UPPSC AE Result 2023-2024 Uttar Pradesh PSC Assistant Engineer Cut off Marks, UPPSC AE Exam Cutoff list Category wise, Assistant Engineer Merit list
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has organized a Written Exam for Assistant Engineer Bharti. Besides, Many candidates have appeared in this competitive Exam. Recently, the Authority has issued an employment Notification for 712 Vacancies of Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical) Trades. Therefore, aspirants who appeared in the Combined State Engineering Service Exam, download UPPSC AE Result 2023 Name wise. Moreover, we are sharing category-wise Uttar Pradesh PSC Assistant Engineer Cutoff Marks. Hence, it is equally important to score a minimum qualifying out of 750 marks to be eligible for the next selection Rounds. So candidates check UPPSC AE Paper-1 & Paper 2 Exam marks.
UPPSC AE Result 2023-24 Assistant Engineer Cutoff List
We have great news for all those candidates who have given the “Combined State Engineering Services (General Recruitment/ Special Recruitment Examination-2023)”. And the Bharti board has also held the Conducted Assistant Engineer Paper-I in December 2023. Now they can check the UPPSC AE Exam Result and Cut off Category wise.
Apart from this, Board has decided on minimum passing marks called UPPSC AE Cut off marks for both Paper-I & Paper-II. Each paper will be held for 375 Marks. Students are required to obtain UPPSC Assistant Engineer Cut off Marks out of Total Marks. We have provided here the Previous year and UPPSC AE Expected Cut-off category-wise.
UPPSC Assistant Engineer Result 2023 Details
Organization Name | Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission |
Post Name | Assistant Engineer |
Total Vacancies | 712 Vacancies |
Exam name | Combined State Engineering Service (General Selection) Exam 2023 |
Category | UPPSC Assistant Engineer Result |
Exam Date | December 2023 |
Result Date | Declare Soon |
Selection Process | Written Test (Paper 1 & Paper 2) and Interview |
Job Location | Uttar Pradesh |
Official Website | uppsc.up.nic.in |
UPPSC AE Cut off Marks 2023
Well, the Commission has already fixed the Uttar Pradesh PSC Assistant Engineer Cut off category-wise after completion of written Exam. The Cut off List will be made for General/ OBC/ SC/ ST categories. Generally, aspirants need to obtain minimum passing Marks out of total Score. Thus, there are various factors that affect cut off marks. Furthermore, There are different cut off for both papers. You will see the cut off along with UPPSC AE Result 2023-24. Authority will prepare the Cut off-list based on the following factors-
- Total Vacancies
- Paper Difficulty Level
- Number of candidates appeared in the Exam
- Category wise Reservation
- Previous year Cut off
UPPSC AE Qualifying Marks
There are 750 Marks allotted for Assistant Engineer Paper-I and Paper-II. Paper-I was held for 375 Marks and Paper-II also for 375 Marks. If students secure UPPSC AE Cut off Marks out of 750 Marks they will be called for a Personal Interview (100 Marks). Aspirants can check the category-wise qualifying marks from below
- SC & ST Category- 35%
- Other categories- 40%
Exam marking Scheme
Paper-I | ||
Subject Name | No. of Qs | Marks |
General Hindi | 25 | 75 |
Main Subject- Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Agriculture Engineering | 100 | 300 |
Total | 125 | 375 Marks |
Paper-II | ||
General Study | 25 | 75 |
Main Subject- Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Agriculture Engineering | 100 | 375 |
Total | 125 | 375 Marks |
INterview | — | 100 Marks |
Grand Total | 375+375+100 | 850 Marks |
How to check UPPSC AE Result 2023-24
This time contenders will be able to see the UPPSC AE Paper 1 & Paper 2 Results. They can check selection lists or shortlist candidates for the Paper-II Examination. They do not need to login for Uttar Pradesh AE Exam Score because it will be available in PDF format. Follow the below steps to check the UPPSC Assistant Engineer Exam Result-
- Candidates should first visit the official website i.e. www.uppsc.up.nic.in
- And then, look at the Information Bulletin section
- And find the Result of the Combined State Engineering Exam-2023.
- After that Click on the desired button and open the UPPSC AE Result PDF page
- These examinees can check their relevant details like Name, Roll Number, Exam Marks, Cut off etc.
- Also, Make sure about the result status and click on the download link
- Finally, Save and take a printout of UP Assistant Engineer Result for further use
Click here to Check UPPSC AE Exam Result
UPPSC AE Merit list- Final Selection List
After conducting the written Exam (Paper-I & Paper-II), selected candidates will be eligible for a personal Interview. The Commission will issue a final list of those aspirants who qualify all the rounds with passing the eligibility criteria. The selection list is available on the official web page of the Department. Therefore the UPPSC AE Merit list will prepare based on marks obtained by candidates from Paper-I and Paper-II.
Hence, we have given complete information related to the UPPSC AE Result 2023-24. Still, if you want to get more details then put the query in the comment box. They can also see UPPSC AE Cut off marks for all categories. Hence students may check the expected qualifying Marks Category wise.