RPSC RAS Cut off Marks 2023-24 Rajasthan Administrative Service Pre & Main Exam Expected Cutoff Marks, RPSC RAS/RTS Qualifying Marks for General, OBC, SC, ST & EWS Categories
Rajasthan Public Service Commission has issued recruitment notification for total 905 posts of Administrative Services. Lakhs of candidates have applied for the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination – 2023 from 28 June to 31 July 2023. Apart from this, the commission will conduct the RAS preliminary examination in the month of September-October. We have provided the minimum passing marks of RPSC RAS Prelims & Mains exam in this article. After that candidates can also check Rajasthan RAS Expected Cutoff and previous year cutoff marks.
In addition, aspirants visit the official link to see RPSC RAS Cut off Marks 2023 for both preliminary and Main Exam. It is equally important to secure Rajasthan Administrative Service Exam Cutoff List Category wise. As per news, Commission will release RAS Prelims Cutoff along with Result.
RPSC RAS Cut off Marks 2023-24 RAS/RTS Prelims Cutoff
Well, Rajasthan Public Service Commission has decided to organize the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Exam – 2023. Besides, many students have applied for the RAS Exam 2023. There shall be two stages of Exam such as Preliminary and Main Exam. After that, those candidates will invite for personal interview who get Qualifying Marks in Mains Exam. Therefore, applicants will be able to view their subject wise and category wise RPSC RAS Cut off Marks. Hence, Rajasthan RAS/RTS Cutoff is the minimum passing Marks that applicants must score to qualify for the next stage.
राजस्थान प्रशासनिक सेवा परीक्षा दो चरणों में होगी – प्रारंभिक एवं मुख्य परीक्षा। प्रीलिम्स परीक्षा 200 प्रश्न सामान्य ज्ञान & सामान्य विज्ञान से आएंगे जो कुल 200 अंको के होंगे। इसके अलावा आरएएस मुख्य एग्जाम में चार (04) पेपर सामान्य अध्ययन-II, II, III व IV एवं सामान्य हिंदी व अंग्रेजी के होंगे, प्रत्यके प्रश्न-पत्र 200 अंक का है। इस प्रकार मुख्य परीक्षा कुल 800 अंक की होगी और मुख्य परीक्षा में उपस्थित होने वाले उम्मीदवारों को प्रत्येक पेपर में न्यूनतम 10% अंक और मुख्य परीक्षा में सभी पेपरों के कुल अंकों में से 15% अंक प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता होगी।
Rajasthan Administrative Services Exam 2023 Details
Organization | Rajasthan Public Service Commission |
Test Name | Raj. State and Sub. Services Comb. Comp Exam – 2023 |
Post Name | RAS/RTS |
Total Posts | 905 |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Application Dates | 28 June to 31 July 2023 |
RAS prelims Exam Date | Sept/Oct 2023 |
RPSC RAS Main Exam Date | Release Soon |
Selection Process | Preliminary, Main Exam and Personal Interview/Viva-Voce |
RPSC RAS Cut off Marks | — |
Status | Available |
Post Category | Rajasthan RAS Pre & Main Cutoff |
Official Website | rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in |
rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in RAS Cut off Marks 2023 Prelims
Likewise, Cutoff mark is the minimum qualifying mark obtained by the candidates to qualify for the written examination. Candidates who secure the qualifying Marks in Prelims Exam and then will be shortlisted for Main Exam. Hence, Commission has been fixed minimum passing marks for all categories.
The RAS Pre Cutoff is different for all categories. There are various factors that are affecting the cutoff marks such as the Number of candidates who participated in the exam, total vacancies, Exam paper difficulty level, Previous year Cut-off and reservation.
Factors affecting RPSC RAS Cutoff
The cutoff marks depend on multiple factors i.e. Appeared candidates in this exam, Written Exam Level, and etc.
- Total vacancies
- Number candidates appeared in the Exam
- Level of difficulty
- Previous Year Cut off
- Reservation
Rajasthan RAS/RTS Expected Cutoff 2023
It is mandatory to score RAS Prelims & Main Exam Qualifying Marks out of total score. However, the Department has decided the minimum passing Marks Category wise. Also, we have provided RPSC RAS Expected Cutoff Marks for General, OBC, SC, ST Categories. Authority will prepare the RAS Merit List using Mains & Interview Marks. Candidates must know the RAS Exam Cut off to have an idea of their target.
Rajasthan Public Service Commission will issue the RAS Cutoff marks along with the RAS Mains Result. The RAS Result page contains useful details like Name, Roll Number, and Cutoff/ Rank of Candidates. Candidates first visit the official website and then log in with the necessary details. After that Enter Roll, number and other ask details and get RPSC RAS Cut off Marks.
RPSC RAS Mains Cut off 2023
Category | Cutoff Marks | |
General | Gen | 314.00 |
WE | 314.00 | |
WD | 218.50 | |
DV | 302.00 | |
EWS | Gen | 314.00 |
WE | 314.00 | |
WD | 218.50 | |
SC | Gen | 282.50 |
WE | 280.75 | |
WD | 179.00 | |
DV | 232.75 | |
ST | GEN | 296.25 |
WE | ||
WD | 169.00 | |
DV | 277.00 | |
OBC | Gen | 314.00 |
WE | 314.00 | |
WD | 218.50 | |
DV | 291.00 | |
MBC | GEN | 305.25 |
WE | ||
WD | 178.00 |
Rajasthan RAS Prelims Cutoff 2021
Category | Expected Cutoff Marks (Out of 200) |
General | 70-75 Marks |
General (TSP) | 60-65 Marks |
SC | 65-70 Marks |
ST | 65-70 Marks |
ST (TSP) | 55-60 marks |
OBC | 85-90 Marks |
Steps to download RPSC RAS Cut off Marks 2023-24
- First students will visit the official web portal i.e. www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
- And then they will go to the Exam Dashboard section
- Find the link to “Raj. State and Sub. Services Comb. Comp. Exam – 2023”
- Also Select Result link
- After that, RPSC RAS Result page will display in PDF format
- Check relevant details like Roll number add Name
- Enter Roll Number and Date of birth
- RPSC RAS Exam Marks will display on a computer screen
- Finally, Save and take the printout of the Rajasthan RAS Result for further use
Result Preamble and Cut-Off Marks of Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive (Pre.) Examination-2023- Download here
Rajasthan RAS Previous Cutoff Marks – General, OBC, SC, ST
RPSC has released notification for the RAS Recruitment for 905 vacancies in the Rajasthan state of India. Here in the below table check the Rajasthan RAS (PCS) Expected Cutoff Marks category-wise. Here we bring to you the RPSC RAS Cut off of the Previous Year check below.
In addition, RPSC board will release the cut-off marks for the Prelims exam which will be calculated from 200 marks. On the basis of these final cut-off marks, candidates will be selected for the RAS mains exam. Check the below table for the cutoff of the RAS Pre Exam. Apply for Latest Jobs in Rajasthan
RPSC RAS Previous Cutoff
Category | Prelims Previous Cutoff | Mains Previous Cutoff |
General | 78.54 | 344.00 |
General (TSP) | 69.41 | 332.75 |
SC | 71.69 | 310.25 |
ST | 76.26 | 327.25 |
ST (TSP) | 58.45 | 274.25 |
OBC | 94.98 | 344.00 |
MBC | — | 343.75 |
RAS 2023 Merit List
The RAS Merit List is the list of qualified candidates in the exam. RPSC will soon release the Rajasthan RAS Merit List 2023. Thus, the Selected Name of Candidates will be mentioned on the Final RPSC RAS Merit List.
Thus, we have given the complete detail of RPSC RAS Cut off Marks 2023-24. Also, candidates to follow the links and check the official site of the Board for the latest information of Rajasthan RAS Prelims & Mains Cutoff.