic Branch) for 10+2 Entry Levels. The Selection of recruits is based on the written exam, Physical Fitness Test, Final Medicals at INS Chilka, and Original Document Verification. First aspirants have to undergo Written Exam(Stage-I) and then a list of qualified candidates will eligible for Stage II (Physical Fitness Test).
Moreover, the written Exam contains a total of Five (05) sections. And the department divided the written test post-wise. We have discussed all selection phases (Stages), sections, and Qualifying Marks category-wise. Aspirants may check ICG CGEPT 01/2024 Cutoff marks for Navik (DB-GD), and Yantrik (Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical). Written Exam has two sections: Section-I is 60 Marks (Maths, Science, English, Reasoning & GK) whereas Section-II is 50 Marks (Concerned Subject). Navik (DB) Exam was only for 60 Marks. Hence, aspirants have 50 Marks out of 110 Marks for UR/EWS/OBC and 44 Marks for SC/ST Category except for Navik (Domestic Branch).
Apply online CGEPT 01/2024 batch
Indian Coast Guard Navik Result 2023-24 Marking Scheme
We all know that the selection of candidates is based on an All India order of Merit on their performance in Stage-I, II, III & IV. Clearing of Stage-I, II, III, and IV and satisfactory performance in training is compulsory for recruitment in ICG.
ICG CGEPT 01/2024 Exam Marking Distribution Criteria
Exam Name | Description | Questions | Passing Marks |
Section I | Maximum Marks- 60
Time – 45 Minutes Total No. of Qs – 60 |
Maths- 20
Science- 10 English – 15 Reasoning – 10 GK- 05 |
27 (for SC/ST |
Section II | Maximum Marks- 50
Time – 30 Minutes Total No. of Qs – 50 |
Maths- 25
Physics – 25 |
17 (for SC/ST |
Section III | Maximum Marks- 50
Time – 30 Minutes Total No. of Qs – 50 |
Electrical Engineering – 50 | 20 (UR/EWS/ OBC
17 (for SC/ST |
Section IV | Maximum Marks- 50
Time – 30 Minutes Total No. of Qs – 50 |
Electronics Engineering – 50 | 20 (UR/EWS/ OBC
17 (for SC/ST |
Section V | Maximum Marks- 50
Time – 30 Minutes Total No. of Qs – 50 |
Mechanical Engineering – 50 | 20 (UR/EWS/ OBC
17 (for SC/ST |
Coast Guard CGEPT 01/2024 Batch Qualifying Marks
This time, aspirants are looking for Indian Coast Guard Navik & Yantrik Cutoff Marks. As per the official Notice, the Authority has already fixed minimum qualifying marks for ICG CGEPT 01/2024. A written Exam was held for 110 Marks with two sections (Section-I & Section-II) for each post. Only a single section Exam with 60 Marks was held for Navik (DB). Therefore applicants see ICG Navik & Yantrik Cutoff Marks category-wise.
In addition, we are introducing the complete Selection process for Navik GD-DB and Yantrik (Electrical/ Electronics/Mechanical) posts. In the below table, you can see post-wise ICG Cut off Marks and marking scheme.
ICG Navik GD & Yantrik Cut off Marks
Post Applied | Written Test | Passing Marks |
Navik (DB) | Section I | 30 (UR/EWS/OBC)
27 (SC/ST) |
Navik (GD) | Section (I+II) | 30+20=50 (UR/EWS/OBC)
27+17 = 44 (SC/ST) |
Yantrik (Electrical) | Section (I+III) | 30+20 = 50 (UR/EWS/OBC)
27+17= 44 for SC/ST |
Yantrik (Electronics) | Section (I+IV) | 30+20= 50 (UR/ EWS/ OBC) 27+17= 44 (SC/ST) |
Yantrik (Mechanical) | Section (I+V) | 30+20= 50 (UR/ EWS/ OBC) 27+17= 44 (SC/ST) |
How to check the Indian Coast Guard Navik Result 2023-24
The Department of Indian Coast Guard has finally released the ICG Results for the Stage-1 CGEPT 01/2024 Batch soon in the upcoming months. Aspirants who appeared in these recruitment examinations can check their Coast Guard Navik GD Results by visiting the official website. For this, they have to enter their email ID and password. This recruitment process is being done for the posts of Navik (General Duty and Domestic Branch) and Mechanical (Electrical / Electronics / Mechanical).
Students may follow the below steps to see their Indian Coast Guard Navik Result. They have to log in to a scorecard using an E-Mail ID and Password.
- First, you go to the official web portal i.e. www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.in/
- In the New Events section select the ‘ICG Result for CGEPT 01/2024 Batch for Recruitment of Navik (GD), Navik (DB), and Yantrik is declared’ link.
- And then, Select ICG Result for CGEPT 01/2024 Batch is declared Click here.
- Enter E-Mail ID and Password and fill given Captcha.
- Click on the Login button and the Result will be displayed on the computer screen.
- After that Check relevant details like Name, Roll Number, and Marks obtained section-wise.
- Finally, Save and take the printout of the Indian Coast Guard Navik Result 2023-24 for further use.
Click here- Check Stage II CGEPT 02/2023 Batch Result
ICG Result for CGEPT 02/2023 Batch Stage-II: Click here
Indian Coast Guard Result for CGCAT 02/2023 Batch
Indian Coast Guard CGEPT 01/2024 Batch Merit List
As we discussed above, selection for Navik GD has many stages like Stage-I, II, III & IV. The first department conducts a written exam. Based on the performance in the Computer Based Online Exam, a Merit list will be made for Stage I.
Based on the performance in Stage I & Stage II, an all-India ICG Navik Yantrik Merit list will be prepared, and an e-admit card for stage-III (final medicals at INS Chilka). Thus, Board will make a final Merit list after completion of Stage IV. The Coast Guard Navik GD Merit list of Indian Coast Guard Navik & Yantrik posts will be prepared on the basis of obtaining marks in this written Examination.
Disclaimer – Furthermore, All candidates should read this article carefully and view the Indian Coast Guard Navik Result 2023-24. We hope aspirants will quickly check the ICG Result for Navik & Yantrik Exam. Besides, they can ask any doubt regarding ICG CGEPT 01/2024 Result by putting comments here.