Bihar STET Cut off Marks 2023-24 Category wise Bihar TET Paper-1 & Paper-2 qualifying Marks, BSEB Secondary TET Cutoff List for General, OBC, SC, ST category
Bihar School Examination Board has organized the ‘Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test-2023′ at various centers. Whereas the Teacher Eligibility Test for Arts, Science and Language Paper has also held from 04 to 15 September 2023. Lakhs number of aspirants have appeared in Teacher Eligibility Test for paper-I & Paper-II. Besides, candidates are looking for Bihar TET Cutoff Marks required to qualify in both Papers. Therefore, we are introducing here the BSEB STET passing marks category-wise and expected and previous Cutoff Marks.
In addition, every year board conducts the Teacher Eligibility for Primary Teachers (Class 1 to 5), Elementary Teachers (Class 6 to 8) and Secondary Teachers (Class 9 to 10). Hence, students who have appeared in the Bihar Teacher Eligibility test can see Bihar STET Cut off Marks 2023. By the way, the board has released the minimum passing marks for Bihar TET. Apart from this, we have also given the previous cutoff and expected cutoff here. With the help of this, you can find out the BSEB TET score.
Bihar STET Cut off Marks 2023 BSEB TET Exam Cutoff List
Good news for all those aspirants has appeared in Bihar Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test 2023. Because Bihar School Examination Board has organized the Secondary TET for Primary & Upper Primary Teacher. Further, the board will also conduct the Bihar TET 2022 for other subjects from 04.09.2023 to 15.09.2023 across the State. Recently, the department has completed the online Applications for TET commerce from 09 to 23 August 2023. A huge number of students have applied for this Entrance Exam.
We want to tell you that Bihar Teacher Eligibility Test has been organized for Primary, Upper primary and secondary teachers. There are two papers in this exam, Paper-1 for Primary Teachers (Class 1 to 5), and Paper-2 for Primary Teachers (Class 6 to 8). 150 questions have been asked in each question paper, each question will be of 1 mark. Generally, the exam is of total of 150 marks and candidates have to score minimum marks to qualify.
बिहार अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा दिनांक 04 से 15 सितम्बर 2023 तक आयोजित हुई है। एग्जाम में दो प्रश्न-पत्र है, पहला पेपर कक्षा 1 से 5 तक एवं दूसरा पेपर कक्षा 6 से 8 तक आयोजित हुआ है। इस बार लगभग 3.5 लाख छात्रों ने बिहार एसटीईटी परीक्षा दी है। इसके अलावा एसटीईटी कुल 150 अंको कि होगी। बोर्ड ने कोटिवार उत्तीर्णांक दिए है –
सामान्य- 50 फीसदी अंक
पिछड़ा वर्ग- 45.5 फीसदी अंक
अत्यंत पिछड़ा वर्ग- 42.5 फीसदी अंक
Bihar Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 Details
Organization Name | Bihar of School Education Bihar |
Exam Name | Bihar Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 |
Total posts | 37335 |
Post Name | Primary Teacher, Elementary Teacher |
Exam Type | Paper-I: Secondary Teacher
Paper-II: senior Secondary Teacher |
Mode of Exam | offline |
Bihar STET Exam Date | 04 Sept to 15 Sept 2023 |
Job Location | Bihar |
Post Category | Bihar TET Answer key |
Official Website | biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in |
BSEB TET Cut off Marks 2023
Education Board will announce official Cutoff marks for Bihar TET 2023. But before that, you can check the required BSEB TET qualifying Marks decided by the Board category-wise. Besides, the authority will prepare a Cutoff list for General, OBC, SC, and ST categories. The Bihar TET Cutoff is the minimum qualifying mark necessary to pass Paper-I and Paper II. It is equally important to obtain minimum passing from each paper which held for 150 marks. To crack the Teacher Eligibility Test, aspirants have to score equal or above marks from Bihar STET Cut off Marks. Furthermore, BSEB will determine the Secondary TET Cutoff based on various factors. Following factors affects the minimum cutoff –
- Total Vacancies
- Number of candidates who appeared in the Exam
- Paper Difficulty level
- Reservation
- Previous year Cut off
BSEB TET Expected Cutoff
Category | Expected Cut-off |
General | 85% – 95% |
OBC | 80% – 85% |
SC | 75% – 80% |
ST | 70% – 75% |
Bihar STET Exam Qualifying Marks
Well, the School Examination board organized the Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test 2023. The candidates need to qualify the following to ensure eligibility for further teacher recruitment test participation.
Likewise, Students have to qualify for the BSEB Bihar STET Result 2023. However, the exam was held in two papers. Paper 1 was for the Secondary level (Class 9th & 10th) Teacher recruitment. And Paper 2 was for Inter (Class 11th & 12th), Teacher. The Bihar Secondary TET Cut off marks will be separate for each and every subject of the examination. Furthermore, the candidates will also download the BSEB STET Qualifying Certificate online after the result is released.
BSEB Secondary TET passing Marks
Category | Cut off |
General Category | 75 marks |
OBC/PwD/SC/ST Category | 67.5 (68) Marks |
Bihar BTET Previous Year Cut off Marks
Category | Cut off |
General | 90 Marks |
OBC/Female/PwD Candidates | 83 Marks |
SC/ST Category | 75 Marks |
BTET 2019 Year Cut off marks | |
General | 95+ Marks |
OBC/Female/PWD | 87+ Marks |
SC/ST | 77+ Marks |
How to check Bihar TET Cut off Marks Category wise
Finally, Bihar School Examination Board has declared the Bihar STET Result and cutoff list. Students follow the below-given steps to know their scorecard and cut off Marks for all categories. However, the contenders are required to login with their Application Number and Date of birth to check the BSEB STET Exam result Name wise.
- First, visit the official web portal i.e http://biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in/
- After that, they choose the BSEB STET option
- And then, click on the Result of Bihar Secondary TET link
- Open the desired link and Enter login details
- Also, check Name, Roll Number, and Exam Marks and check relevant information
- Finally, download and save Bihar STET Cut off Marks for further use.
FAQs for BSEB Bihar STET Cut off List 2023
Is the Bihar STET Exam Score declared?
Yes, the Department will declare the BSTET Result 2023.
In which mode Bihar Secondary TET Cut off & Result will issue?
The Bihar STET Exam Result will publish online mode.
What details are required to download the BSTET Exam Score/Merit list?
Students need to enter the Application Number and Date of birth to access the Result.
What is the Bihar STET Exam Cutoff list?
The Bihar STET Exam Cut-Off Marks are available on this page.
What are Bihar STET minimum Qualifying marks for General Category?
The board has decided minimum passing marks for General are 75 Marks and 67.5 (68) marks for all other categories.
Where can we check the Bihar STET Exam Result?
Aspirants can check the Bihar STET Cut off Marks & Result through a Direct Link from our page as well as through the official site @ biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in/
Thus, we have provided the full details about Bihar STET Cut-off Marks 2023 in this article. We also hope that all students will easily download the BSEB Secondary TET Exam Score using the above link. Further, aspirants may ask any doubt by putting comments here.
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