UP Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2022- UPBEB Assistant Teacher Hall Ticket for 69000 Sahayak Adhyapak Exam call letter, Check Exam Date, Pattern & Syllabus for UP Assistant Professor Recruitment Exam
UP Sahayak Adhyapak Admit Card 20222- UPPSC Sahayak Adhyapak Exam Date- The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board is going to conduct the 69000 Sahayak Adhayapak Recruitment (सहायक अध्यापक भर्ती परीक्षा). The Board is going to release the Assistant Teacher Bharti notification in the month of March. Board will fill various Primary Teacher vacancies in various disciplines. Board will conduct the previous exam in the upcoming month.
Candidates will have to provide their registration number, date of birth to download the UP Assistant Teacher Admit card 2022 Name-wise. It is mandatory to bring the UP Primary Teacher Hall Ticket to the exam centre. Along with UPBEB Sahayak Adhyapak Call Letter, they must bring one photo identity card. With the help of a direct link, the candidate can easily download their Uttar Pradesh Sahayak Adhyapak Admit card 2022 without going to any other website.
यूपी सहायक अध्यापक प्रवेश पत्र- यूपी सहायक शिक्षक एडमिट कार्ड परीक्षा के बारे में सभी जानकारी जैसे परीक्षा केंद्र, तिथि, समय और स्थान प्रदर्शित करता है। इसके अलावा, यह नाम रोल नंबर, फोटोग्राफ और हस्ताक्षर जैसे उम्मीदवारों का विवरण रखता है। यूपीपीएससी सहायक शिक्षक हॉल टिकट पर इन विवरणों की जांच करके उम्मीदवारों को परीक्षा के विवरण के बारे में पता चलता है। यूपीपीएससी सहायक अध्यापक एडमिट कार्ड की मदद से परीक्षा निरीक्षक परीक्षा हॉल में आसानी से फर्जी उम्मीदवारों की पहचान कर सकते हैं। हमारा सुझाव है कि परीक्षा में भाग लेने के समय सभी आवेदकों को उत्तर प्रदेश असिस्टेंट टीचर एडमिट कार्ड तक ले जाना चाहिए।
UP Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2022- UPBEB Primary Teacher Hall Ticket
Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board is all set to organize the UP Assistant Teacher Bharti Exam. The Basic Education Board has announced notification for 69,000 Vacancies of Assistant Teacher posts. The Selection of candidates will be based on the written exam, Personal Interview, and Document Verification (DV). The Exam will be held for 150 Marks. Aspirants have to obtain minimum 45% marks for the General/OBC category and 40% marks for the Reserved category. Check Assistant Assistant Recruitment Exam online Form
- Board Name: Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB)
- Name of the posts: Assistant Teacher
- Number of posts: 69000
- Type of Job: State Government Jobs
- Apply online starting date: Release soon
- Apply online closing date: Update soon
- Official portal: http://atrexam.upsdc.gov.in/
- Check UP Government Jobs here
Candidates who have completed their UP Assistant Teacher application submission will be searching for the exam dates and UP Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2022. Here you can check the details and download the UP Assistant Teacher Call Letter after it is released by the exam authority.
Details printed on the UP Assistant Teacher Call Letter 2022
After downloading the Uttar Pradesh UP Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2022 from online mode (only mode to get admit card), candidates must go through the details presented on the UP Primary Teacher Admit Card. Any correction in your details on the Uttar Pradesh Sahayak Adhyapak Hall Ticket must contact the exam authority as early as possible. Late complaints/quarries will not be answered.
- Name of the Candidate
- Exam Centre Name
- Exam Centre Code
- Father’s Name
- Mother’s Name
- Gender (Male/ Female)
- Category (ST/ SC/ BC & Other)
- Applicant Roll Number
- Examination Name
- Time Duration of the Exam
- Exam Date and Time
- Candidate Date of Birth
- Test Centre Address
- Applicant Photograph
- Essential instructions for the examination
- Signature of candidate and exam counselor.
Get Syllabus for UP Assistant Teacher Exam
Important documents with UPBEB Primary Teacher Hall Ticket 2022
As admit card is a mandatory document, all the applicants must carry the UP Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2022 at the time of attending the exam. Along with this candidate must have 2 passport size photographs (same as uploaded during UPPSC application) and 1 id proof of candidates necessary to appear in the examination? Check the list of Identity proof of candidates for Uttar Pradesh Assistant Teacher Exam 2022.
- PAN Card
- College ID
- Ration Card
- Employee ID
- Driving License
- Passport
- Voter ID
- Bank Passbook
- ID proof authorized by Gazetted Officer
- Any Government-issued ID Proof

UP Assistant Teacher Recruitment
How to download the UP Sahayak Adhyapak Hall Ticket 2022
For the candidates who have completed the application submission, we have given a direct link to download the UP LT Assistant Teacher hall ticket. Moreover, the Uttar Pradesh Assistant Teacher examination for 69000 posts will be conducted in May/June. Candidates can download the UP LT Sahayak Adhayapak Admit Card by following the given steps:
- Click on the official website @ atrexam.upsdc.gov.in/
- The homepage for Examination Regulatory Authority Uttar Pradesh
- Select the proposed link for UP Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2022.
- Click on the link.
- Enter the necessary credentials such as Registration number and Date of birth
- On clicking, the form for UP Sahayak Adhyapak Admit Card 2022 is displayed on the screen.
- Fill the Credentials, Download, and take a copy of it for further process.
UP Primary Teacher Admit Card 2022
The UP Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2022 displays all the information about the exam such as exam centre, date, time and venue. Also, it maintains details of candidates such as name roll number, photograph, and signature. By checking these details on UPBEB Assistant Teacher Hall Ticket candidates come to know about the details of an examination. With the help of the UP Sahayak Adhyapak call letter, the exam invigilator can easily identify the fake candidates at the examination hall. We suggest all the applicants must carry the UP Primary Teacher Admit Card 2022 at the time of attending the exam.
UPSSSC Assistant Statistical officer Admit Card
UP Junior Assistant Admit Card
Here; we have provided the details of UP Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2022. As we know the UP Assistant Teacher Exam dates will be soon announced. Candidates are advised to start their preparation also check the UPPSC officials for the latest updates.