SBI PO Result 2023 Prelims Score Link Out- Check SBI Probationary Officer Cut off Marks, SBI PO Prelims Exam Score, State Bank of India PO Cutoff List Category wise
The State Bank of India has finally organized a Preliminary Test for Probationary Officer Bharti. According to reports, the PO Prelims Exam has been held successfully on 01, 04 and 06 November 2023 at various centres. Now aspirants need to know their SBI PO Prelims Exam Score to be eligible for the next selection Round. And Candidates numbering 10 times the number of Vacancies will declare a shortlist for further rounds i.e. Main Exam. Hence, aspirants have to score minimum Cutoff Marks in the Preliminary Test.
We are sharing Cutoff Marks along with SBI PO Result 2023 name-wise. It is equally important to login using User ID and password to check SBI PO Prelims Result and Scorecard. Moreover, there is no Sectional Cutoff in Pre Exam and SBI Po Merit List will prepare based on aggregate marks scored in the Preliminary Test.
SBI PO Result 2023-24 Prelims Link- Probationary Officer Cut off List
The First Phase (Preliminary) written exam is of total 10 marks and the exam consists of 3 sections – English Language (30 marks), Quantitative Aptitude (35 marks) and Reasoning Ability (35 marks). The merit list will be issued by the board on the basis of marks obtained in the preliminary examination for selection to the main examination. There will be no sectional cut-off. Candidates 10 times (approximately) the number of vacancies in each category will be shortlisted for the Main Examination from the top of the above merit list.
Well, lots of candidates are searching SBI PO Phase 1 Results for a long time. By the way, we discussed already there are 2,000 Vacancies of Probationary Officer in the State Bank of India. The first Phase (Preliminary Test) has already completed in the first week of November 2023. If you want to know SBI PO Prelims Score then read this article carefully. We are also discussing here the Exam marking Scheme for Pre and Main Examination. That’s why, examinees can be aware of the State Bank of India PO Result and Cutoff Marks.
sbi.co.in Probationary Officer Result 2023
Bank Name | State Bank of India |
Post Name | Probationary Officer |
Total Posts | 2000 |
PO Prelims Exam Date | 01, 04 and 06 November 2023 |
Prelims Result Release | December 2023 |
Category | Result |
Mains Exam Date | January 2024 |
SBI PO Mains Result | February 2024 |
Selection Process | Prelims, Mains, Interview |
Job Location | Across India |
Official Website | sbi.co.in |
पीओ प्रीलिम्स टेस्ट में 100 प्रश्न अंग्रेजी भाषा, क्वांटिटेटिव एप्टीटुड एवं रीजनिंग एबिलिटी से पूछे गए है, प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का है। इसी प्रकार पीओ प्री एग्जाम कुल 100 अंको की है और आपको न्यूनतम उत्तीर्ण प्राप्तांक हासिल करने है। कोई Sectional कट-ऑफ नहीं होगा। प्रत्येक श्रेणी में रिक्तियों की संख्या से 10 गुना उम्मीदवारों को उपरोक्त मेरिट सूची के शीर्ष से मुख्य परीक्षा के लिए सूचीबद्ध किया जाएगा।
एसबीआई पीओ प्रारंभिक परीक्षा परिणाम जारी – भारतीय स्टेट बैंक ने पीओ (PO) प्रीलिम्स एग्जाम का रिजल्ट जारी कर दिया है। बैंक ने 2000 प्रोबेशनरी ऑफिसर पदों पर भर्ती हेतु प्रारंभिक परीक्षा 01, 04 और 06 नवंबर 2023 को आयोजित की है। अब सभी को एसबीआई पीओ रिजल्ट का इंतजार है।
SBI PO Cut off Marks 2023-24
The SBI Probationary Officer Cut off Marks are the minimum qualifying marks required to pass the Exam. Authority has decided minimum passing marks category-wise for Prelims & Main Exam. First candidates check SBI PO Previous & Expected cutoff Marks. And then they can check the official SBI PO Result 2023 using the below link. We know that the Prelims Exam has been held for 100 Marks and there is no Sectional Cutoff and candidates have to obtain a minimum Cutoff score out of total Marks. The bank considers various important factors while deciding the Cut off for the exam. The department will determine SBI PO Prelims Cutoff based on the following factors-
- Total Candidates Appeared in the Exa,
- Previous Year cut-offs
- Exam Difficulty Level
- Total Vacancies
- Lowest and average marks in the main examination
SBI PO Prelims Expected Cutoff Marks
Category | Previous PO Cutoff |
General/UR | 60-65 |
Other Backward Class | 55-60 |
Scheduled Caste | 50-55 |
Scheduled Tribes | 45-50 |
Economically Weaker Section | 55-60 |
SBI PO Previous Cutoff
Category | Previous PO Cutoff |
General/UR | 58.50 |
Other Backward Class | 56.00 |
Scheduled Caste | 50.00 |
Scheduled Tribes | 43.50 |
Economically Weaker Section | 56.75 |
SBI PO Merit List 2023
It should note that the Preliminary Exam has been conducted for 100 Marks. The department will issue the SBI PO Merit list based on Marks obtained from the Preliminary Exam. The main Exam has also been held for 250 Marks and the Merit list will also prepare using minimum PO Main Exam Cutoff Marks. Sectional Marks will not consider for both Prelims and the Main Exam.
The applicants will have to qualify both in Phase II and Phase-III separately. The Marks obtained in Main Exam (Phase-II), both in the objective and descriptive Test, will add to the Marks scored in the personal Interview for preparing the SBI PO Final Merit List. In addition, the marks obtained in the Prelims Exam (Phase-I) will not add to making the Final Merit list for selection. The Marks scored by the aspirants in Main Exam and Group Exercise & Interview will normalize to 100 Marks.
Normalization of SBI PO Exam Marks
Test | Main Exam | Group Exercise & Interview | Total |
Maximum Marks | 250 | 50 | 300 |
Normalized Marks | 75 | 25 | 100 |
How to download SBI PO Result 2023 Prelims Exam Score Online
The State Bank of India has finally declared the SBI PO Prelims Result for the Prelims Exam in December 2023. Likewise, we are giving the direct link to check the SBI PO Exam Score PDF. Along with the Result, applicants may also check category-wise SBI PO Exam Cutoff Marks. However, they must keep remembering login details such as Registration Number/User ID and Date of birth/Password. Furthermore, candidates check the State Bank of India PO Prelims Exam Score by following the below procedure-
- First, candidates visit the official web portal of State Bank of India i.e. www.sbi.co.in.
- And then go and check for the career tab.
- Also, search for the Latest Announcements section.
- Choose Probationary Officer Prelims Result
- Next, click on the available link and enter the login credentials
- After that, you have to enter the registration number using the search button.
- If you have qualified then your roll number will in SBI PO Result 2023
- Finally, Download the PO Prelims Exam Result page and take a printout for future use.
SBI Probationary Officer Cut off
SBI PO Final Result 2023
The Final Result of the Probationary Officer would prepare based on the marks secured by aspirants in the Mains Main and Phase-III. While declaring the SBI PO Final Result, a score of contenders is normalized out of 100. Marks obtained by the applicants in the Mains Exam are converted to 75 out of 250 while the marks of Phase III will be converted to 25 out of 50 Marks. Selection will be made from the top-ranked aspirants in each category. The weightage provided to all the phases of the Exam at the time of preparing the Final Merit list is as follows-
Phase | Exam | Weightage |
Phase-I | Preliminary | 0% |
Phase-II | Main | 75% |
Phase-III | Interview only or Group Exercises & Interview | 25% |
Total | 100% |
We have given all the information related to SBI PO Result 2023-24 from the official website. You will get all the links to download. Any problem, while downloading, comment to us in the comment box.
FAQs for SBI PO Result 2023-24
How can we access the SBI Probationary Officer Result?
Department will soon declare the SBI PO Pre Exam Score Online. Check the direct link mentioned above.
In which form is the SBI PO Result to release?
The SBI PO Exam Result will be in PDF Format. Can be easily downloadable.
What details are available on the SBI PO Prelims Result?
The Result PDF will be in PDF Format, it only contains Roll Numbers of qualified aspirants.
Will the marks of the SBI Probationary Officer Prelims Exam counts for the final merit list?
No, the marks of the prelims exam will not count for the merit list.
How is the final selection for SBI Probationary Officer Recruitment?
The Final Selection is done on the basis of the Mains Exam and Interview only or Group Exercises. The marks for the final selection will calculate from 100.