RPSC JLO Admit Card 2023 Released on 28 October, Junior Legal Officer Exam Date, Center City Name & Know your JLO Exam Center District Location, Download JLO Hall Ticket Name wise at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
RPSC Junior Legal Officer Admit Card: The Rajasthan Public Service Commission has finally decided to conduct Junior Legal Officer Written Exam. Besides, Commission will organize JLO (कनिष्ठ विधि अधिकारी) Exam on 04 & 05 November 2023. Meanwhile, we have shared JLO Exam Date, Center City Name District wise and Junior Legal officer Competitive Exam Hall Ticket Link. Therefore, aspirants have to undergo Written Test, Document Verification and Interview for final selection.
Likewise, Rajasthan Public Service Commission is filling 140 vacancies through this competitive examination. It is equally important to bring the JLO Exam Call Letter to the exam centre for everyone. They also carry one photo identity Card along with Admission certificate. Moreover, applicants have to enter the required credentials details such as Name, Registration number/ Date of birth to download the RPSC JLO Admit Card 2023. Aspirants can further collect the latest JLO Exam Date, Pattern, Syllabus and Exam instructions too.
राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग की और से जूनियर लेजल अफसर की परीक्षा दिनांक 04 व 05 नवंबर 2023 को आयोजित करेगा। इस समय अभ्यर्थी RPSC JLO Exam Date, Center City Name & डिस्ट्रिक्ट लोकेशन के बारे में जानना चाहते है। वे सबसे पहले निचे दिए लिंक से अपना आरपीएससी जेएलओ एडमिट कार्ड प्रॉपर कर अपने परीक्षा केंद्र शहर एवं जिला लोकेशन के बारे में जान सकते है।
RPSC JLO Admit Card 2023 Junior Legal Officer Exam Date
Finally, the RPSC JLO Exam Dates released and it will hold in first week of November month. Lots of candidates filled out online applications for Junior Legal Officer Recruitment from 10 July to 09 August 2023. Now they all are waiting for RPSC Jr Legal officer Admit Card. Along with Exam permission letter, aspirants may check the exam pattern and Syllabus from here.
Therefore, It will be a single written exam will conduct for the final selection process. And then shortlist will be called for the Personal Interview and Document Verification process.
राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग Junior Legal Officer परीक्षा नवंबर 2023 में आयोजित करवा रहा है । इसके लिए आयोग RPSC JLO Admit Card घोषित कर चुका है । सभी परीक्षार्थी निचे दिए गए लिंक से प्रवेश पत्र डाउनलोड कर सकते है । इसके साथ वे सभी JLO Exam Pattern पर syllabus भी चेक कर सकते है । राजस्थान जूनियर लेजल अफसर एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करते समय अगर आपको कोई दिक्क्त आ रही है तो अप्प हमसे कमेंट के जरिये सहायता ले सकते है ।
RPSC Junior Legal Officer Exam 2023 Date Details
Notification | RPSC Jr Legal Officer Exam Date Announced |
Department Name | Rajasthan Public Service Commission |
Total Posts | 140 |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Application Dates | 10.07.2023 to 09.08.2023 |
RPSC JLO Exam Date | 04.11.2023 and 05.11.2023 |
Status | Available Soon |
Post Category | RPSC JLO Admit Card |
Official Website | rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in |
rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in Junior Legal Officer Admit Card Link
As we all know that RPSC JLO Admit Card is a very important document. And Candidates must check their personal and official details mentioned on JLO Exam Hall Ticket correctly. Furthermore, Any correction should be reported to the exam authority on time, as late complaints will not be answered. However, they must ensure followings details printed on RPSC Jr Legal Officer Call Letter.
- Name of Candidate
- Parent’s name
- Photograph of candidate
- Date of birth
- Exam date, day, and time
- Exam center
- Signature of candidate
- Signature of examiner
- Instructions for the exam
How to download the RPSC JLO Admit Card 2023 Download Link
It is very necessary to download RPSC Junior Legal Officer Admit card 2023 before commencing the written Examination. The Admit Card has been finally issued through online mode. Meanwhile, Aspirants should be remembered necessary details like Name, Registration and Date of birth to download RPSC Junior Legal officer Admit Card name wise . Likewise, Candidates kindly check the process to download the RPSC Jr. Legal Officer Call Letter online:
- Candidate first must visit the official website of RPSC @ rpsc.rajasthan. gov.in.
- At the home page; check for the link of RPSC JLO Admit Card 2023
- Click on the link and enter the necessary details correctly.
- Now press the submit button.
- Then your admit card will display on the screen.
- Download the permission letter and take a hard copy for future reference.
Rajasthan PSC JLO Syllabus & Exam Pattern
Important Documents with RPSC JLO Admit Card 2023
It is mandatory to bring the Admit Card to the exam center for everyone. along with RPSC JLO Hall Ticket, candidates have to carry one photo identity proof at the exam center. Hence, they choose one ID proof out of followings-
- Voter ID
- Applicant’s Driving License
- PAN Card
- Student Id of A Govt Recognized College/ University
- Bank Account Pass Book
- Any Photo Id Proof signed by Gazetted Officer
- Ration Card
- Employee Id of a Recognized Organization
- Aadhar Card
- Passport
RPSC Jr. Legal Officer Exam Instructions
- Candidates must not carry any electronic gadgets along with them at the exam hall.
- Aspirants must be on a given time, no late entries are permitted.
- It is mandatory to bring all the following documents during the exam at Exam Centre:
- Admit card
- Two photographs of a candidate (same as uploaded at the time of application form).
- One id proof of the candidate.
RPSC JLO Exam Pattern 2023
The written exam for the junior legal officer will be of Objective type. The paper will be divided into 4 parts and each part will be of 50 Marks. Candidates have to solve the RPSC JLO Exam Paper in 3 Hours (180 Minutes). Further, Candidates have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in each paper.
All papers except language paper unless specifically required shall Answer either in Hindi or in English, but no candidate shall permit to answer anyone paper partly in Hindi and partly in English unless specifically allowed to do so.
Paper | Subject Name | Marks |
Paper-I | Constitution of India with special emphasis on Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and enforcement of rights through writs, Functioning of High Court and Supreme Court and attorney general. | 50 |
Paper-II | Civil Procedure Code and Criminal, Procedure Code. Provisions required to be referred generally in Government offices will be given importance. | 50 |
Paper-III | Evidence Act, Limitation Act, Interpretation of Statutes, drafting, and conveyancing | 50 |
Paper-IV | Languages:- Part-A: General Hindi | 25 |
Part-B: General English | 25 |
RPSC JLO Exam Centre List 2023
Well, the Rajasthan Public Service Commission is conducting the Junior Written Exam across the state. The Exam center for Jr Legal Exam will print on JLO Admit Card. Therefore, Examinees see their Exam Center City Name and District location by accessing Permission letter. In addition, candidates check Below the RPSC JLO Exam Center conducting of written exam:
- Ajmer
- Bharatpur
- Bikaner
- Jaipur
- Jodhpur
- Kota
- Udaipur
Thus, we have provided the details of Rajasthan RPSC JLO Admit Card 2023. As we know the exam dates have been announced candidates are advised to start there preparation and also check the RPSC JLO Exam Date, City Name District wise. Still, they may ask any doubt by putting comment in below comment box.