CTET Frequently Asked Questions, FAQs for Central Teacher Eligibility Test – July 2023, View FAQs for CBSE CTET Exam Online Form from 27 April to 26 May 2023
Here all candidates may check Central Eligibility Test Frequently Asked Questions. The Central Teacher Eligibility Test is conducted from 20 August 2023. Now you can see FAQs regarding CTET July 2023 from here.
केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड इस बार “केंद्रीय अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा” का आयोजन 18 अगस्त 2023 को करवा रहा है। बहुत सारे उम्मीदवार अध्यापक भर्ती के लिए सीटीइटी की तैयारी कर रहे है। ऐसे में उनके दिमाग में CBSE CTET (सीटेट) को लेके बहुत सारे सवाल है। हम यहाँ पर Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for CBSE CTET Exam 2023 उपलब्ध करवा रहे है। उम्मीदवार CTET परीक्षा से सम्बंधित सभी प्रश्नो का जवाब यहाँ से पासकते है।
केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड 18 अगस्त में सीबीटी (कंप्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट) मोड में केंद्रीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (सीटीईटी) के 17वें संस्करण का आयोजन करेगा। परीक्षा पुरे देश 20 भाषाओ में आयोजित की जाएगी। विस्तृत सूचना बुलेटिन जिसमे परीक्षा, पाठ्यक्रम, भाषा, पात्रता मानदंड, परीक्षा शुल्क, परीक्षा शहर और महत्वपूर्ण तिथियों का विवरण सीटीइटी की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट www.ctet.nic.in पर शीघ्र ही उपलब्ध होगा। केंद्रीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (सीटीईटी) जुलाई 2023 के लिए लागु आवदेन शुल्क निम्नानुसार है-
श्रेणी | पेपर I या पेपर II | दोनों पेपर I और पेपर II |
सामान्य /ओबीसी | रूपये 1000/- | रूपये 1200/- |
एससी/एसटी /विकलांग | रूपये 500/- | रूपये 600/- |
Check CTET Exam Date & Exam Center Name
What is CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test)
CTET is a qualifying entrance exam for central government teachers. All the candidates who want to apply for Central Teacher Recruitment have to first qualify for the CTET exam. This exam is conducted to become a teacher from class 1 to 5 (primary stage) and a teacher from class 6 to 8 (elementary stage). Check Detailed Notification
What are the Qualifications for Applying for CTET?
Candidates should have minimum qualifications for becoming Teachers for Classes I-V Primary Stage and Teachers for Classes VI-VIII (Elementary Stage).
CTET Primary Teacher (Class 1 to 5)- Senior Secondary with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final year of 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education OR
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of 2- year Diploma in Elementary Education OR
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final year of 4- year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed) OR
“Graduation with at least 50% marks and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)”
What is the Minimum Qualifications for becoming Teacher for Classes VI-VIII: Elementary Stage?
Graduation and passing or appearing in the final year of 2-year D.El.Ed. OR
Graduation with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed). OR
Graduation with at least 45% marks and passed or appearing in 1-year B.Ed OR
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final year of 4- year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed) OR
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of 4- year B.A/B.Sc.Ed or B.A.Ed/B.Sc.Ed. OR
Graduation with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education)*.
How many Exam fees are required for CTET Paper-I and Paper-II?
Every candidate can apply for both papers CTET Paper-1 and CTET Paper-2. And he/she has to pay the Examination fee paper-wise. Payment can be paid through both Online and Offline modes.
Category | Only Paper-I or II | Both Paper-I & II |
General/OBC (NCL) | Rs 1000/- | Rs 1200/- |
SC/ST/Diff. Abled Persons | Rs 500/- | Rs 600/- |
What is the CTET Exam Pattern?
Many students have a question about How Many Papers are there in One CTET?. So we want to tell them that there are two papers in each CTET. Paper 1 for Class I to V and Paper 2 for Class VI to VIII. Download CTET Syllabus
Structure and Content of CTET
All Questions in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), with four alternatives out of which one answer will be most appropriate. Each carries one mark and there will be no negative marking. There will be two papers of CTET.
What is the pattern of CTET Paper I (for classes I to V) Primary Stage?
Subject Name | Questions | Marks |
Child Development and Pedagogy (compulsory) | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Language I (compulsory) | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Language II (compulsory) | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Mathematics | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Environmental Studies | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Total | 150 MCQs | 150 Marks |
What is the Pattern of CTET Paper II (for classes VI to VIII) Elementary Stage?
Subject Name | Questions | Marks |
Child Development and Pedagogy (compulsory) | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Language I (compulsory) | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Language II (compulsory) | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Mathematics and Science OR | 60 MCQs | 60 Marks |
Social Studies/Social Science | 60 MCQs | 60 Marks |
Total | 150 MCQs | 150 Marks |
What Type of Questions are asked in CTET?
There will be 150 Questions in Each CTET Paper. All questions in CTET will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). CTET Exam question Paper will be made from Child Development and Pedagogy (compulsory), Language I & II (compulsory), Mathematics & Environmental Studies. Admit Card for CTET July Exam
How can we prepare for CTET in 10 Days?
To prepare well for the Central Teacher Eligibility Test in less time, you have to collect the latest Study materials and do smart study. You should follow a study plan and time distribution. Here you can see CTET Preparation and Strategy of 15 Days Plan.
Topic/Subject | Percentage Time | 15 Days Plan |
E.V.S. | 15% | 3 Days |
Language 1 | 15% | 1 Day |
Language 2 | 15% | 1 Day |
Child Development and Pedagogy | 20% | 2 Days |
Maths | 15% | 3 Days |
Previous Year Papers | 10% | Last 2-3 Days |
Mock Tests | 10% | Last 2-3 Days (1 or 2 Mock per day) |
What is the Official website of CTET and Who Conducts it?
The Central Board of Secondary Education conducts the Central Teacher Eligibility Test Every year. You can visit the official website i.e. https://ctet.nic.in/
What is the role of CTET in the Recruitment of a Teacher?
CTET certificate is compulsory for students who want to become teachers at Primary and Elementary Stage. They can apply for the latest Teacher Jobs in Central Schools of India through CTET.
What is the validity period of the CTET Certificate?
The Validity Period of the CTET qualifying certificate for appointment will be 7 years from the date of declaration of its result for all categories.
What is the number of attempts a candidate can avail for CTET?
Till now there is no limit on the number of attempts for appearing in CTET
Can I apply for CTET again if I had already Qualified for the CTET before?
Yes, there is no restriction
What are the Qualifying Marks for getting a CTET Certificate?
Board will issue Marks statements for candidates who appear in the CTET Exam. They have to secure 60% and above marks to qualify the Central Teacher Eligibility Test. Qualifying CTET would not confer a right on any person for Recruitment/Employment. Category wise CTET passing Marks
How can we get the Eligibility Certificate and Mark Sheets of CTET?
The Eligibility Certificate and Mark sheets of CTET will be available on DigiLocker and the Candidate can get the same by filling required Credentials.
What is the time duration of each Test?
The duration of each test is 2:30 hours.
What is a Good Score in CTET?
Aspirants who are successful in scoring an aggregate cut-off score of 60% (90 marks out of 150) will be eligible to qualify in the CTET exams. Candidates securing 60% and above marks will be issued an eligibility certificate. Check CTET Result
Hence, we have provided FAQs for the Central Teacher Eligibility Test in this article. If you want to get more Frequently asked Questions for CBSE CTET Exam 2023 then put your comment here. We have tried to give complete CTET Frequently Asked Questions.