Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher Vacancy Subject wise 48000 Vacancies Details, RSMSSB Third Grade Bharti online Form, Primary & Upper Primary School Teacher Vacancy, 3rd Grade Level-1 & level-2 Vacancy District wise, 3rd Grade Teacher Level-1 and Level-2 Mains Exam between 25 – 28 February 2023
Rajasthan Staff Selection Board has published a Notification for Primary & Upper Primary School Teacher (Level-1 & Level-2) 48000 Vacancies. This time, Board is recruiting eligible candidates for 48000 Vacancies of 3rd Grade Teacher Posts (तृतीय श्रेणी शिक्षक). Out of these 48000 vacancies, 6018 posts are for TSP Areas and 41982 posts for Non-TSP Areas. If talking about post-wise Third Grade Vacancy, 21000 seats are available for Primary Teacher Level 1 (1 to 5 Class) and the remaining 27000 seats for Upper Primary Level 2 (6 to 8 Class). Level-2 Vacancies to be filled in English, Hindi, Science- Mats, Social Science, Sanskrit, Urdu, Sindhi and Punjabi subjects. Applicants check REET Subject wise Vacancy for Level-I and Level-II.
Further, aspirants can check district-wise 3rd Grade Level-I & Level-II Vacancies The Grade 3rd Bharti is equally important for those candidates who are preparing for Level-1 & Level-2 Jobs. Besides, Board will organize REET Main Exam (थर्ड ग्रेड भर्ती परीक्षा) from in February 2023.
We know that many aspirants are waiting for RSMSSB Third Grade Recruitment Notification. Now they can apply for Primary Teacher (1 to 5 Classes) and Upper Primary Teacher (6 to 8 Classes). Authority has also released Syllabus and Exam Pattern and category-wise Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher Vacancy. The online Application for Third Grade Jobs starts on 21.12.2022. And eligible and interested aspirants must submit REET Main Exam online Form before 19 January 2023.
Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher Vacancy Subject wise 2022-23 Level-1 & Level-2 District wise
Rajasthan Staff Selection Board has released the notification for the RSMSSB 3rd Grade Teacher Recruitment. This is good news for 8 lakh unemployed youth. Candidates who have passed REET-2022 can apply for direct recruitment to the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher (Level I and Level II). Out of total 48000 posts, 21000 vacancies of Level-1 and 27000 Vacancies of Level-2 are included in the advertisement issued by the board. Therefore, the eligible candidates should first complete their application from 21 December to 19 January 2023.
राजस्थान तृतीय श्रेणी शिक्षक भर्ती के लिए आवेदन प्रक्रिया दिनांक 21 दिसंबर से शुरू हो रही है। कमर्चारी चयन बोर्ड ने प्राथमिक एवं उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालय अध्यापक (सामान्य/विशेष शिक्षा) के कुल 48000 पदों पर भर्ती का आयोजन दिनांक 25 से 28 फरवरी 2023 तक करेगा। उम्मीदवार इस समय थर्ड ग्रेड जिलेवार व विषयवार रिक्त पद ढूंढ रहे है। इसलिए वे यहाँ से राजस्थान थर्ड ग्रेड लेवल प्रथम (कक्षा 1 से 5 तक) एवं लेवल-द्वितीय (कक्षा 6 से 8 तक) की वैकेंसी देख सकते है।
बोर्ड द्वारा जारी RSMSSB 3rd Grade Teacher भर्ती नोटिफिकेशन के तहत गैर अनुसूचित क्षेत्र के 41982 एवं अनुसूचित क्षेत्र के 6018 पद भरे जायेंगे। अगर बात करे पोस्ट वाइज रिक्त पदों कि तो प्रथम लेवल के 21000 एवं द्वितीय लेवल के 27000 पद है। लेवल-द्वितीय, कक्षा 6 से 8 तक के लिए Subject wise Vacancies – अंग्रेजी (8782), हिंदी (3176), विज्ञानं-गणित (7435), सामाजिक अध्ययन (4712), संस्कृत (1808), उर्दू (806), सिंधी (09), पंजाबी (272) पद शामिल है।
RSMSSB 3rd Grade Subject wise 48000 Vacancies Details
Board Name | Rajasthan Staff Selection Board |
Exam Name | Teacher (Level-I & Level-II) Exam 2022 |
Post Name | Primary Teacher (1 to 5 Class) and Upper Primary Teacher (6 to 8 Class) |
Total Posts | 48000 |
Start Date to apply online | 21 December 2022 |
Last Date to apply for 3rd Grade Bharti | 19 January 2023 |
REET Main Exam Date | 25th & 28th February 2023 |
Job Category | Teaching Jobs |
Location | Rajasthan |
Post Category | Rajasthan 3rd Grade Bharti Online Form |
Official website | www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in |
Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher Vacancy 2022 Eligibility Criteria
First candidates apply for RSMSSB Third Grade Recruitment as per eligibility criteria. Authority has decided the eligible conditions for Rajasthan Grade 3rd Application Form. If you have cleared the D.El.Ed or B.Ed with REET Exam then you can apply for the RSMSSB 3rd Grade Bharti Online Form.
Education Qualification
Level-I Primary Teacher- Candidates should pass 12th with D.El.Ed Certificate and REET Exam Certificate
Level-II Upper Primary Teacher- Graduation with 45% Marks and REET Certificate
Age Limit- The age of the candidates should be between 18-40 Years. The crucial date for the calculation of the age is 01.01.2023. Age relaxation is applicable as per government norms. Jobs in Rajasthan
Post Name | Vacancy | Qualification |
3rd Grade Teacher (Level-1) | 21000 | D.Ed/ B.El.Ed + REET Qualified |
3rd Grade Teacher (Level-2) | 27000 | B.Ed/ B.El.Ed + REET Qualified |
Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher Vacancy 2022-23
Post Name | Subject | Non-TSP | TSP | Total Posts |
Level-I | — | 19192 | 1808 | 21000 |
Level-II | English | 7486 | 1296 | 8782 |
Hindi | 2577 | 599 | 3176 | |
Science-Math | 6322 | 1113 | 7435 | |
Social Study | 4000 | 712 | 4712 | |
Sanskrit | 1332 | 476 | 1808 | |
Urdu | 792 | 14 | 806 | |
Sindhi | 09 | 00 | 09 | |
Punjabi | 272 | 00 | 272 | |
Total | 41982 | 6018 | 48000 |
Category wise RSMSSB 3rd Grade Level-1 & Level-2 Vacancy
Level-1 Posts- 21000
Category | Non-TSP Area | TSP Area | Total | |
सामान्य शिक्षा | —- | 17563 | 1570 | 19133 |
विशेष शिक्षा | एम.आर | 930 | 155 | 1085 |
वी.आई | 208 | 32 | 240 | |
एच.आई | 491 | 51 | 542 | |
Total Posts | 19192 | 1808 | 21000 |
Level-2 Posts- 27000
Subject | Non-TSP Area | TSP Area | Total | ||
सामान्य शिक्षा | विशेष शिक्षा | सामान्य शिक्षा | विशेष शिक्षा | ||
अंग्रेजी | 6724 | 762 | 1199 | 97 | 8782 |
हिंदी | 2315 | 262 | 555 | 44 | 3176 |
विज्ञान-गणित | 5678 | 644 | 1030 | 83 | 7435 |
सामाजिक अध्ययन | 3593 | 407 | 658 | 54 | 4712 |
संस्कृत | 1197 | 135 | 440 | 36 | 1808 |
उर्दू | 711 | 81 | 14 | 00 | 806 |
सिंधी | 09 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 09 |
पंजाबी | 244 | 28 | 00 | 00 | 272 |
Total | 20471 | 2319 | 3896 | 314 | 27000 |
RSMSSB 3rd Grade Recruitment Aplicaiton Fee
All candidates have to pay Application Charges online mode. We are given here category-wise require Application Charges. The payment can be paid through online mode via Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, UPI.
- General – Rs 450/-
- OBC- Rs 350/-
- SC/ST- Rs 250/-
- EWS- Rs 350/-
- PwD- Rs 250/-
How to apply online for RSMSSB 3rd Grade Teacher Vacancy Online Form 2022-23
राजस्थान तृतीय श्रेणी शिक्षक भर्ती के लिए आवेदन प्रक्रिया दिनांक 21 दिसंबर 2022 से शुरू होगी। योग्य अभ्यर्थी दिनांक 19 जनवरी 2023 तक थर्ड ग्रेड भर्ती हेतु आवेदन कर सकते है। इच्छुक आवेदक उक्त निर्धारित अवधि में www.reruitment.rajasthan.gov.in पर SSO ID के माध्यम से लेवल प्रथम एवं लेवल द्वितीय के (विषयवार) अलग-अलग ऑनलाइन आवेदन करेंगे। आवेदक को उसकी योग्यता एवं पात्रता के अनुसार सम्बंधित पद हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रस्तुत करना अनिवार्य होगा। एक से अधिक पद की योग्यता एवं पात्रता होने पर प्रत्येक पद हेतु अलग-लग आवेदन भरना होगा।
We are introducing here online Registration for Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher Vacancy. First, candidates have to complete Registration using a valid E-mail ID and Mobile number. And then they enter personal and academic details in RSMSSB Third Grade Bharti online Form. Aspirants have to upload Photo and Signature and pay Application Charges online.
Steps for Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher Application Form 2022
- First of all, candidates visit the official website i.e.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in
- And then go to the “Notification” Section
- Select ‘Primary & Upper Primary School Teacher (Level-1 & Level-2) 2022’ link
- Open the Detailed 3rd Grade Bharti Notification
- Read the official advertisement and Apply the Instruction Carefully
- Click on Apply online link and SSO Portal will display
- login using SSO Id and password
- After that Complete the Rajasthan 3rd Grade Bharti Online Form
- Upload a Photograph and Signature and Pay Application fee
- Click on submit button and Save and RSMSSB 3rd Grade Application Form
Rajasthan 3rd Grade Application Dates
- Notification Release Date- 14 December 2022
- RSMSSB 3rd GradeTeacher Application Start Date- 21 December 2022
- Last date to submit the Application form- 19 January 2023
- Last Date to make Correction in Form- 19 January 2023
- Close date to pay Application fee-19 January 2023
- RSMSSB Leve-I & level-II Teacher Exam Date- 25 February to 28 February 2023
- Result Date- March 2023
- Selection List and DV – March 2023
RSMSSB 3rd Grade Teacher Exam Pattern
Rajasthan Staff Selection Board has released REET Main Exam Date & Syllabus for 3rd Grade Teacher (Level- I, Level- II) Exam 2022. The third Grade teacher exam will be of 300 marks and there will be one question paper of two and a half hours duration. This time general knowledge of Rajasthan has been included in the reet mains syllabus. In Level-1 and Level-2, in the part of geographical, historical and cultural knowledge of Rajasthan, there were 90 marks in Level-1 and 70 marks in Level-2.
Now by adding the capital language of 10 marks, it has been made 100 and 80 marks respectively. At the same time, in Level-2 also, 10 marks have been reduced to 50 marks. There is no change in the rest of the exam scheme. Third Grade Teacher exam will be of 300 marks. Total 150 questions will be asked. There will be 1/3 negative marking in the exam.
Apply online for 3rd Grade Vacancy in Rajasthan
Furthermore, Aspirants visit the official website www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in for more details. We have provided complete information about the Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher Vacancy 2022-23. First candidates should check the detailed Notification and then they start the Registration process.