RSMSSB Tax Assistant Final Selection List 2021, Check Rajasthan TA Final Selected list of Candidates, Check RSMSSB Tax Assistant Result 2021, Total Marks obtained by candidates in Tax Assistant Exam 2019, Category wise Tax Assistant Cutoff Marks, RSMSSB Kar Sahayak Result Cutoff list & Final merit list
RSMSSB TA (Kar Sahayak) Result Name Wise- The Rajasthan Staff Selection Board has been conducted “Kar Sahayak (Tax Assistant) Direct Recruitment Exam 2019”. The Exam was held on 21st October 2019. Board has been declared written exam result and Cutoff marks category.
Lots of candidates who secured Tax Assistant Minimum Cutoff Marks they will be called for Document Verification (Biometric Exam). So, all candidates are now able to check RSMSSB Tax Assistant Final Selection List 2021 and Kar Sahayak Final Merit list.
Board is conducting the RSMSSB Kar Sahayak Exam to fill 168 vacancies in TSP & Non-TSP Areas. Now the Board has been released the RSMSSB TA Final Selected list of Candidates. Therefore all candidates must check the RSMSSB Tax Assistant Result 2021 name-wise using the below link. The Kar Sahayak Result page contains useful details about candidates such as Name, Roll Number, Qualifying Marks (TA Cutoff), and Rank.
Download Response Sheet of Typing Speed and Efficiency Test- Click Here For Tax Assistant 2018 Type Test Response Sheet
Download RSMSSB Tax Assistant DV Result 2019- Download here
RSMSSB Tax Assistant Result 2021 – Kar Sahayak Final Selection List/ Final TA merit list
Recently the Rajasthan Staff Selection Board has been announced the Notification for Kar Sahayak (Tax Assistant) Direct Recruitment Exam 2019. The Board has conducted a written Exam on 21st October 2020. Candidates who were got RSMSSB Tax Assistant Cut-off Marks have also invited for Document Verification. Now some candidates are absent for Document Verification. After the RSMSSB Kar Sahayak DV process, Board will release the RSMSSB Tax Assistant Final Selection List 2021 which contains the Name and roll number of qualified candidates.
राजस्थान कर्मचारी चयन बोर्ड ने कर सहायक सीधी भर्ती परीक्षा 2019 का आयोजन 21 अक्टूबर 2019 को सफ़लतपूर्वक कर लिया था । लिखित परीक्षा में न्यूनतम मार्क्स हासिल करने वाले अभ्यर्थियों को बोर्ड ने पात्रता जाँच एवं दस्तावेज सत्यापन हेतु बुलाया था । बोर्ड ने 168 टैक्स असिस्टेंट रिक्त पदों के विरुद्ध वरीयता के आधार पर श्रेणीवार रिक्त पदों का 1।5 गुना अभ्यर्थियों का डॉक्यूमेंट वेरिफिकेशन (Document Verification) कर लिया गया है । इस समय बोर्ड RSMSSB TA Final Selected list of Candidates जारी करने की तैयारी कर रहा है । सफल उम्मीदवारों को फाइनल चयन के लिए पोस्टिंग दी जाएगी । निचे दी गई ऑफिसियल लिंक से आप आरएसएमएसएसबी कर सहायक परिणाम की जाँच काट सकते है । Check RSMSSB Exam Calendar
RSMSSB Tax Assistant Cut off Marks 2021 – Kar Sahayak Exam Qualifying Marks
By the way, the Board has been declared RSMSSB Tax Assistant Result for Document Verification (DV) and Written exam. But still, we check the RSMSSB Kar Sahayak Cut off list category-wise. The Board has decided the RSMSSB TA Cut off marks for General /OBC/SC/ST Categories. There are various factors that affect the Cut off marks.
There are various factors such as Number of vacancies, Total Candidates who participated in the examination, paper Difficulty level, previous Year Cut-off, and reservation. The RSMSSB Kar Sahayak Cut off marks vary on these factors.
The Board first was declared the RSMSSB TA Result for the Written exam. Then shortlisted will be called for Computer Proficiency Test (CPT). Candidates who qualified in CPT then have invited for Document Verification. Now board checked the all documents and eligibility of candidates and now releases RSMSSB Tax Assistant Final Selection List 2021.
TSP Area Cutoff
How to check RSMSSB Tax Assistant Final Selection List 2021- TA DV Result
Now all candidates are able to check the RSMSSB Tax Assistant 2021 for DV (Document Verification). The Result has been released through online mode. We have provided here simple steps to check the Rajasthan TA Final Selected list. The RSMSSB Kar Sahayak Result contains the final merit list of selected aspirants on the desired post.
- First, all candidates visit the official website i.e. rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in
- Select Result link from Candidate’s Section
- Choose RSMSSB Tax Assistant DV Result and List of Selected Candidates for Document Verification
- After that again choose the RSMSSB Tax Assistant Final Selection List 2021
- The list contains details about the final selection
- Check the relevant information and save the RSMSSB Kar Sahayak Result for further use
Check Tax Assistant Final Selected List of Candidates
Important Links :-
RSMSSB Tax Assistant Merit list 2021
It is important to check the Rajasthan Kar Sahayak Result. The TA merit list is prepared by the board after completion of each phase of the Recruitment Process. First Board has been created the RSMSSB TA Merit list of candidates who qualified for the written exam.
After Computer proficiency Test, the board invited selected aspirants for Document Verification. This time board is ready to release the Final RSMSSB Tax Assistant Result 2021. Contenders check RSMSSB Tax Assistant Final Selection List 2021, Check Rajasthan TA Final Selected list of Candidates using above link.