UPSSSC Tubewell Operator Recruitment 2023-24 Nalkoop Chalak Vacancy Notification, UP Sichai Vibhag Bharti Eligibility criteria, Selection Process, Tubewell Operator Application Form Date –The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission is finally ready to publish UP Sichai Recruitment Notification. UP Govt has announced an employment notice for 14367 Vacancies in the Sichai Department. There are various posts for Tubewell Operator, Clerk, Irrigation Officer/Supervisor and Accountant. Therefore, eligible and interested candidates are eligible to apply online for UPSSSC Tubewell Operator Recruitment.
Meanwhile, they first check the required Eligibility criteria and then complete the UP Nalkoop Chalak Application form. Apart from this, they can check category-wise Tubewell Operator Vacancy, Selection, Fees and Online Registration Process. It is equally important to submit the UPSSSC Nalkoop Chalak Online form before waiting for the Last Date.
UPSSSC Tubewell Operator Recruitment 2023-24
Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission has issued an employment notice for UPSSSC Nalkoop Operator Recruitment. So, aspirants can apply for Head Accountant (हेड मुंशी), Accountant (मुंशी), Work Supervisor (कार्य पर्यवेक्षक), District Collector (जिलेदार), Irrigation Supervisor (सींच पर्यवेक्षक), Irrigation Officer (सींचपाल), Clerk (लिपिक) and Tubewell Operator (नलकूप चालक) Posts. Candidates have to clear various selection phases like Written Exam, Skill Test/Trade Test, Document Verification and Personal Interview. Meanwhile, we have uploaded direct link to submit UPSSSC Nalkoop Chalak Bharti Online form below here.
उत्तर प्रदेश अधीनस्थ सेवा चयन आयोग इस बार सिचाई विभाग में 14367 पदों पर भर्ती कर रहा है। इसी के साथ लाखो अभ्यर्थी यूपी नलकूप चालक भर्ती का इंतजार कर रहे है। आपको बता दे कि आयोग यूपी सिंचाई विभाग में खण्डीय, मण्डलीय तथा प्रमुख अभियंता कार्यालय संवर्ग के लिपिकों के अलावा सींचपाल, सींच पर्यवेक्षक, जिलेदार, कार्य पर्यवेक्षक, मुंशी, हेड मुंशी और नलकूप चालकों के साथ – साथ उप राजस्व अधिकारी के स्वीकृत पदों पर भर्ती करेगा। इस प्रकार योग्य अभ्यर्थी सबसे पहले आवश्यक योग्यता देखे और उकसे बाद नकिहे दिए लिंक से आवेदन करे। जल ही यूपीएसएसएससी टूबवेल ऑपरेटर भर्ती के लिए आवेदन प्रक्रिया शुरू होगी।
UPSSSC Nalkoop Chalak Bharti 2023 Details
- Department Name- Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission
- Total Vacancies- 14367
- Post Name- Tubewell Operator, Clerk, and other posts
- Location- Uttar Pradesh
- Category – Government Jobs
- Mode of Application- Online
- Start date to apply online- Update Soon
- Close date to submit Online form- Update Shortly
- Selection Process- Written Exam, Skill Test/Typing Test/ Document Verification
- Official website- upsssc.gov.in
Download syllabus for Tubewell Operator
UP Tubewell Operator Admit Card
UPSSSC Tubewell Operator Vacancy 2023 Details
Post Name | No. of Posts |
Tubewell Operator (नलकूप चालक) | 5724 |
Clerk (लिपिक) | 2375 |
Irrigation Officer (सींचपाल) | 4587 |
Irrigation Supervisor (सींच पर्यवेक्षक) | 849 |
District Collector (जिलेदार) | 430 |
Work Supervisor (कार्य पर्यवेक्षक) | 315 |
Accountant (मुंशी) | |
Head Accountant (हेड मुंशी) | 38 |
Total | 14367 |
Eligibility Criteria for UPSSSC Nalkoop Chalak Jobs 2023
All candidates first check the UPSSSC Tubewell Operator Recruitment Eligibility Criteria carefully. And then fill Nalkoop Chalak online Form with correct personal and academic details.
Education Qualification- Aspirants must have to pass the 10th/12th pass from a recognized board. They also have two years of ITI passed certificates (Fitter, Electrician Turner, mechanic, Tubewell Mechanic/ Tubewell Boring Technician, Machinist, Electrical Wireman Trade).
Age Limit- All candidates who are applying for UPSSSC Tubewell Operator Recruitment 2024 check the age limit which should be as on the last date of the application form. The age of candidates should be between 18 to 40 years. Age relaxation is applicable as per govt rules.
Application UP Tubewell Operator Jobs
Contenders have to pay the application charges as per their category. The fee can be paid online mode via Net Banking/ Credit Card/ Debit Card etc.
- General/OBC Category- Rs 185/- (Application Fee Rs 160/- + Rs 25/- online Charge)
- All other categories- Rs 95/- (Application Fee Rs. 70/- + Online Application Fee Rs. 25/-)
Note- PwD candidates should pay an online application fee Rs 25/-.
उत्तर प्रदेश 7000+ लेखपाल भर्ती – यहाँ देखे कैसे करे आवेदन
इस बार 9 हजार से अधिक पदों पर होगी स्टाफ नर्स भर्ती
कनिष्ठ अभियंता के 2000 पदों पर भर्ती शुरू
The process to apply online for UPSSSC Tubewell Operator Recruitment 2023
Well, Candidates are finally eligible to submit the Application in online mode for UPSSSC Tubewell Operator Bharti. First, they register using a valid E-Mail ID and password. After that, they fill Online form with personal and academic details in the right manner. Contenders upload photographs and signatures in a specified format. Furthermore, Follow the below steps to fill UPSSSC Nalkoop Chalak Application-
- All candidates should visit the official web portal i.e. www.upsssc.gov.in
- From the home page, go to the Notification/Advertisement section
- Select the Tubewell Operator Vacancy Notification
- And then, Check the detailed Nalkoop Chalak Notification carefully
- Go back and click on Apply online link
- After that Register with a Valid E-Mail ID and Mobile Number
- Fill Application Form with the correct details
- Also, Upload photograph and signature in the specified format
- Pay the Application Fee category-wise
- Finally, Hit on submit button and save the UP Tubewell Mistry Online Form
Check UP Tubewell Operator Vacancy Notification
UP Tubewell Operator Bharti 2024 – Selection Process
Candidates whose application is received successfully in all respects then they will be called for a written test. After the exam, the qualified will be invited for a Document Verification/Interview. It is equally important to clear all phases of Recruitment. Moreover, the following are selection rounds for UPSSSC Nalkoop Chalak Recruitment-
- Written Exam
- personal Interview
- Document Verification
- Merit list
Hence, Our team is providing details about Uttar Pradesh Nalkoop Chalak Recruitment from various news sources and websites. We will not be responsible for any kind of mistake or fake information. Also, We hope that all candidates will easily apply online for UPSSSC Tubewell Operator Recruitment 2023-24 from here. Still, they aks any doubt by putting comments here. Get Nalkoop Chalak Old Papers
Sir tubewell operator ki vaicancy Kab AA rahi hai
Hello ASHISH Kumar, Very soon, Tubewell Operator Vacancy will publish by Department.