SBI PO Cut off Marks 2023 State Bank of India PO Exam Cutoff List Category wise, PO Prelims Exam Qualifying Marks, Probationary Officer Pre & Main Expected Cutoff Marks Category wise General/OBC/SC/ST
State Bank of India has conducted the Preliminary Examination for the Recruitment of Probationary Officer on 1st, 4th and 6th November 2023. And there are 2000 Vacancies of Probationary Officer post recruiting through prelims and main Main. Likewise, Candidates who qualify in the Pre Exam will get shortlisted for further selection Round (Main Exam). PO Prelims Result and Cutoff has declared on 10th January 2023.
Moreover, The preliminary exam will have 100 questions on the English Language (30 Marks), Quantitative Aptitude (35 Marks) and Reasoning Ability (35 Marks) for a total of 100 marks. Each question carries 1 mark and candidates have to secure passing marks in each section. Hence, we have given SBI PO Prelims Cutoff Marks and minimum qualifying marks.
The Department has decided SBI PO Cut off Marks 2023-24 category-wise for General, OBC, SC & ST. The Prelims Exam was held for 100 Marks. Hence, Aspirants may check SBI PO Prelims Expected Cutoff Marks. Authority will release the State Bank of India PO Cutoff along with the Result. In this article, we are giving SBI PO Previous Year Cut off Marks for Pre and Main Examination. Thus, the SBI PO Prelims & Main Cut off will release along with the Result.
SBI PO Cut off Marks 2023-24 Probationary Officer Exam Cutoff List
The State Bank of India is recruiting eligible candidates for 2000 Probationary Officer Vacancies. Candidates have to undergo various Selection rounds for Final Selection i.e. Preliminary, Main Exam, Group Exercise and Interview. The prelims Exam was held on 01.11.2023, 04.11.2023 and 06.11.2023. Category-wise Merit List will be drawn on the basis of the aggregate Marks scored in the preliminary Exam (Phase-I). There will be no Sectional Cutoff. The main Exam (Phase II) was held for 250 Marks whereas the Psychometric Test (Phase III) was organized for 50 Marks.
The Aspirants will have to qualify both in Phase II and Phase III separately. The Marks obtained in Main Exam (Phase II), both in the objective Test and Descriptive Test, will add to the Marks obtained in Phase III for preparing the Final Merit List. SBI PO Final Merit List arrived at after aggregating (Out of 100) converted marks of Phase-II and Phase-III.
Furthermore, a list of Selected candidates in the Prelims Exam will invite for the Main Exam which to conduct in January/February 2023. Therefore aspirants check SBI PO Pre & Main Exam Expected Cutoff Marks. Hence, our team is also sharing the SBI Probationary Officer Previous Year Cutoff category-wise.
Click here- Check SBI Probationary Officer Result
sbi.co.in Prelims Exam Cutoff 2023 Details
Bank Name | State Bank of India |
Post Name | Probationary Officer |
Total Posts | 2000 Vacancies |
PO Prelims Exam Date (Phase I) | 01, 04 and 06 November 2023 |
SBI PO Result | December 2023 |
Category | SBI PO Cut off |
SBI PO Main Exam Date (Phase II) | January 2024 |
Phase-III: Psychometric Test | February 2024 |
Interview & Group Exercises | March 2024 |
Selection Process | Phase-I: Preliminary Exam
Phase-II: Main Exam Phase-III: Interview & Group Exercises |
Job Location | Across India |
Official Website | www.sbi.co.in |
Download SBI PO Answer key | Download here |
SBI PO Mains Admit Card | Download here |
SBI PO Cut off Marks 2023 Pre & Main Exam Qualifying Marks
The State Bank of India is conducting Preliminary, Main exams and personal interviews/Group Discussions for Final Selection. Candidates have to grab SBI PO Pre Cut off for selection for Main Exam. The Probationary Officer Cut off is the minimum passing mark decided by the authority. Based on various factors SBI PO Prelims Cut off List prepare by the Recruitment board. We already discussed that there will be no sectional Cut off for both prelims and Mains examinations.
Selection Criteria for Main Examination- category wise merit list will make on the basis of the aggregate Marks scored in the Preliminary Examination. Contenders numbering 10 Times the number of vacancies in each category will be short-listed for Main Examination from the top of the above merit list.
Selection Criteria for Phase III: Category-wise Merit list draw on the basis of the aggregate Marks scored in Phase II (Main Exam).
How to Prepare SBI Probationary Officer Cut off List –
The Exam authority will make Cut off List of SBI Probationary Prelims Exam category-wise for General, OBC, SC, and ST etc. There are various factors that affect Cut off like Number of vacancies, paper Difficulty Level, the total number of aspirants who appeared in the Exam, previous cut off and Reservation.
The SBI PO Final Cut off determine based on the Mans Exam and Phase-III (Interview/Group Exercise). It is the Total Marks secured by the last Ranked aspirants. The Final Cut off calculate out of 100. The marks secured by the candidates in the mains exam convert to 75 out of 250 marks. The following factors basis on which SBI PO Pre Cut off list will prepare-
- Total Vacancies
- Number of candidates who appeared in Exam
- Paper difficulty level
- Reservation category wise
- Previous year Cut off
SBI PO Previous Year Cut off Marks 2023
The State Bank of India has organized a Preliminary Exam for 100 Marks. There is no sectional Cutoff and candidates have to obtain minimum PO Qualifying Marks. We have provided here SBI PO Pre & Main Previous Cutoff Marks Category-wise (General/OBC/SC/ST). Based on Main Exam & Interview Score, Board will prepare SBI PO Final Merit List. Aspirants who are making to prepare for Conduct SBI PO Bharti 2023. So they must check SBI PO Previous year Cutoff Marks issued by the SBI.
SBI PO Prelims Cutoff 2022
Category | Cutoff Marks |
General | 63 |
SC | 54.75 |
ST | 49.25 |
OBC | 61.25 |
EWS | 62.75 |
SBI PO Mains Cutoff 2022
The category-wise SBI Probationary Officer Main Cutoff Marks for shortlisting Group Exercise & interview has been given below as issued officially along with the State Bank of India PO Result.
Category | Cutoff Marks (Out of 250) |
General | 94.85 |
SC | 77.32 |
ST | 75.01 |
OBC | 86.54 |
EWS | 90.01 |
LD | 75.35 |
VI | 97.72 |
HI | 75.77 |
D & E | 75.17 |
SBI PO Final Cutoff 2022
Category | Cutoff Marks (Normalised to 100) |
General | 53.40 |
SC | 44.93 |
ST | 41.55 |
OBC | 47.41 |
EWS | 47.94 |
LD | 41.64 |
VI | 49.93 |
HI | 41.59 |
D & E | 33.16 |
SBI PO 2021 Interview Qualifying Marks
SBI has released the category-wise qualifying marks for SBI PO 2021 Interview which has been conducted in February 2022 at SBI centers. The category-wise qualifying marks given below:
Category | Cut-Off Marks (Out of 50) |
GEN | 20 |
SC | 17.50 |
ST | 17.50 |
OBC | 17.50 |
EWS | 20 |
LD | 17.50 |
VI | 17.50 |
HI | 17.50 |
D & E | 17.50 |
SBI PO Prelims & Mains Exam Marking Scheme
The preliminary Exam consisting of an Objective test for 100 Marks will organize online. The test will have of Sections. There are three Test namely English Language (30 Questions), Quantitative Aptitude (35 Questions) and Reasoning Ability (35 Questions).
Phase-II: Main Examination- The Main Exam will be held online and will consist of objective tests for 200 Marks and Descriptive test for 50 Marks. The main Exam consists of 4 sections of total 200 Marks. 155 questions will ask from Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, Data Analysis & Interpretation, General /Economy/ Banking Awareness and English language.
Test Name | No. of Qs | Mark |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 45 | 60 |
Data Analysis & interpretation | 35 | 60 |
General/Economy /Banking Awareness | 40 | 40 |
English Language | 35 | 40 |
Total | 155 | 200 Marks |
How to check SBI PO Cut off Marks Category wise
Aspirants should know that SBI PO Prelims & Main Cut off Marks 2023 will issue along with the Result. The Result page consists name, Roll Number, Caste/Category and Rank of selected candidates for Selection in the Main Examination. Contenders have to login using their User ID and password to see the SBI PO Prelims Cut off List. Follow the below steps to check Category wise qualifying Marks-
- All candidates visit the official website i.e. www.sbi.co.in
- After the website opens, you have to check for the career tab
- Search for the Latest Announcements section
- Next, click on the available link and enter the login credentials
- SBI PO Result 2023 will display on a Computer screen
- If you have qualified then your roll number will be on the list
- Check Category SBI PO Cut off Marks for Pre & Main Exam
- Download the Result page and take a printout for future use
Click here- Check State Bank of India PO Cut off
State Bank of India PO Expected Cutoff Marks 2023
The Preliminary Exam has been organized by the State Bank of India. Now, all candidates can see the Cutoff for PO Bharti from the table given below. Let’s have a look at the PO Prelims Cutoff category-wise. In this section, we are introducing Previous Year SBI PO Cut off marks and Probationary Officer Pre & Main and Final Cut off Marks out of 250 Marks. The marks obtained in pre exam will not add to the final merit list. Only Main Exam Score and Descriptive Test marks will be useful for SBI PO Final Cut-off List-
Category | Cutoff Marks |
General | 58.5 |
SC | 50 |
ST | 43.75 |
OBC | 56 |
EWS | 56.75 |
SBI PO Pre & Main Expected Cutoff Marks
Category | Main Cutoff (Out of 250) | Interview Qualifying Marks | PO Final Cutoff |
General | 88.93 | 20 | 51.23 |
SC | 73.83 | 17.50 | 44.09 |
ST | 66.86 | 17.50 | 41.87 |
OBC | 80.96 | 17.50 | 45.09 |
EWS | 84.60 | 20 | 45.35 |
LD | 80.45 | 17.50 | 45.27 |
VI | 93.08 | 17.50 | 51.55 |
HI | 63.10 | 17.50 | 28.62 |
D & E | 63.25 | 17.50 | 29.43 |
SBI PO Merit List 2023
Category-wise merit list will draw on the basis of the aggregate marks scored in the Preliminary Examination. There will be no sectional SBI PO Cut off Marks. Candidates numbering 10 times (approx.) the number of vacancies in each category will shortlist for Main Examination from the top of the above merit list.
Category-wise merit list will draw on the basis of the aggregate marks scored in Phase II (Main Exam). There will be no sectional cut-off. Candidates numbering up to 3 times (approx.) of the category-wise vacancies will shortlist for Phase-III from the top of the category-wise merit list subject to a candidate scoring the minimum aggregate qualifying score
Hence, we have provided here whole details regarding SBI PO Cut off Marks 2023 in this article. We hope that all candidates will easily check SBI PO Prelims Cut off-list Category wise using the above link. If you want to access more about SBI PO Exam Cut off List then put your comment here.