MP TET Cut off Marks 2023 MPPEB High School, Middle School & Primary TET Cutoff List General, OBC, SC, ST Categories, MPESB TET Varg 1 Qualifying Marks Merit List
Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board has organized High School Teacher Eligibility Test 2023. And the test has been held from 1st to 7th and 10, and 11 March 2023 at various Exam centers. Lakhs number of students have appeared in this Examination. Now they are looking for MPPEB TET Cutoff Marks for Varg 1, Varg 2 and Varg 3 Samvidha Shikshak. Besides, MPESB has also conducted “Middle School TET” from 25 April 2023. We are providing here MP Vyapam TET Cut off Marks and minimum passing marks category-wise. We know that HSTET and MSTET question papers carry 150 Marks. And aspirants have to secure MP TET Qualifying Marks or above.
Moreover, Board has fixed MP TET Cut off Marks 2023 for primary, Middle School and Higher School Teacher Eligibility Tests. Further, the official MPESB HSTET Varg 1 Cutoff will issue along with the Result. Still, applicants may check previous and MPPEB TET Varg 1 Expected Cutoff Marks category-wise. Based on MP Vyapam Samvidha Shikshak Varg 1 Cutoff, Authority will prepare the Final Merit list. More details about MPTET Passing marks for General, OBC SC ST & EWS are available below here.
MP TET Cut off Marks 2023 MPPEB Samvida Shikshak Merit List
The Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board is conducting the Teacher Eligibility Test for High School, Middle School and Primary School Teacher Vacancies. Recently, Authority has invited Online Applications for HSTET 2023. And many candidates have registered for MP High School TET from 12 to 27 January 2023. Also, MPESB has held Samvida Varg 1 TET Exam from 1st March to 11 March 2023. The department will determine eligibility for Primary (Class 1 to 5), Upper Primary Teacher (Class 6 to 8) and High School Teachers (Class 9 to 10). Hence, they can see MP Vyapam TET Qualifying Marks for Varg 1, 2 & 3.
The ‘Teacher Eligibility Test’ is being organized by the Madhya Pradesh Staff Selection Board. High School TET Exam Date 01 to 11 March, Same Middle School TET Exam has been held from 25 April 2023. 150 questions have been asked in the TET exam conducted for contract classes 1 and 2. There are two parts to the question paper, Part-A has 30 questions for 30 marks and Part B has 120 questions for 120 marks from the concerned subject. Thus candidates have to obtain the minimum cutoff marks out of 150 to qualify. We have provided here MP TET Cutoff for both HSTET & MSTET. Students would secure 60% Minimum Marks for General and 50% marks for reserved category candidates.
MPPEB Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 Details
Department Name | Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board |
Job Type | Samvida Shikshak (Varg 1, Varg 2 & Varg 3) |
Examination | MP Teacher Eligibility Test-2023 |
Post Name | Primary, Middle and High School Teacher |
Total Posts | various |
Start Date for Online Application Form | 12 January 2023 |
Closing date for online Registration & Form Submission | 27th January 2023 |
MP TET Exam Date | HSTET- 01 to 07 and 10, 11 march 2023
MSTET- Start from 25 April 2023 |
Article Category | MP TET Cut off marks |
Official Website | www.peb.mp.gov.in |
esb.mp.gov.in TET Varg 1 Cut off Marks 2023
Good news for all those candidates who want to become Teachers in Madhya Pradesh State. Because the Employees Selection Board has organized Middle & High School TET from March to May 2023. However, we know that the Madhya Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test has been held for 150 Marks for Varg 1, 2, & 3. The Samvida Varg 1 Question Paper will make from four sections and each section carries 30 Marks. The Primary TET will include sections on Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I, Language-II, Mathematics, and Environmental Studies. Whereas, HSTET & Middle TET question Papers carry 150 Questions for 150 marks.
Thus, aspirants have to secure minimum MPESB TET Cutoff Marks for the Primary, Middle and High School TET Examination. We are providing here MPTET 2023 passing Marks category-wise. By the way, Authority issued the Answer key of HSTET and you can take an idea about your expected Score.
MPTET 2023 Qualifying Marks
Category | Cut off Percentage | Minimum Marks (out of 150 Marks) |
SC/ST/OBC/PWD | 50% | 70 Marks |
Other Category | 60% | 90 Marks |
How to Check MP TET Cut off Marks 2023 HSTET
Finally, MPPEB TET Cutoff is available for High School Teacher Eligibility Test. Aspirants may also check HSTET Answer key to know probable Exam Score. Along with this, we have uploaded MP TET Primary, Middle & High School TET Cutoff and qualifying Marks Category-wise.
- First, all candidates visit official website i.e. peb.mp.gov.in.
- And then, go to the Dashboard section
- Find High School & Middle School TET 2023
- Also search Answer key, Result and Cutoff Link ‘
- Open the desired link and select MP TET Cutoff Link
- Check Category wise and subject wise MPESB TET Varg 1 Qualifying Marks
- Open the login page and Enter Registration number and Date of birth
- Check obtained Marks and other details
- Finally. Download and save MP TET Cut off Marks 2023 for further use.
Check MP Vyapam TET Answer key
एमपी टीईटी कट ऑफ मार्क्स
मध्य प्रदेश प्रोफेशनल एग्जामिनेशन बोर्ड ने प्राइमरी स्कूल टीचर एलिजिबिलिटी टेस्ट-2023 का आयोजन करवा लिया है। हाई स्कूल अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा (वर्ग 1) का आयोजन 01 मार्च से 11 मार्च 2023 तक हो गया है। वही, मिडिल स्कूल टीईटी परीक्षा 25 अप्रैल 2023 से आयोजित हुई है । इसलिए अभ्यर्थी जो संविदा शिक्षक वर्ग 1, वर्ग 2 एवं वर्ग 3 के लिए आवेदन करने चाहते है वे यहाँ से एमपी टीईटी कटऑफ अंक देखे।
बोड द्वारा आयोजित एमपी टेट परीक्षा में कुल 150 प्रश्न पूछे गए थे और प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का था। इस परीक्षा में नेगेटिव मार्किंग नहीं है। एमपी व्यापम बोर्ड ने आरक्षण के अनुसार निम्नलिखित MP TET Qualifying Marks 2023 निर्धारित किए हैं। MPTET परीक्षा के लिए कट-ऑफ अंक सामान्य श्रेणी के उम्मीदवारों के लिए 60% या 90 अंक हैं। वही आरक्षित केटेगरी के लिए न्यूनतम अंक 50% है |
MP Varg 3 TET Expected Cutoff
Category | Expected Cut Off
(Male) |
Expected Cut Off (Female) |
General | 120-125 | 115-120 |
OBC | 118-123 | 112-117 |
EWS | 115-120 | 110-115 |
SC | 110-115 | 107-112 |
ST | 100-105 | 95-100 |
MP Primary School Teacher Merit List 2023
Students who are searching the MPPEB Primary Teacher merit list can check from here. They obtain minimum passing marks and will be able to appear on the merit list. The MPPEB TET Merit list contains the names or roll numbers of the aspirants who secured high marks in the exam. They fill in the necessary details to access the MP Primary School Teacher Result 2022.
MPPEB TET Samvida Shikshak Cutoff
Download MSTET Varg 2 Admit Card
FAQs for MP TET Cut off 2023 Varg 1
How to check MP TET Cutoff List?
We have uploaded a direct link to check MP Vyapam TET Cutoff for Primary, Middle and High School TET.
What is the release date of MPESB TET Cut off 2023?
It is expected that HSTET & MSTET Cutoff will issue in May June 2023.
How many Marks should get to pass MPPEB TET Exam?
Applicants who obtain a minimum of 90 out of the total of 150 Marks in the Teacher Eligibility Test are declared to pass. However, reserved category aspirants need to obtain 82 Marks in the TET Examination.
When MP TET Result will be released?
The Professional Examination Board has issued the MP Primary TET Result in May 2023.
Thus, students will easily check MP TET Cut off Marks Category-wise. We have tried to give useful details about MPESB TET Varg 1 Merit list. Further, if have any queries regarding MP High School School TET Cut off List then put your comment here. We feel pleasure to help you.