UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus 2023 – Check UPSC CGS Exam Pattern, Union Combined Geologist Exam Syllabus Subject Wise, UPSC CGS & Geologist Exam Preparation Tips, Previous Year Question Papers
The Union Public Service Commission is going to conduct the “Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination, 2023” on 19th February 2023. In this article, we are giving the latest UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus, Study Materials, Best Books, Preparation Tips, Planning Tips & Tricks for Geo-Scientist & Geologist Prelims, and Main Exam.
The Commission is conducting the Preliminary, Main, and Personality Test for final selection. Therefore aspirants must download UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Syllabus 2023 and cover all important topics from all subjects.
Using the UPSC Geo-Scientist Exam Pattern, aspirants can make a self-study Time Table and know about what type of questions will be asked in UPSC CGS & Geologist Exam. We advised all candidates that collect all study materials, Coaching Notes, UPSC CGS Previous Year Question Papers, and Best books. They can also join Online Test Series and Mock Test for better exam preparation.
UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus 2023 – UPSC CGS Geologist Exam Pattern
Union Public Service Commission is conducting the Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination, 2023 on 19th February 2023. The Commission will fill 285 vacancies of Geologist, Geophysicist, Chemist, and Junior Hydrogeologies (Scientist B) posts. Candidates who will get minimum passing marks from the prelims exam they will be called for the Main Exam which will be held later.
So, they check the UPSC CGS Selection Process and start preparation for every stage of selection. The UPSC Geo-Scientist Exam Pattern describes what type of paper will be made and how many questions shall be asked and hoe many Marks assign for each section.
UPSC Geo-Scientist Exam Details
Organization Name | Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) |
Posts Name | Geologist, Geophysicist, Chemist, Junior Hydrogeologist |
Total Vacancies | 285 |
Exam Name | Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination-2023 |
Category | Syllabus |
UPSC Geo-Scientist Exam Date | 19th February 2023 |
Selection Process | Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, Personality Test/ Interview |
Job Location | Across India |
Official Website | www.upsc.gov.in |
Selection Process UPSC Geologist Exam 2023
The Combined Geo-Scientist Exam will consist of three successive stages:
Stage-I- Computer Based Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Exam (Objective Type) has two papers for the selection of the aspirants for the Combined CGS (Main) Exam. The marks secured in the prelims Exam will be counted for deciding the final merit.
Stage II Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination (Descriptive Type) has three papers for the selection of candidates for the Personality Test (Stage III). Marks secured in the Main Examination will be counted for deciding the final merit; and Stage III: Personality Test/Interview.
- Preliminary Exam- 400 Marks
- Main Examination- 600 Marks
- Personality Test- 200 Marks
UPSC Geo-Scientist Exam Pattern 2023
In this section are mentioning UPSC Geologist Exam Pattern and UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus 2023. The UPSC CGS & Geologist Exam Pattern are different for Geologist & Junior Hydro Geologist, Geophysicist, and Chemist posts.
UPSC CGS Prelims Exam Pattern 2023
The prelims exam will be held for 400 marks. In this exam questions will be asked from General Studies and the Subject Concerned. Candidates have to solve Paper-I (General Studies-100 Marks) and Paper-II (Subject Concerned- 300 marks) in 2 hours for each paper.
Paper | Subject Name | Marks | Time |
Geologist & Jr Hydrogelogist | |||
Paper-I | General Studies | 100 marks | 2 Hours |
Paper-II | Geology. Hydrogeology | 300 Marks | 2 Hours |
Total | 400 Marks | ||
Geophysicist | |||
Paper-I | General Studies | 100 marks | 2 Hours |
Paper-II | Geophysics | 300 Marks | 2 Hours |
Total | 400 Marks | ||
Chemist | |||
Paper-I | General Studies | 100 marks | 2 Hours |
Paper-II | Chemistry | 300 Marks | 2 Hours |
Total | 400 marks |
UPSC Geo-Scientist Main Exam Pattern 2023
The main Exam will be held for 600 marks and it consists of three papers i.e. Paper-I, Paper-II, and Paper-III. Each paper divided into 200 marks and time duration will be of 3 Hours for each paper. The question will be asked from respective subjects chosen by candidates at online registration.
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Paper-I: Geology | 3 Hours | 200 Marks |
Paper-II: Geology | 3 Hours | 200 Marks |
Paper-III: Geology | 3 Hours | 200 Marks |
Total | 600 Marks |
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Paper-I: Geophysics | 3 Hours | 200 Marks |
Paper-II: Geophysics | 3 Hours | 200 Marks |
Paper-III: Geophysics | 3 Hours | 200 Marks |
Total | 600 Marks |
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Paper-I: Chemistry | 3 Hours | 200 Marks |
Paper-II: Chemistry | 3 Hours | 200 Marks |
Paper-III: Chemistry | 3 Hours | 200 Marks |
Total | 600 Marks |
Jr. Hydrogeologist:
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Paper-I: Geology | 3 Hours | 200 Marks |
Paper-II: Geology | 3 Hours | 200 Marks |
Paper-III: Hydrogeology | 3 Hours | 200 Marks |
Total | 600 Marks |
Download UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus 2023 Subject Wise
Geology & Hydrogeology Syllabus – Physical Geology, Structural Geology, Mineralogy, Igneous Petrology, Metamorphic Petrology, Sedimentology, Paleontology, Stratigraphy, Economic Geology, Hydrogeology
Geophysics Syllabus – Solid Earth Geophysics, Mathematical Methods in Geophysics, Electromagnetism, Geophysical Prospecting, Remote Sensing and Thermodynamics, Nuclear Physics, and Radiometry subjects.
Chemical Syllabus
- Chemical Bonding and Structure
- Acids and Bases
- Theoretical Basis of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis
- Kinetic theory and the Gaseous State
- Chemical Thermodynamics and Chemical Equilibrium
- Solutions of Non-Electrolytes
- Electrochemistry
- Basic Organic Chemistry
- Chemical Periodicity
- Stereochemistry
- Types of Organic Reactions
- Molecular Rearrangements
UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus for Main Examination
UPSC CGS Geology Syllabus
- I: physical geology and remote sensing, Structural geology, Sedimentology, Paleontology, Stratigraphy
- II: Mineralogy, Geochemistry and isotope geology, Igneous Petrology, Metamorphic Petrology and Geodynamics
- III: Economic geology, Indian mineral deposits and mineral economics, Mineral exploration, Fuel geology and Engineering geology, Environmental geology and Natural hazards
UPSC Geo-Scientist Geophysics Syllabus 2023
Section I: Solid Earth Geophysics, Earthquake Seismology, Mathematical methods in Geophysics, Geophysical Inversion, Mathematical Methods of Physics, Electrodynamics, Electromagnetic Theory, Introductory Atmospheric and Space Physics.
Section II: Potential Field (Gravity and Magnetic) Methods, Electrical and Electromagnetic methods, Seismic Prospecting, Borehole Geophysics, Classical Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics and Characterization of materials, Nuclear and Particle Physics.
- Radiometric and Airborne Geophysics
- Marine Geophysics
- Geophysical Signal Processing
- Remote Sensing and Geohydrology
- Solid State Physics and Basic Electronics
- Laser systems
- Digital electronics, Radar systems, Satellite communications
- Quantum Mechanics
RPSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus
UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus 2023 for Chemistry
- I: Inorganic solids, Chemistry of coordination compounds, Acid-base titrations, Gravimetric Analysis, Redox Titrations, Complexometric titrations, Organometallic compounds, Nuclear chemistry, Chemistry of d- and f-block elements
- II: Kinetic theory and the gaseous state, Solids, Chemical thermodynamics, and chemical equilibrium, Chemical kinetics and catalysis, Electrochemistry, Quantum chemistry, Basic principles and applications of spectroscopy, Photochemistry
- III: Errors in quantitative analysis, Separation Methods, Spectroscopic methods of analysis, Thermal methods of analysis, X-ray methods of Analysis, Inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy, Analysis of geological materials, Unstable, uncharged intermediates, Addition reactions, Reactions at the carbonyl group, Oxidation and Reduction, Electrocyclic Reactions, Spectroscopic methods of analysis.
The UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus 2023 is very useful for candidates who are preparing for UPSC CGS and Geologist Exam. In this article, we have provided full details about UPSC Geologist Syllabus and Geo-Scientist Exam Pattern for Prelims and Main Examination.