RSMSSB Stenographer Syllabus 2021– Check Rajasthan Steno Subject Wise Syllabus, RSMSSB Steno Exam Pattern, Rajasthan Stenographer Selection Process, RSMSSB Stenographer Exam Preparation Tips
The Rajasthan Subordinate Ministerial Services Selection Board has confirmed the RSMSSB Steno Recruitment for 1211 Stenographer vacancies in the department. There will be many applicants applying for this post, but as we know only a few get selected due to poor preparation and high competition. So, we advise applicants to cover the entire RSMSSB Stenographer Syllabus PDF provided in this article.
Along with Rajasthan Stenographer Exam Pattern, books and preparation tips. The Rajasthan Staff Selection Commission will conduct a written exam and Typing Test for Stenographer Selection. Therefore all candidates should know about New Steno Exam Pattern & Syllabus from here.
First candidates download the Rajasthan Stenographer Syllabus & Exam pattern and make a self-study timetable accordingly. Then start studying under expert guidelines and follow RSMSSB Steno Exam preparation Tips and also download the previous Year paper, Solved Question Papers for better exam preparation.
Latest Update- The Department has released Admit Card for Direct Joint Recruitment of Stenographer – 2018. Aspirants download Steno Exam Hall Ticket Name wise using the below link.
Download Stenographer Admit Card
RSMSSB Stenographer Syllabus 2021 – Rajasthan Steno Exam Pattern
Rajasthan Subordinate Ministerial Services Selection Board is preparing for Stenographer Bharti in the department. The RSMSSB application submission will be for 1211 posts. The board will conduct Patwari written exams and typing tests for recruitment. Applicants going to attempt the exam of Rajasthan Steno must cover the entire Rajasthan Steno Syllabus 2021.
Here, we have provided complete information on RSMSSB Stenographer Syllabus PDF along with exam Pattern, books and preparation tips. For any kind of confirmation / more understanding, please see the syllabus and RSMSSB Steno exam pattern on the official website of the Recruitment Board i.e. rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in. Now, it is the candidates’ responsibility to visit the official website for more updates.
RSMSSB Stenographer Recruitment
राजस्थान अधीनस्थ मंत्रालयिक सेवा चयन बोर्ड ने विभाग में 1211 आशुलिपिक रिक्तियों के लिए RSMSSB भर्ती की पुष्टि की है। इस पद के लिए आवेदन करने वाले कई आवेदक होंगे, लेकिन जैसा कि हम जानते हैं कि खराब तैयारी और उच्च प्रतिस्पर्धा के कारण कुछ ही चयनित होते हैं। इसलिए, हम आवेदकों को सलाह देते हैं कि इस लेख में दिए गए पूरे RSMSSB स्टेनोग्राफर सिलेबस पीडीएफ RSMSSB Stenographer Syllabus 2021 को कवर करें। परीक्षा पैटर्न, किताबें और तैयारी के टिप्स के साथ। राजस्थान कर्मचारी चयन आयोग स्टेनोग्राफर चयन के लिए लिखित परीक्षा और टाइपिंग टेस्ट आयोजित करेगा। इसलिए सभी उम्मीदवारों को यहाँ से स्टेनोग्राफर परीक्षा पैटर्न और सिलेबस के बारे में जानना चाहिए।
RSMSSB Steno Syllabus
Department Name | Rajasthan Staff Selection Board |
Total Vacancies | 1211 Posts |
Post Name | Stenographer |
Application Mode | Online |
Stenographer Exam Date | 21 March 2021 |
Mode of Exam | Online |
Selection Process | Written Exam, Stenography/Speed /Typing Test |
Official website | rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in |
Rajasthan Stenographer Exam Preparation Tips
Research for Study Material – You must watch regular news, check the online mock test series, and take notes, Coaching Notes, Previous year paper, and Best Books. Check Complete Tips, Strategy, Planning for Patwari Exam
Collection of Right Books – Aspirants who want to make qualified marks in Steno Examination must go through study materials available in the market. There are many books in the Market; aspirants need to choose the best which provides the best material to study.
Make a Perfect Time Table – Guys, who are applying in RSMSSB Steno Examination, don’t ignore the time table. You should make a timetable for preparing the examination.
Revision – Hello all, Revision is the best key for preparing the examination. You should note down your weakest topics in a notebook and Try to make solve them. You don’t forget revision.
पहले उम्मीदवार राजस्थान स्टेनोग्राफर सिलेबस और परीक्षा पैटर्न डाउनलोड करें और उसके अनुसार एक सेल्फ स्टडी टाइम टेबल बनाएं। फिर विशेषज्ञ दिशानिर्देशों के तहत अध्ययन करना शुरू करें और RSMSSB स्टेनो परीक्षा तैयारी टिप्स का पालन करें और बेहतर तैयारी के लिए पिछले साल के पेपर, सॉल्व्ड प्रश्न पत्रों को भी डाउनलोड करें।
Check Rajasthan Steno Answer key
RSMSSB Steno Exam Pattern 2021
The Stenographer Exam will hold for 200 Marks of Paper-I and Paper-II. Each Paper carries 150 Objective Type Questions. Aspirants have to solve the question paper in 3 hours (180 Minutes). Paper-I made from General Knowledge, Daily Science, GK of Rajasthan and Paper-2 will be held for General Hindi and English.
The Written Exam will be as Follows –
- The Exam will be Written Objective Type.
- The Question Paper will Consist of 150 Questions.
- Paper 1 will be of General Knowledge, Daily Science, and General Knowledge of Rajasthan.
- Paper 2 will be of General Hindi & English.
- Each Part will be of 03 Hours with 100 Marks.
- Negative Marking Of 1/3 Marks Is Removed. Now There Will Be No Negative Marking.
लिखित परीक्षा इस प्रकार होगी-
- परीक्षा लिखित वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार की होगी।
- प्रश्न पत्र 150 प्रश्नों से मिलकर बनेगा।
- पेपर 1 सामान्य ज्ञान, दैनिक विज्ञान, राजस्थान का सामान्य ज्ञान होगा।
- पेपर 2 सामान्य हिंदी और अंग्रेजी का होगा।
- प्रत्येक भाग 03 घंटे का होगा।
- 1/3 के नकारात्मक अंकन को हटा दिया है। अब कोई नकारात्मक अंकन नहीं होगा।
Subject Names | Questions | Marks |
General Knowledge and Rajasthan GK, Everyday Science |
150 Questions | 100 Marks |
General Hindi and General English |
150 Questions | 100 Mark |
Total | 300 Questions | 200 Marks |
RSMSSB Stenographer Typing Test (Phase II)
Paper | Time Duration | Marks |
1.अंग्रेजी आशुलिपि परीक्षण (परीक्षण 100 शब्द प्रति मिनट के श्रुतिलेख का होगा) | 10 मिनट | 100 |
दिए गए श्रुतलेख के लेखांश का कंप्यूटर पर अंग्रेजी में प्रतिलेखन और टंकण | 60 मिनट | |
2. हिंदी आशुलिपि परीक्षण (परीक्षण 100 शब्द प्रति मिनट के श्रुतिलेख का होगा) | 10 मिनट | 100 |
दिए गए श्रुतलेख के लेखांश का कंप्यूटर पर हिंदी में प्रतिलेखन और टंकण | 70 मिनट |
Rajasthan Steno Syllabus 2021
Rajasthan Staff Selection Board is preparing to Conduct Steno Bharti Exam soon. This time, Board will conduct written exam and typing test for selection. In the written test question papers will be asked from various topics. Check the below topics of the exam.
RSMSSB Stenographer Result Admit Card
RSMSSB Steno Syllabus for General Knowledge
- Role of women during the Medieval and Modern period
- Society and Religion
- Freedom struggle in Rajasthan
- Integration of Rajasthan
- Agriculture
- Livestock
- Climate
- Drainage
- Vegetation
- Ancient Culture & Civilisation of Rajasthan
- Kalibangan, Ahar, Ganeshwar, Barath
- Growth, and Literacy
- Dairy development
- Rajasthan history
- Geography, and the Culture of Rajasthan
- Distribution
- Population
- Current Affairs
- Socio-economic, political, games and sports aspects
RSMSSB Hindi Syllabus 2021
- General Hindi
- Pronouns
- Adverb
- Translation of Sentences
- Synonyms
- Adjectives
- Grammar
- One Word Substitution
- Antonyms
- Vocabulary etc
RSMSSB Stenographer Exam Syllabus for English
- Grammar
- Use of prepositions
- Narrations
- Active and passive voice
- Spot the Error
- Passage
- Arrangements
- Sequence of Sentence
- Spellings
- Clauses
- Comprehensions
- Sentence formation
- Idioms and Phrases
- Antonyms
- Confusion words
- Synonyms
- Transformation of sentence
- One word Substitutions
- Shuffling of Sentence in the passage
Rajasthan Stenographer Syllabus 2021- Everyday Science
- Chromosomes
- Human disease – Causes and Cures
- Plaster of Paris
- Soaps and detergents
- The economic importance of animals and plants
- Types of lenses
- Human eye
- Sources of energy
- Acid, base and salts
- Human brain
- Bleaching powder
- Ohm’s law
- Baking soda
- Mendel’s law of inheritance
- Reflection of light & its Laws
- Elements, compounds & mixtures
- Physical and chemical changes
- Electric potential
- Metals and non-metals
- Bio-mass
- Heating effect of electric current
- Electric motor
- Ecosystem
- Hormones
- Electric current
Rajasthan Stenographer Selection Process 2021
- Written Exam (Phase – I)
- Typing & Stenography Test (Phase – II)
RSMSSB Stenographer Syllabus PDF
Disclaimer – We have given all the information of the RSMSSB Stenographer Syllabus 2021. These details are given from various web sources and the recruitment authority’s official website.