Punjab Master Cadre Cutoff Marks 2023 & Merit List – PSEB Master Cadre Teacher Expected Cutoff Marks, Category Wise ERB Punjab Master Cadre Cutoff & Merit List for Recruitment of Master Cadre 4754 Teachers for various Subjects
Punjab Education Recruitment Board is conducting Recruitment of Master Cadre 4754 Posts. Written Exam was held for Social Science, Punjabi, Maths, Hindi, English, Science & Music subjects. Lack Number of applicants appeared in the Written Exam on 21, 28 August & 04, 11 September 2022. Here we are introducing about Master Cadre expected Cutoff and passing marks Category wise.
Now they all are waiting for the PSEB Master Cadre Cutoff marks & Merit List. We are providing a complete selection Process, Marking Scheme and ERB Punjab Master Cadre Expected Cut-off mark Category Wise.
Many aspirants have participated in a written test and now they are searching for the Punjab Master Cadre Cutoff Marks. They should note that Punjab Master Cadre Result will be available in PDF format with the necessary details. Aspirants will see their Name, Roll number, obtained marks, Total score in exam etc.
IF you want to view Exam Marks then you have to log in using the Registration number and Password. Punjab Master Cadre Teacher Result will only have the Roll number or Name of Qualified Candidates. Apart from this, they may also check Category wise ERB Punjab Master Cadre cut off List for General, OBC, SC and ST.
Punjab Master Cadre Cutoff Marks 2023 Cut-Off list
The Department of School Education (PSEB) Is recruiting eligible candidates for master cadre Vacancies under Punjab School Education Board. The Recruitment drives for 4161 vacancies for Master Cadre in Social Science, Math, Science, Punjabi, Hindi, English & Music. Authority has organized a written Exam on 21, 28 August and 04, 11 September 2022. Now the department is planning to declare Punjab Master Cadre Result & Cutoff list, Merit list Category wise.
Board will prepare the PSEB Master Cadre Merit list based on marks obtained in the written Exam. After completion of the Document Verification Process, the final selection list will be published by the Recruitment Board.
Latest Updates- Department of School Education, Punjab has issued an Answer Cadre Answer key and objections notice for English, DPE, Math, Hindi, SST, Science, Music and Punjabi. So aspirants check the Master Cadre Answer key set wise (Set-A, Set-B, Set-C & Set-D).
ERB Punjab Master Cadre Merit List 2023
Organization Name | Education Recruitment Board Punjab |
Department Name | Punjab School Education Board |
Post Name | Master Cadre |
Total Posts | 4161Posts |
Mode of Application | Online |
Application Start date | 8th January 2022 |
Last Date to fill the application | 20th April 2022 |
Exam Type | Multiple Choice Questions |
Punjab Master Cadre Exam Date | 21, 28 August &)3, 11 September 2022 |
Job Location | Punjab |
Category | Cut Off Marks & Merit List |
Official website | educationreqruitmentboard.com |
Punjab Master Cadre Expected cut Off Marks 2023
The Department of School Education has conducted a written exam for the Master Cadre of English, Hindi, Social Science, Maths, Science, Punjabi & Music Subjects. A huge number of candidates participated in this competitive exam and now they are eagerly waiting for the ERB Punjab Master Cadre Cutoff.
PSEB Master Cadre Cutoff is the minimum qualifying marks decided by the Exam authority category-wise. Aspirants have to secure these passing marks to qualify for the Exam or final selection for the desired post. There are Various Factors that affect cutoff marks. Board determines the ERB Punjab Master Cadre Teacher Cutoff through the following factors-
- Total Vacancies
- Number of candidates who appeared in the Exam
- Question Paper difficulty level
- Previous year Cutoff
- Reservation
PSEB Master Cadre Expected cut-off is given below:-
Categories | Cutoffs |
General/Ur | 122 to 132 out of 150 |
OBC | 100 to 110 out of 150 |
EWS | 105 to 110 out of 150 |
SC/ST | 65 to 70 out of 150 |
Others | 71 to 78 out of 150 |
How to check Punjab Master Cadre Cutoff marks 2023
First of all, candidates must remember their login credentials like Registration number and Password. Because candidates only check their number and name fro, the ERB Punjab Master Cadre Result page. If you want to see section-wise marks then you have to login. Board will also release the PSEB Master Cadre Cutoff List along with the results. Applicants may follow the below-given steps to check the Scorecard-
- Candidates should visit the official web portal i.e. educationrecruitmentboard.com
- From the home page select the “ latest Recruitment “ link
- Also, choose “Recruitment of Master Cadre 4754 posts”
- Check public Notice for Punjab Master Cadre Result
- Then go to the login section and Enter your Registration Number and Password
- Click on the login button and ERB Punjab Teacher Result will display
- Check Relevant details and save the Punjab Master Cadre Cutoff Marks for further use
Check Final Result for Master Cadre Teacher Bharti
PSEB Master Cadre Merit List – Selection list
all candidates who have given a written test can check their result and ERB Master Cadre Exam Cutoff list category-wise. If you have to obtain equal or above marks from given cutoff marks then your chance may for selection. Then you can see your name in the Final Merit list. Authority will make the Punjab master cadre merit list based on marks secured in the examination.
Those candidates will be called for Document verification who score qualifying marks or their Names in the merit list. The Recruitment board will verify the original document of the aspirants and will allocate the posts in various post circles.