MPTET Varg 3 Merit List 2022 Samvida Shikshak Cutoff Marks at trcmponline.gov.in MP Shikshak Bharti Selection List, TRC MP Varg 3 Merit List
Teacher Recruitment Counselling Board has announced MP Primary TET (Samvida Shikshak Varg 3) Merit list. Recently Madhya Pradesh professional Examination Board has conducted “Primary School Teacher Eligibility Test-2020” from 5th to 26th March 2022. And now TRC MP Varg 3 Merit list released by the board. Besides, a huge number of aspirants are looking MPTET Varg 3 Merit list. Therefore based on MP Primary TET Score, Recruitment Board has issued the Primary Teacher Merit list for Document upload. There are 18527 vacancies of Samvida Shikshak Varg 3 Post across the State. Candidates are able to check TRC MP Varg 3 Merit list from 28th December 2022
प्राथमिक शिक्षक हेतु दस्तावेज अपलोड के संबंध में सूचना – मध्य प्रदेश स्कूल शिक्षा विभाग एवं जनजातीय कार्य विभाग के लिए प्राथमिक शिक्षक (वर्ग 3) के कुल 18527 पदों पर भर्ती की काउंसलिंग हो रही है। जिन अभ्यर्थियों ने प्राइमरी स्कूल टीचर एलिजिबिलिटी टेस्ट-2020 (MP Primary TET) दिया है वे इस प्राथमिक शिक्षक (संयुक्त काउंसलिंग) में भाग ले सकते है। अब बोर्ड ने TRC MP वर्ग 3 मेरिट लिस्ट जारी कर दी है। बोर्ड द्वारा जारी प्राथमिक शिक्षक प्रावधिक चयन सूची (Fresh Vacancy & Backlog) में अंकित अभ्यर्थी दिनांक 29 दिसंबर से 04 जनवरी 2023 तक दस्तावेज अपलोड करे।
MPTET Varg 3 Merit List 2022 TRC MP Primary Teacher Selection List
Madhya Pradesh Government is recruiting 18527 Primary Teacher Vacancies in School Education Department and Tribal Affairs Department. A selection will be based on MP Primary TET-2020 Score which was held from 5th to 26 march 2022. Now Teacher Recruimtent Counselling has started for Samvida Shikshak Varg 3 Bharti. Furthermore, Department has released TRC MP Primary Teacher Result on 28.12.2022. Hence, aspirants check MPTET Varg 3 Samvida Shikshak Merit list and upload Documents on or before 4th January 2023.
Recently Professional Examination Board completed online Registration for 18527 Primary Teacher Varg 3 (Samvida Shikshak) Bharti on 02.01.2022. And the huge number of aspirants have applied for Primary School Teacher Eligibility Test 2020 (Varg 3). Therefore those candidates can check TRC MP Varg 3 Merit List who participated in MP TET Exam. In addition, candidates must qualify for the MPTET Varg 3 Exam to get a Primary Level Teacher Job in both School Education and Tribal Affairs Departments. If you are searching Final Date of the MP TET Merit List which is 28th December 2022. Check Primary Teacher Varg 3 Selection List
TRC MP Samvida Shikshak Exam Result Details
Organization Name | Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board |
Post Name | Primary Teacher Varg 3 (Samvida Shikshak) |
Exam Name | Primary School Teacher Eligibility Test 2020 |
Total Vacancies | 18527 |
Department Name | School Education & Tribal Affairs Department |
MPTET Exam Date | 05 March to 26th March 2022 |
TRC MP Varg 3 Merit List | 28th December 2022 |
Post Category | MPTET Varg 3 Merit List |
trc.mponline.gov.in Varg 3 MP Primary Teacher Selection List
Earlier, Professional Examination Board, MP had announced a Notification for 17000 vacancies for Primary Teacher Posts. And MP Vyapam has also completed the online Application Process between 14 December to 02 January 2022. For selection, candidates had to qualify for Primary Teacher Eligibility. Many candidates have enrolled for primary Teacher Varg 3 Posts. Now they may check if they may see MP Primary TET Result and TRC MP Varg 3 Merit List. They first should visit below official lion and Select Category, Guest Faculty to check MP Primary Teacher Provisional Selection List. Here we have given the step-by-step process to check MPTET Varg 3 Merit List and Samvida Shikshak Selection List.
How to download MP TET Varg 3 Merit List 2022 PDF Link
- First candidates visit the official website i.e. https://trc.mponline.gov.in/
- And then select the Eduction or Tribal Department link
- After that choose Primary Teacher (प्राथमिक शिक्षक) link
- Go to the Downloads section and search Primary Teacher Provisional Selection List
- Select TRC MP Varg 3 Merit List for Fresh Vacancy/Backlog Vacancy
- Now they select Category and Guest Faculty & Enter Answer
- Click on the Show button and MP Samvida Shikshak Varg 3 Merit List will display on Computer Screen
- And then check relevant Details like Candidate Roll number, Rank, Score, Name, Gender, Category etc.
- Save and take a printout of TRC Primary Teacher Bharti merit List for further use.
प्राथमिक शिक्षक प्रावधिक चयन सूची- (Fresh Vacancy) and प्राथमिक शिक्षक प्रावधिक चयन सूची- (Backlog Vacancy)
Waiting List for Primary Teacher Varg 3
Details on TRC MPTET Varg 3 Merit List
Once the MP Primary Teacher Selection List is downloaded, candidates check the relevant details to confirm their selection for Document Verification. There is important details available on TRC MP Varg 3 Merit List. First candidates have to download Selection List and then check the following details-
- Candidate Roll Number
- Consolidated Rank
- Score
- Name
- Gender
- Original Category
- Provisional Category
- Domicile
प्राथमिक शिक्षक (संयुक्त काउंसलिंग)
S.No | Activity | Time Line |
1 | Online Registration for Primary Teacher Bharti Counselling | 17 Nov 2022 – 24 Nov 2022 |
2 | प्राथमिक शिक्षक प्रावधिक चयन सूची- (Fresh/Backlog/Waiting) | 28 Dec 2022 |
3 | दस्तावेज अपलोड | 29 Dec 2022 – 04 Jan 2023 |
Important Links