NCL Dumper Operator Syllabus 2023-24 NCL HEMM Operator (Trainee) Exam Pattern, Computer Based Test Exam Scheme, Download NCL Dozer & Dumper Operator Syllabus PDF at www.nclcil.in
The Northern Coalfields Limited has started HEMM Operator (Trainee) Bharti for 388 vacancies. And Department will organize a Computer Based Test for Final Selection. Hence, we are sharing NCL HEMM Operator Exam Pattern for Shovel, Dumper, Surface Miner, Dozer, Grader, Pay Loader and Crane Operator (Trainee). Meanwhile, candidates first download NCL HEMM Operator Syllabus and cover all topics. As we know that, NCL Syllabus includes subjects such as Elementary Knowledge of Diesel Engine, Petrol Engine, General Awareness & Knowledge and Mathematical Aptitude.
Moreover, applicants collect study materials like Best Books, GK Notes, Previous Papers and Practice Sets to cover all topics. However, our team has already provided Exam Pattern and NCL Dumper Operator Syllabus 2023. Generally, examinees join online Test series, Mock Test and practice Paper set to cover NCL HEMM Operator Exam Syllabus. They can further visit the official website www.nclcil.in to collect more information.
NCL Dumper Operator Syllabus 2023 NCL Trainee Exam Pattern
Northern Coalfields Limited is going to recruit eligible candidates for 338 HEMM Operator (Trainee) Vacancies. As per news, NCL has invited Applications for Shovel Operator, Dumper Operator, Surface Miner Operator, Dozer Operator, Grader Operator, Pay Loader Operator & Crane Operator Posts. Meanwhile, many candidates have applied for NCL Bharti from 09 to 31 August 2023. Now they are preparing for Computer Based Test. Further, CBT will be of 100 Marks for 90 minutes duration common for all posts of HEMM Operator (Trainee). And finally, merit for filling the posts will prepare on the scores of aspirants in the computer based Test of 100 Marks.
नॉर्दर्न कोलफील्ड्स लिमिटेड द्वारा एचईएमएम ऑपरेटर – प्रशिक्षु के 338 पदों पर भर्ती का नोटिफिकेशन जारी कर दिया है। इसके जरिये बोर्ड शोवेल, डम्पर, सरफेस माइनर, डोजर, ग्रेडर, पे-लोडर एवं क्रेन ऑपरेटर प्रशिक्षु के रिक्त पद भरेगा। इसके लिए 10वीं पास अभ्यर्थी योग्य होंगे जो दिनांक 09 अगस्त से 31 अगस्त 2023 तक आवेदन कर सकते है। कंप्यूटर आधारित परीक्षा एचईएमएम ऑपरेटर (प्रशिक्षु) के सभी पदों के लिए 90 मिनट की अवधि के लिए 100 अंको का होगा। पदों को भरने के लिए मेरिट 100 अंको के सीबीटी में अभ्यर्थियों के स्कोर पर तैयार की जाएगी।
NCL HEMM Operator (Trainee) Exam Syllabus 2023
Origination Name | Northern Coalfields Ltd (NCL) |
Post Name | HEMM Operator (Trainee) |
Total Vacancy | 307 Vacancies |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Pan India |
Selection Process | Computer Based Test |
Application Dates | 09 August to 31 August 2023 |
Exam Date | September 2023 |
Category | Syllabus |
Post Category | NCL HEMM Operator Syllabus |
Official Website | nclcil.in |
NCL Exam Preparation Tips 2023
You can check the Northern Coalfields Ltd Dumper Operator Exam Preparation Tips, Tricks, and Make Strategy to cover important topics from the Syllabus. There are some preparation tips for the exam that you must follow.
- You must collect Study Material such as GK/Study Notes, Maths Books, Hindi/ English Grammar Books, and Awareness of Traffic Rules & Signals Books and download NCL Previous Year Papers
- Then make study time table as per Exam Pattern
- Give time to each section and focus on easy topics
- If you stuck in any topics then leave it and focus on the next section, Revision of all topics is very important
- Divide Exam time for each section and try to solve NCL Trainee Old year papers.
NCL Dumper Operator Exam Pattern 2023
एचईएमएम ऑपरेटर (प्रशिक्षु) के पद के लिए अभ्यर्थियों के चयन के लिए कंप्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट आयोजित किया जायेगा। HEMM operator Trainee के सभी पदों के लिए सीबीटी 100 अंको का होगा।
Hence, examinees first check NCL HEMM Operator Syllabus and Exam Pattern. And then, collect latest study materials like Books, Notes and NCL HEMM Operator Previous Year Papers. Apart from this, they can take an idea of Level of Exam, Type of question and marking Scheme.
- Computer Based Test will be conducted for the selection of candidates for the post of Dumper Operator, Dozer Operator, Crane Operator, Grader Operator, and Shovel Operator.
- Written test will hold for selection of Candidates for the post of HEMM Operator (Trainee).The CBT will be of 100 Marks for 90 minutes duration common for all positions of HEMM Operator (Trainee).
- The Merit for filling the posts will be prepared on the scores of candidates in the Computer Based Test of 100 marks. Download NCL HEMM Operator Syllabus
Section | Questions | Marks | Time |
Elementary Knowledge of Diesel Engine, Petrol Engine | 100 | 100 | 90 Minutes (1.30 Hours) |
General Awareness/Knowledge | |||
Basic Mathematical Aptitude |
Qualifying Marks
Posts | Max Marks | Category | Minimum Cutoff |
All HEMM Positions | 100 | UR/EWS | 50 Marks |
SC/ST/ESM/OBC-NCL | 40 Marks |
NCL Dumper Operator Syllabus 2023 PDF
Finally, aspirants are able to download NCL HEMM Operator Syllabus PDF here. Candidates can further check the updated syllabus announced by the officials of the Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) on its official website. We had also mentioned the NCL Dozer Operator Exam Syllabus below of this section. The NCL Operator Exam contains subjects such as General Knowledge, General Mathematics, Hindi & English (Grammar Knowledge), and Awareness of Traffic Rules & Signals. CBT will be Common Paper for all Operators posts, the Syllabus is as follows-
Elementary Knowledge of Diesel engine, Petrol engine: Functioning of engine, Braking System, Cooling System, Suspension, Clutch etc. which a driver should possess for efficient driving/operation of machine and vehicle
General Awareness/ Knowledge: Current affairs, mental ability, reasoning, various Government Initiatives and Schemes etc.
Awareness of Traffic rules & signals, Emission Standards, Driving rules, safety rules, meaning of different traffic signals, permissible speed at different location, Indian Emission standards for vehicles, Motor Vehicle Acts & Rules, General Science
NCL HEMM Operator Syllabus – Basic Mathematical Aptitude:
- 10th Standard Arithmetic calculations,
- Distance displacement
- Speed/ velocity
- Relative velocity
- Acceleration related problems
- Triangles
- Simple trigonometry
- Heights and distance
- Average
- Time and work
- Simple and Compound interest etc.
NCL Dumper Operator Previous Year Papers 2023
With the help of the NCL Dozer Operator, Previous Papers 2023 applicants can take an idea about the Question Paper, how many questions will be asked in the exam, the Nature of the Exam, and how to completely solve the paper in the given time duration. Besides, We advised all candidates to collect NCL Exam Study Materials such as Best Books, practice sets, Mock Test. In addition, Aspirants can increase their performance by solving Last Year Papers.
Disclaimer – Thus, we have gathered all the information from the Official website of Northern Coalfields Limited. Here in this article, you will get information related to the NCL Dumper Operator Syllabus 2023. Along with the Dozer Operator Exam Pattern, you can also check Exam Preparation Tips & and Previous Year Papers PDF Link. Still, If you have any queries or doubt comments us in the comment box.
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