Gujarat SET Result 2023 Cutoff Marks Merit List, Check Gujarat State Eligibility Test Exam Score, GSET Result name wise at www.gujaratset.ac.in/
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda announced GSET Results on 19 January 2023. MSU Baroda conducted Gujarat State Eligibility Test-2022 on 06.11.2022. Besides, candidates are waiting for GSET Cutoff, Merit List, and Rank List. Every year, University conducts GSET Entrance Exam for Assistant Professor Vacancies. Students have to visit the below link and enter login credentials to download GSET Exam Scorecard. Furthermore, they check subject & Category wise Cutoff percentages for General, SC, ST, OBC, and EWS category-wise. This year, Test has been held in 27 Subjects.
Moreover, all aspirants have to obtain minimum GSET Cut off Marks out of 300. We know very well that State Eligibility Test conducts with two papers and Paper-I is common for 100 Marks. Whereas, Paper II is the subject concerned held for 200 Marks. Hence, applicants check Gujarat SET Result 2023 and the Cutoff percentage for all 27 subjects.
Gujarat SET Result 2023 GSET Cut off Marks released
It is great news for all those candidates who have appeared in Gujarat State Eligibility Test-2022. The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda has completed the online Registration for GSET-2022 till 28 September 2022. And authority has also organized GSET Exam on 06 November 2022. Many candidates have applied for this Entrance Exam for Assistant Professor Jobs in the State. In addition, eligibility for Assistant Professor will only depend on the Performance of the aspirant in both the papers of GSET in aggregate. Department has declared the GSET Result & Cutoff Marks for paper-I and Paper-II.
गुजरात स्टेट एलिजिबिलिटी टेस्ट कुल 300 अंक का है जिसमे 50 एवं 100 प्रश्नो के दो पेपर थे। पहले पेपर में 50 प्रश्न reasoning एबिलिटी एवं जनरल नॉलेज से पूछे गए है और प्रत्येक प्रश्न 2 अंक का है। वही दूसरे पेपर में 100 प्रश्न सम्बंधित विषय से कुल 200 अंको के है। इस प्रकार अभ्यर्थियों को उत्तीर्ण होने के लिए GSET कटऑफ के बराबर या इससे अधिक अंक प्राप्त करने होंगे। दिनांक ०६ नवंबर को आयोजित हुई गुजरात सीईटी परीक्षा का परिणाम जारी हो गया है। इस परीक्षा में कुल 30075 अभ्यर्थियों ने भाग लिया था जिसमे से 2177 छात्र उत्तीर्ण हुए है और रिजल्ट परसेंटेज 7.24% रहा है।
Gujarat State Eligibility Test 2022 Details
Department Name | Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda |
Test Name | Gujarat State Eligibility Test 2022 |
Post Name | Assistant Professor |
Total Subjects | 27 |
Jobs Category | Teaching Jobs |
Location | Gujarat |
GSET Exam Date | 06 November 2022 |
Gujarat SET Result Date | 19 January 2023 |
Post Category | GSET Result |
Status | Declared |
Official website | gujaratset.ac.in |
gujaratset.ac.in 2023 Result & Cutoff Marks
Finally, Gujarat SET Result has been declared by MSU University. Aspirants are able to check their GSET Exam Score, Cutoff Percentage, and Rank List category-wise. We are telling them that MSU Baroda SET Result is available in PDF format and candidates have to find their roll number. Roll numbers of the students provisionally qualifying at the 16th Gujarat SET Examination are available on the official website. Next, qualified aspirants can apply online for Assistant Professor based on SET Exam Score. Therefore, if they are looking for Gujarat SET Cutoff & Merit list then visit below official link.
Apart from this, Department has issued the subject-wise Cutoff Percentage out of 300 marks. There is no sectional Cutoff and aspirants have to score minimum passing marks out of the total score of Paper-I and paper-II.
MSU Baroda GSET Cutoff Marks 2023
As we discussed already the Gujarat State Eligibility Test has been organized for 300 marks. And the board has decided the minimum Cutoff category-wise out of the total marks of both papers. The first paper held 100 marks while the second paper for 200 marks. There are various factors that affect the Gujarat SET Cutoff such as total Seats, Number of candidates registered for the Exam, and Paper difficulty level. Maharaja Sayajirao University has announced subject-wise and Category wise GSET Cutoff Percentages. In this entrance Exam, 30075 appeared and 2177 get qualified for Assistant Professor posts.
Meanwhile, the Recruitment board had fixed minimum passing marks along with the advertisement. So, applicants check their Qualifying marks along with Gujarat SET Result. There are 40% aggregate marks in both papers required for General & EWS and 35% marks for other categories.
How to check Gujarat SET Result 2023 online
- First, students visit the official website of Maharaja Sayajirao University i.e. www.msubaroda.ac.in
- Find the Gujarat SET link and open it
- And then they will be redirected to GSET 2022 website
- Next, they choose the GSET Result link
- A pdf page with Roll numbers of Provisionally selected candidates will display
- Find your Roll number and also check Category wise Cutoff Marks
- Finally, save the Gujarat SET Exam Result for further use
Gujarat SET Cutoff Percentage
Subject Code | Subject name | Genral | SEBC-NCl | ST | SC | EWS |
1 | Mathematics | 50.67 | 46.00 | 42.67 | 46.67 | 48.00 |
2 | Physics | 54.00 | 47.33 | 43.33 | 48.67 | 50.67 |
3 | Chemistry | 50.67 | 45.33 | 42.67 | 46.67 | 47.33 |
4 | Life Science | 54.00 | 49.33 | 43.33 | 49.33 | 50.00 |
5 | Hindi | 54.00 | 50.67 | 44.67 | 52.67 | 51.33 |
6 | Gujarati | 50.00 | 44.67 | 41.33 | 44.67 | 46.67 |
7 | Sanskrit | 57.33 | 46.67 | 44.00 | 49.33 | 50.00 |
8 | History | 50.00 | 44.67 | 43.33 | 46.67 | 48.67 |
9 | Sociology | 54.00 | 46.67 | 44.00 | 48.00 | 49.33 |
10 | Economics | 54.00 | 50.00 | 44.67 | 51.33 | 51.33 |
11 | Politics Science | 60.00 | 54.00 | 41.33 | 48.67 | 59.33 |
12 | English | 58.00 | 48.00 | 41.33 | 48.00 | 50.67 |
13 | Education | 54.00 | 50.00 | 47.33 | 50.00 | 50.67 |
14 | Psychology | 56.67 | 45.33 | 42.67 | 47.33 | 53.33 |
15 | Lib.Info | 57.33 | 52.00 | 45.33 | 50.67 | 54.00 |
16 | Law | 56.67 | 48.67 | 47.33 | 50.00 | 50.00 |
17 | Commerce | 54.00 | 48.00 | 44.00 | 49.33 | 50.00 |
18 | Management | 54.67 | 48.67 | 49.33 | 46.67 | 50.67 |
19 | Computer Science | 50.67 | 42.67 | 42.00 | 44.00 | 46.67 |
20 | Earth Science | 63.33 | 58.00 | 57.33 | 52.67 | 60.67 |
21 | Physical Education | 60.00 | 52.00 | 44.00 | 46.67 | 52.00 |
22 | Philosophy | 66.00 | 56.00 | 50.67 | 63.33 | 52.00 |
23 | Home Science | 56.67 | 49.33 | 40.67 | 46.67 | 56.67 |
24 | Geography | 62.00 | 48.67 | 48.00 | 46.00 | 43.33 |
25 | Social Work | 53.33 | 49.33 | 46.67 | 50.00 | 50.67 |
In the end, candidates visit the official website of the Gujarat State Eligibility Test for more details. We have tried to give complete details such as GSET Result, Cutoff Marks, and Merit List. Further, aspirants may ask any doubt by putting comments here.