PSSSB Veterinary Inspector Syllabus 2021 – Check SSSB Punjab Jr Draftsman Exam Pattern 2021, Punjab PSSSB Veterinary Inspector Subject Wise Syllabus PDF, SSSB Punjab Inspector Previous Yera Papers
The Subordinate Service Selection Board, Punjab will be conducting the Various Posts of Veterinary Inspector, Jr. Coaches & Election Kannungo”. The Department will conduct the SSSB Punjab Veterinary Inspector Exam in the upcoming month. Therefore candidates prepare well before commencing the examination by Punjab PSSSB Veterinary Inspector Syllabus 2021. We are providing the latest SSSB Punjab Jr Draftsman Exam Pattern 2021, Study Materials, Coaching Notes, Best Books, and PSSSB Jr Draftsman previous year Question Papers.
The PSSSB Veterinary Inspector Syllabus 2021 and Exam Pattern are very important for candidates because they can prepare well and cover all important topics. The Punjab PSSSB Veterinary Inspector Subject Wise Syllabus PDF 2021 includes questions from General Awareness, Reasoning, and English Language.
PSSSB Veterinary Inspector Syllabus 2021 – SSSB Punjab Jr Draftsman Exam Pattern
The Punjab Subordinate Service Selection Board is going to recruit eligible candidates for Veterinary Inspector posts. Eligible and interested aspirants are able to apply for SSSB Punjab Veterinary Inspector Jobs from 8th July 2021. This is the latest Job in Punjab State for those contenders who want to make a career in the Government sector. Other useful updates like the Selection process, Exam Patterns, Syllabus, etc are given below here.
Punjab PSSSB Veterinary Inspector Exam Details
Department Name | Subordinate Service Selection Board, Punjab |
Total posts | 866 + 659 |
Post Name | Veterinary Inspector and Junior Draftsman |
Job category | Government Job |
Location | Punjab |
PSSSB Veterinary Inspector Exam Date | Announce Later |
Selection Process | Written Exam/ Counseling |
Official Website | www.sssb.punjab.gov.in |
PSSSB पशु चिकित्सा निरीक्षक पाठ्यक्रम 2021
अधीनस्थ सेवा चयन बोर्ड, पंजाब पशु चिकित्सा निरीक्षक, जूनियर कोच और चुनाव कन्नुंगो के विभिन्न पदों का संचालन करेगा। विभाग आगामी महीने में एसएसएसबी पंजाब पशु चिकित्सा निरीक्षक परीक्षा आयोजित करेगा। इसलिए उम्मीदवार पंजाब PSSSB पशु चिकित्सा निरीक्षक सिलेबस 2021 द्वारा परीक्षा शुरू करने से पहले अच्छी तरह से तैयारी करते हैं। हम नवीनतम SSSB पंजाब जूनियर ड्राफ्ट्समैन परीक्षा पैटर्न 2021, अध्ययन सामग्री, कोचिंग नोट्स, सर्वश्रेष्ठ पुस्तकें और PSSSB जूनियर ड्राफ्ट्समैन पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्न पत्र प्रदान कर रहे हैं।
PSSSB वेटरनरी इंस्पेक्टर सिलेबस 2021 और परीक्षा पैटर्न उम्मीदवारों के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हैं क्योंकि वे अच्छी तरह से तैयारी कर सकते हैं और सभी महत्वपूर्ण विषयों को कवर कर सकते हैं। पंजाब पीएसएसएसबी वेटरनरी इंस्पेक्टर सब्जेक्ट वाइज सिलेबस पीडीएफ 2021 में जनरल इंटेलिजेंस एंड रीजनिंग, जनरल नॉलेज एंड जनरल अवेयरनेस, क्वांटिटेटिव एप्टीट्यूड और इंग्लिश कॉम्प्रिहेंशन के प्रश्न शामिल हैं।
SSSB Punjab Jr Draftsman Exam Pattern 2021
We have provided the PSSSB Veterinary Inspector Exam Pattern 2021 for the candidate’s examination purpose. With the help of the SSSB Punjab Jr Draftsman Exam Pattern 2021 you can know that what are topics you need to practice well and for how many marks in the examination etc. So start your exam preparation with the given below exam pattern on this page and start your exam practice with a perfect time schedule.
Subjects Name | Total Marks |
General Awareness (Punjab & India) | 20 |
Reasoning/ Math | 20 |
Language Proficiency (Punjabi and English) | 20 |
Subject Specific | 40 |
Total | 100 |
- The Written Exam will be of Objective Type (Multiple Choice Type).
- Minimum Qualifying Marks will be 40%.
- Each Question will be of 1 Mark in an examination.
- There will be a Negative Marking of 0.25 marks in an examination.
Download PSSSB Veterinary Inspector Syllabus Subject Wise PDF
The Punjab PSSSB Veterinary Inspector Syllabus 2021 consists of various topics from various subjects. In the SSSB Punjab Inspector Exam questions will be asked from General Intelligence & Reasoning, and English language & Comprehension.
So aspirants download the SSSB Punjab Jr Draftsman PDF and cover all important topics. There will be 20 questions made from General Awareness, and 20 questions made from the English language, and from Reasoning 20 Questions will be asked.
General Awareness (Punjab & India)
- Current Affairs
- History & Geography, Its Physical Feature.
- Alleviation
- Economic Planning.
- Climate; Demography of India, It’s Economic and Social Development.
- Poverty
- Economic Affairs and Culture; and Literature, etc.
- Important Events, Movements, and Leaders of India & Punjab.
- Number Series
- Profit & Loss
- Calculation of Interest
- Interest
- Divisibility test
- Problems on Ration & Proportions
- Percentage
- Data Interpretation.
- Logical Thinking
- Alphanumeric Series
- Letter & Number Series
- Odd Man Out problems, Analogy
- Common Sense Test
- Alphabetical Arrangement of Words.
Language Proficiency
- Basic Grammar
- Subject & Verbs
- Adjective & Adverbs
- One Word Substitution
- Fill in the Blank
- Problems concerning words
- Comparison of Adjectives
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Idioms and their Meanings.
- Reading Comprehension
- Articles; Prepositions
- Direct & Indirect Speech
- Active & Passive Voice
- Sentences Correction
- Gender; Singular; Plural
- Spell Check etc.
- Grammar
- Subject and verb
- Adjectives
- Synonyms
- Antagonistic words
- One word instead of many words
- Active and passive sounds
- Sentence correction
- Gender, singular, plural
- Feature comparison article
- Preparation of direct and indirect speech
- Idioms and their meanings.
- Fill in the blanks
- Problems with words
- Reading comprehension
- Spell check etc.
Download SSSB Punjab Jr Draftsman Syllabus PDF
Disclaimer – All candidates first download the PSSSB Veterinary Inspector Syllabus 2021 PDF. For more information like SSSB Punjab Jr Draftsman Exam Pattern 2021. If you face any difficulty or any doubt comment us on the comment box.