Maharashtra TET Admit Card 2023-24 MAHA TET Exam Centres District wise, Know your MAHA TET Exam City Name and Center Location using Hall Ticket
Good News for all those candidates who are searching Maharashtra TET Exam Date. The Maharashtra State Council of Examination, Pune has decided to conduct a Teacher Eligibility Test in October 2023. Therefore, aspirants read this article carefully to learn more about the MAHA TET Exam Date, Center City Name and Call Letter. Likewise, we have provided a direct link to access the Maharashtra TET Admit Card Namewise. Meanwhile, aspirants need to enter User ID and Password to get MAHA TET Hall Ticket 2023 Roll number wise. After that, they ensure about their Test Center, City Name and Location using the MAHA TET Admit Card. They can further visit the official website http://www.mscepune.in to get more information.
Maharashtra TET Admit Card 2023-24 MAHA TET Date Out
Maharashtra State Council of Examination successfully conducted the Maharashtra Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 on 30 October 2023. The MH TET Exam Hall Ticket will be declared in October 2023. MSCE will be taking both prelims and mains exams and after that interview will be taken. The article also has information about the Maharashtra TET Exam Pattern and how to download the MAHA TET Admit Card.
MAHA TET Exam Details
Organization Name | Maharashtra State Council of Examination (MSCE), Pune |
Post Name | Teacher |
Exam Name | Maharashtra Teacher Eligibility Test (MHTET/ MAHA TET) |
Exam Date | October 2023 |
MAHA TET Hall Ticket Release Date | Release Soon |
Category | Admit Card |
Selection Process | For the selection of teachers for Class I-V and VI-VIII as per the regulation of NCTE |
Exam Mode | Pen and Paper (Offline Mode) – Paper I, II (MCQ) |
Official Website | mahatet.in |
महाराष्ट्र टीईटी एडमिट कार्ड 2023-24
महाराष्ट्र राज्य परीक्षा परिषद (MSCE), पुणे महाराष्ट्र शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (MHTET / MAHA TET) आयोजित करेगा। संगठन एनसीटीई के नियमानुसार कक्षा I-V और VI-VII के लिए शिक्षकों के चयन के लिए एक परीक्षा आयोजित कर रहा है। इसलिए सभी उम्मीदवार यहां से Maharashtra TET Admit Card डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। सभी के लिए परीक्षा केंद्र पर महाराष्ट्र टीईटी कॉल लेटर लाना अनिवार्य है।
आयोग, अक्टूबर 2023 को MHTET / MAHA TET परीक्षा – 2023 का आयोजन करेगा। शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा, जिसे टीईटी के रूप में जाना जाता है, भारत में कक्षा I से VIII के लिए शिक्षक के रूप में नियुक्ति के लिए पात्र होने के लिए आवश्यक न्यूनतम योग्यता है। भारत के सरकारी स्कूलों में नौकरी पढ़ाने के लिए परीक्षा अनिवार्य है। MAHA TET हॉल टिकट 2023-24 को परीक्षा केंद्र में लाना अनिवार्य है।
Maharashtra TET Exam Pattern 2023
The Maharashtra Teacher Eligibility Test will be held in 02 papers i.e. Paper-I and Paper-II/III. Each Paper will be 150 Marks. In this Exam paper, there were 150 objective multiple-type questions. MHTET 2023 will be held in various languages. Therefore, check the below table for MAHA TET Exam Pattern for Paper I & Paper-II.
MAHA TET Exam Pattern- Paper I
Subject (All Subjects Compulsory) | Questions | Marks |
Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language | 30 | 30 |
Language-2 | 30 | 30 |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
Campus Exercises | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
MAHA TET Exam Pattern- Paper II
Subject (All Subjects Compulsory) | Questions | Marks |
Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language-1 | 30 | 30 |
Language-2 | 30 | 30 |
A) Mathematics & Science
B) Social Studies |
60 | 60 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
How to Download Maharashtra TET Admit Card 2023-24
The Exam Authority is ready to conduct the Teacher Eligibility Test in Maharashtra State. And many aspirants want to know the MAHA TET Exam Date, Centres District wise. So, they first download <aharashtra TET Admit Card and then view their City Name of Center and Venue address too. In addition, aspirants go through below procedure to acess the Permission Letter.
- First, Go to Maharashtra State Council of Examination (MSCE), Pune @ mahatet.in.
- And then, Search for the MAHA TET Exam Date Hall Ticket download link.
- Click on that link.
- After that, A new login page will open, enter the login details.
- Also, Enter the application number, and date of birth of the candidate, and click on the login button.
- Download the Maharashtra TET Admit Card 2023-24
- Download and finally save Maharashtra TET Call Letter 2023 for the exam.
Disclaimer – Thus, We have mentioned all whole details about Maharashtra TET Admit Card 2023-24 in this article. We also hope that all aspirants will easily get the Maharashtra Teacher Eligibility Test Hall Ticket using the above link. Still, if you have any queries then put your comments here.