Acharyakulam Samvaad Admit Card 2023 Class 5th to 9th Entrance Exam Hall Ticket acharyakulam.org
Acharyakulam Ancient Gurukul has opened the Admission window for session 2023-24 Classes V to IX (Boys & Girls). For this, students have to undergo the SAMVAAD Entrance test. Authority released Entrance Exam Samvaad Admit Card on 04.01.2023. Many candidates are looking for Hall Tickets to participate in Class 5th to 9th Admission Test. Besides, the Samvaad Admission test will conduct on 08 January 2023 at various affiliated Exam centers. First, candidates would download their Acharyakulam Samvaad Admit Card and then reach to the allotted test centre.
Moreover, students check the complete Admission Process, Samvaad Entrance Exam Date, required Documents and Acharyakulam Samvaad Call Letter. Aspirants login using E-Mail ID and Password to download Samvaad Hall Ticket Name wise.
Acharyakulam Samvaad Admit Card 2023 Class 5th to 9th Admission Test Date
Earlier, the Acharyakulam, a one of its kind Residential, CBSE-affiliated school for Classes V to VII established in 2013. At Acharyakulam, studies receive an all round education which is a beautiful blend of Vedic & Modern Education (CBSE). Institute offers Admission in Classes 5th to 9th for the academic session 2023-2024. A huge number of candidates registered for the Acharyakulam Entrance Exam before the last date.
Finally, the Samvaad Entrance test for 5th & 9th Class Admission has been decided to organize on 08.01.2023 at 35 Exam centers across India. Furthermore, many students are waiting for Acharyakulam entrance Exam hall Ticket. As per the news, Gurukul issued the Admit Card on 04.01.2023 on its official web portal. So only registered aspirants can get the Class 5th to 9th Hall Ticket using the below link.
Acharyakulam Class 5th to 9th Admission Entrance Exam 2023
Board Name | Acharyakulam Ancient Gurukul |
Exam Name | Entrance Exam Samvaad |
Class | 5th Class & 9th Class |
Mode of Exam | online |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Acharyakulam Entrance Test Samvaad Date | 08 January 2023 |
Hall Ticket Date | 04.01.2023 |
Post Category | Samvaad Entrance Test Admit Card |
Official website | www.acharyakulam.org/ |
Acharyakulam.org Entrance Exam Samvaad Hall Ticket 2023
Hello guys, Online Registration for Class 5th to 9th Admission in Gurukul has been completed on 30th December 2022. On 4th January 2023, Acharyakulam Ancient Gurukul released the hall Ticket for Class V to IX Entrance Exam. Aspirants are advised to download their Samvaad Exam Hall Ticket from the official website or the below link. It is mandatory to attempt Exam with Admission Certificate and valid ID proof. If you enter the Exam hall without carrying Admit Card then you will not allow in the Acharyakulum Class 5th to Class 9th Entrance Exam. In addition, applicants should follow the Exam instructions carefully printed on Acharyakulam admit card 2023.
How to download Acharyakulam Samvaad Admit Card 2023
Finally, students are able to download Gurukul Entrance Test Samvaad Hall Ticket from the official web portal. They will need an E-mail ID and Password to access the Samvaad Exam Call Letter. Moreover, we have been giving the simple procedure to get Admission Certificate Online-
- First of all, candidates go to the website i.e. http://www.acharyakulam.org/
- They will redirect to the home page of Acharyakulum Ancient Gurukul
- And then Find the Acharyakulum Entrance Test Samvaad Admit Card link
- After that open desired link and enter EMail ID and Password
- Click on submit button and the Entrance Test Samvaad Hall Ticket will display
- Check the relevant details mentioned on Admission Certificate
- Save and take a printout of Admit Card for further use.
Samvaad 2023 Online Entrance Test Centers List
Hence, the online Samvvadd Class 5th to 9th Admission Test will conduct on 08.01.2023 at 35 Exam centers across the country. We are uploading Test Centres here-
1 | Jammu | 19 | Ahmedabad |
2 | Delhi | 20 | Surat |
3 | Chandigarh | 21 | Mumbai |
4 | Hisar | 22 | Nagpur |
5 | Karnal | 23 | Pune |
6 | Ludhiana | 24 | Patna |
7 | Haridwar | 25 | Muzaffarpur |
8 | Bareilly | 26 | Bhagalpur |
9 | Lucknow | 27 | Ranchi |
10 | Noida | 28 | Dhanbad |
11 | Prayagraj | 29 | Kolkata |
12 | Varanasi | 30 | Jalpaiguri |
13 | Jaipur | 31 | Guwahati |
14 | Jodhpur | 32 | Bhubaneswar |
15 | Bhopal | 33 | Hyderabad |
16 | Indore | 34 | Bengaluru |
17 | Jabalpur | 35 | Chennai |
18 | Raipur |
आचार्यकुलम संवाद प्रवेश परीक्षा
आचार्यकुलम एकमात्र सीबीएसई से संबंद्ध आवासीय विद्यालय है, यहाँ कक्षा 5वीं से 12वीं तक शिक्षा प्रदान की जाती है। इस बार कक्षा 5 से 9 तक एडमिशन के लिए ऑनलाइन प्रवेश परीक्षा ‘संवाद’ आयोजित हो रही है। परीक्षा देशभर में 35 परीक्षा केन्द्रो पर दिनांक 08 जनवरी 2023 को होनी है। इसके लिए संवाद एडमिट कार्ड बोर्ड की वेबसाइट पर जारी कर दिए है।
Download Samvaad Online Exam Admit Card
प्रवेश परीक्षा ‘संवाद’ के परीक्षा परिणाम के आधार पर चयनित अभ्यर्थियों हेतु आचार्यकुलम, हरिद्वार में ‘विद्यार्थी संस्कार शिविर’ का आयोजन दिनांक 03 से 05 फरवरी 2023 में किया जायेगा। सत्र 2023-2024 के लिए चयनित प्रवेशार्थियों की अंतिम सूची शिविर के बाद जारी की जाएगी।
ऑनलाइन प्रवेश परीक्षा “संवाद” का परिणाम विद्यालय की वेबसाइट www.acharyakulam.org पर दिनांक 20 जनवरी 2023 को घोषित किया जायेगा।