Kalibai Bheel Medhavi Chatra Scooty Yojana Merit List 2023 – Devnarayan Chatra Scooty Vitran List, कालीबाई भील स्कूटी लिस्ट और फाइनल मेरिट लिस्ट
Good News for all Girls students who have applied for Kalibai Bheel evm Devnarayan Free Scooty Scheme. Because they are able to see Cutoff List of Final list of Kali Bai Bheel Scooty Yojana for Year 2022-23. We are also introducing direct link to check Kalibai Bheel Free Scooty Merit list district wise/Course wise. As per reports, around more than 10,000 girls students will get benefits of the Scheme. Main aims of Kalibai and Devnarayan Scooty Vitran Yojna to support girls and make then independent to travel for studies even if the college or schools are far from their homes.
Presently, applied students are eagerly searching to know Application Status and Kali Bai Scooty Yojana List 2023. Likewise, they visit below link to download Kalibai Bheel Medhavi Chatra Scooty Yojana Merit List and Cutoff List District wise. Meanwhile, candidates check Application ID, Institute Name, Name, Father Name, Faculty, School Type, Exam %, DOB, Category and Course from Devnarayan Girls Scooty and Incentive Scheme List. Still, they can collect more details by visiting https://hte.rajasthan.gov.in.
Kalibai Bheel Medhavi Chatra Scooty Yojana Merit List 2023
Rajasthan Government has started Kali Bai Scooty Yojana in the year 2022. And under this scheme the Government has decided to provide Scooty to the selected and Merit girls students of the state. As per official report, Kalibai Bheel and Devnarayan Free Scooty Scheme will benefit around more than 10,000 girl students around the state every year. Recently, many applicants have applied for Kalibai Bheel Medhavi Chatra Scooty Yojna. However, we are discussing about how to check the Application Status and Kali Bai Scooty Yojana List 2023.
कालीबाई भील स्कूटी योजना मेरिट लिस्ट 2023
उच्च तकनिकी एवं मेडिकल शिक्षा विभाग द्वारा वर्ष 2022-23 के लिए कालीबाई भील मेधावी छात्रा वितरण योजना के लिए आवेदन मांगे थे। अब विभाग ने काली बाई स्कूटी एवं देवनारायण छात्रा स्कूटी व प्रोत्साहन राशि योजना की अंतिम मेरिट लिस्ट जारी कर दी है। काली बाई भील मेधावी छात्रा स्कूटी योजना की फाइनल मेरिट लिस्ट 25 जुलाई 2023 को जारी कर दी गई है। इसे अभ्यर्थी नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर जाकर देख सकते हैं।
अंतरिम वरीयता सूची में उल्लेखित छात्राओं का विवरण यथा नाम, पिता/पति का नाम, जन्म तिथि, प्राप्तांक प्रतिशत, संकाय, वर्ग, महाविद्यालय का नाम, विशेष योग्यजन वर्ग, आय आदि में किसी भी प्रकार की त्रुटि तथा दोहरा नाम अंकित हो गया हो। तब इस सम्बन्ध में यदि किसी को आपत्ति है तो वो दिनांक 28 जून 2023 तक लिखित में सम्बंधित महाविद्यालय के प्राचार्य को निर्धारित प्रारूप में प्रस्तुत करे। सम्बन्धित महाविद्यालय छात्राओं से प्राप्त संशोधन को जिला नोडल अधिकारी को भिजवाऐं। जिला नोडल अधिकारी निर्घारित प्रारूप (परिशिष्ट-ल) में (केवल सॉफ्ट कॉपी एक्सेल में) आयुक्तालय की ई.मेल. आई.डी. sch.cce@rajasthan.gov.in के माध्यम से पूर्ण विवरण अंकित कर दिनांक 30.06.2023 तक अपनी आपत्ति दर्ज करा सकते हैं।
Kali Bai Scooty Yojana Status 2023
Scheme | Kali Bia Scooty Yojana, Devnarayan Chatra Scooty Vitran & Incentive Scheme |
Department | Higher Technical Education |
Started by | Rajasthan State Government |
year | 2022-23 |
Benefits | provide Free Scooty or Rs 40000/- |
Beneficiaries | SC & ST Girls Students |
Category | Scheduled Caste (SC)
Economic Weaker Section (EWS) Other Minor Castes |
Mode of Application | Online |
Kalibai Bheel Chatra Scooty Merit List | 25 July 2023 |
Official website | https://hte.rajasthan.gov.in/ |
नोट- राजस्थान मूल की वे छात्राएं जिन्होंने राजकीय विद्यालय से 9वीं से 12वीं तक अध्ययन पूरा कर माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड राजस्थान की 12वीं कक्षा की परीक्षा में 75 प्रतिशत या उससे अधिक अंक प्राप्त कर राजस्थान स्थित राजकीय महाविद्यालयों, राज्य वित्तपोषित विश्वविद्यालयो में स्नातक डिग्री प्रथम वर्ष में प्रवेश लेकर नियमित अध्ययनरत हो, उनको जिलेवार वरीयतानुसार स्कूटी स्वीकृत कर निशुल्क वितरित की जावेगी।
Kalibai Bheel & Devnarayan Chatra Scooty Vitran Final Merit list
As we all know that only girls students can take benefits of Kali Bai Medhavi Chatra Scooty & Devnarayan Girls Scooty and Incentive Scheme. They ca take benefits of this Scheme in two different ways. One way to avail the benefit of this Scheme is by getting the Scooty that have been given by the government or she can take cash of Rs 40000 in place of the Scooty to pay the fees of further studies.
According to the latest information, around 10 thousand illiterate meritorious scholars from Kalib e Bhil will be invested under the Natraj scheme. Under this scheme, the number of girls who go to the city is fixed. Along with the distribution of the list, a year’s insurance, two liters of gasoline (one time only) and transportation from state government to state government were ordered.
Kali Bheel Medhavi Crystal Yojana Merit List 2023 published by Rajasthan Department of Education contains the details of the students like merit number, application number, parent name, college name, district, date of birth, class, and last exam details by numbers. been supported. The Kali Bai Bhil Medhavi scooter list has been released for 2023. The direct link to the checklist layout schematic is given below.
Kali Bai Bheel Scooty Scheme Cutoff List District wise
Well, Higher Education Department has released District wise /Course wise Cutoff Lists of Kali Bai Bheel Scooty Yojana (12th pass) 2022-23. And the cutoff List is available for Arts, Science and Commerce Streams of RBSE and CBSE board for all Government and Private Schools. Department has prepared the Kali Bai Bhil Scooty Cutoff List based on 12th Class Exam Marks course wise. We know that only those students will be eligible for Kalibai Bheel Medhavi Chatra Scooty Yojana who obtained more than 75% marks. Therefore, reserved category candidates check कालीबाई भील मेधावी छात्रा स्कूटी फाइनल मेरिट लिस्ट.
Documents required for Kalibai Bheel Scooty Scheme
Applicants should keep in mind that before filling the registration form they should have some important Kalibai Scooty Yojana Documents whose list is as follows:-
- Beneficiary should have caste certificate.
- Copy of Aadhaar Card.
- Affidavit that the beneficiary is not availing any other type of scholarship.
- The applicant has the certificate of passing the previous examination.
- income certificate.
- Bank account.
- mobile number.
- Passport size photo.
- Receipt of fee payment for admission in any college/university.
How to check Kalibai Bheel Medhavi Chatra Scooty Yojana Merit List 2023
- First, candidates visit official website @https://hte.rajasthan.gov.in/
- And then, Go to the Online Scholarship Section
- Open the Desired and visit the bottom of the home Page.
- Find the ‘Final Merit List of Kali Bai Bheel Medhavi Chhatra Scooty Yojana 2022-23’
- After that, Select Cutoff List of Final List of Kali Bai Bheel Scooty Yojana (12th Pass) 2022-23
- Open respective Link and check details carefully
- Find your name in Kali Bai Bheel Scooty Merit List
- Finally, download and save the Kali Bai Bheel Medhavi Chhatra Scooty Merit List
District Wise/Course Wise – Cut off Lists of FINAL LIST of Kali Bai Bheel Scooty Yojana (12th Pass) 2022-23: Click here
Final Merit List of Devnarayan Girls Scooty and Incentive Scheme Year 2022-23 (25.07.2023)- Click here
More details- Click here