MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Admit Card 2023-24 MPPEB RAEO Exam Date, Center City Name Rural Agriculture Extension Officer Hall Ticket MPPEB Group 2 Admit Card Link- The Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board has planned to conduct a Written Exam for Group 1 (Sub Group I) and Group 2 (Sub Group-1). Therefore, aspirants check the Exam Schedule for SADO SHDO and RAEO RHEO. According to the latest update, the Board will organize the Rural Agricultural Extension Officer Exam on 21 and 22 July 2023 at various centers.
Hence, aspirants first download the MPESB RAEO Hall Ticket and then see the Exam Center District Location. It is equally important to carry MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Admit Card during the Exam. Likewise, candidates need to enter login details such as their Application Number and DOB and get an MPPEB RAEO & RHEO Exam Call Letter Name wise. Thus, examinees visit the official website https://esb.mp.gov.in for more details of the MP Vyapma Group 2 Admit Card.
MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Admit Card 2023-24 Link
मध्य प्रदेश कर्मचारी चयन मंडल समूह 1 & 2 के अंतर्गत वरिष्ठ कृषि व उद्यान विकास अधिकारी (SADO & SHDO) और ग्रामीण कृषि व उद्यान विस्तार अधिकारी (RAEO & RHEO) भर्ती आयोजित कर रहे है। बोर्ड ने 1978 पदों पर ग्रामीण कृषि विस्तार अधिकारी भर्ती के लिए आवेदन दिनांक 17 अप्रैल 2023 से शुरू कर दी है। लाखो अभ्यर्थियों ने समूह-1 उप समूह-1 और समूह-2 (उप समूह-1) के अंतर्गत वरिष्ठ कृषि विकास अधिकारी एवं ग्रामीण कृषि विस्तार अधिकारी के लिए दिनांक 01 मई 2023 तकआवेदन किया है।
अब बोर्ड लिखित परीक्षा के लिए तिथि जारी कर दी है। इसके अलावा कृषि विस्तार अधिकारी परीक्षा दिनांक 21 व 22 जुलाई 2023 को करेगा। इसके लिए हमने यहाँ पर MPPEB RAEO एडमिट कार्ड का सीधा लिंक उपलब्ध करवा दिया है। साथ ही आप परीक्षा केंद्र, सिटी नाम एवं डिस्ट्रिक्ट लोकेशन भी देख सकते है। उम्मीदवार एप्लीकेशन नंबर एंड जन्मतिथि की सहायता से अपना एमपी व्यापम ग्रामीण कृषि विस्तार अधिकारी एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करे।
MPPEB RAEO Exam Date 2023 Details
Board Name | M.P Employees Selection Board |
Total Posts | 1978 |
Post Name | Rural Agricultural & Horticultural Extension Officer |
Type of Jobs | Group 1 and Group 2 |
Recruitment Name | ग्रामीण कृषि व उद्यान विस्तार अधिकारी (RAEO & RHEO) भर्ती |
Location | Madhya Pradesh |
Application Date | 17 April to 01 May 2023 |
MPPEB RAEO Exam Date | 21 & 22 July 2023 |
MPESB Krishi Vistar Adhikari Admit Card | Released on 14 July 2023 |
Official website | https://esb.mp.gov.in/ |
esb.mp.gov.in Krishi Vistar Adhikari Exam Center City Name Link
Finally, the Admit Card for the Rural Agricultural Extension Officer Exam is available to download online. Candidates first download the MPPEB RAEO Hall Ticket and then see Exam Date, Center City Name and District Location also. It is equally important to carry MP Vyapam SADO SHDO Admit Card to the Test center. Hence, applicants may ensure about distance between the Center and Home using an Admission Card. Furthermore, they should check the printed details available on the Permission letter. Still, you can see MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus.
MPPEB RAEO Admit Card 2023 Details
After downloading the MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Admit Card, candidates must check the given details. The MPPEB RAEO Exam Call Letter consists of useful details such as Name, Exam Date, Roll number, Center Name and others. If you face any trouble with information then contact to the Exam cell as soon as possible. Hence, the following details are available on MPESB RHEO and RAEO Admit Card-
- Candidate Name
- Gender (Male/Female)
- Exam Date and Time
- Applicant Roll Number
- Date of Birth
- Time Duration
- Exam Name
- Exam Centre Name
- Applicant Photograph
- Signature of candidate and exam counselor
How to download MP Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Admit Card 2023-24
Applicants can download the MP Vyapam Admit Card by following the given steps. MPPEB RAEO Hall Ticket can only be downloaded online mode and no other means to get it. First, they have to log in using the necessary details like a User ID and password. Students should check the relevant information available on the Admission Certificate. Follow these steps to get your call letter easily.
- First, the Candidate should visit the official website of MPPEB i.e. esb.mp.gov.in
- And then, you can find the Test Admit Card Section.
- Now Search for the MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Admit Card 2023.
- After that enter a 13 Digit application number and password.
- Also, Click on the button and a MPESB SADO SHDO Hall ticket for the exam will be displayed.
- Finally, Download the MP RAEO Call Letter and take a printout of it for the exam.
MP Vyapam SADO RAEO Exam Pattern 2023
The MPPEB Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Exam Pattern is explained below –
- The written test will be of multiple choice objective type.
- There will be two papers in the written exam.
- Each paper carries 100 marks.
- The time duration for each paper will be 02:00 hours (120 minutes).
- Question Paper will be in both English and Hindi languages.
- There will be no negative marking in the exam.
Category | Subject Name | Marks | Exam Duration |
Paper-I | General Knowledge | 100 | 02 Hours |
General Hindi | |||
General English | |||
General Mathematics | |||
General Reasoning Ability | |||
General Science | |||
General Computer Knowledge | |||
Paper-II | Concerned Subject | 100 | 02 Hours |
MP Vyapam RAEO Exam 2023- ID Proofs Required
All the applicants must carry One ID proof at the time of attending the exam. It is necessary to carry in the examination. Check the list of Identity proofs.
- Passport
- Voter ID
- PAN Card
- Ration Card
- Employee ID
- Driving License
- Bank Passbook
- Any Government-issued ID Proof
Important Instructions for MPPEB Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Exam 2023
- Applicants can enter the Exam center with a downloaded printout of the MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Admit Card.
- Students shall not be allowed to enter the examination center after the reporting time.
- They should compulsorily paste the self-attested photo in the second part of the Test call letter.
- The Mock Test is available on the PEB Website www.esb.mp.gov.in, Candidate must practice about online examination process before appearing in the Exam.
- Only Test Admit Card and Original Photo ID is allowed in the Hall. Other things are strictly prohibited.
Download MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Admit Card- Click here
Disclaimer – Thus, we have uploaded complete details for the MPPEB RAEO Admit Card along with the Exam Center City Name. Applicants can check thier MP Vyapam Krishi Vistar Adhikari Hall Ticket. Still, they may ask any doubt by putting comments here.