JEECUP Counselling Schedule 2023 UP Polytechnic 1st 2nd 3rd Round Counseling Registration, Choice Filling & Seat allotment Result
A huge number of students have appeared in the “Uttar Pradesh Joint Entrance Examination (Polytechnic) – 2023”. Besides, Department has organized UPJEE Polytechnic Exam from 02 August to 06 August 2023. Now qualified candidates will be invited to the JEECUP Counseling & Seat allotment Process. The Joint Entrance Examination Council will give admission in various Polytechnic Diploma courses in various branches. Students are able to take admission into Engineering/Technology Diploma Courses (Group-A), Diploma in Pharmacy (E1 and E2 Group), Other Courses (Group B to I), and Lateral Entry in Engineering /Technology (Group k1 to K8).
Moreover, we shared the JEECUP Counselling Date, Registration and 1st Round Seat Allotment Result. The JEECUP Score shall comprise the actual Marks obtained in UPJEE (Polytechnic)- 2023 along with the status of those who qualify for appearing in UPJEE Polytechnic Counseling 2023.
First candidates have to register for UPJEE Polytechnic Counselling from 27 July to 20 August 2023. Meanwhile, the authority will declare JEECUP Counseling & Seat Allotment Result for the 1st Round on Today, 22.08.2023. Still, you may check Complete UP Polytechnic Counselling Schedule.
JEECUP Counselling Registration 2023 1st Round Choice Filling & Locking
The Joint Entrance Examination Council organizes the UP Polytechnic Entrance Exam for admission to Diploma Courses in various Polytechnic institutes. The Board will find eligibility to take admission through the entrance Exam.
The Joint Entrance Examination Council, Uttar Pradesh has declared the UP Polytechnic 1st Round Seat Allotment List on 22 August 2023. Students who have participated in the JEECUP Counselling will be able to see the First Seat Allotment Result. As per Schedule, the Selection of online freeze or float option and online fee deposit for seat acceptance/seat acceptance cum security fee will be done between 23 to 26 August 2023. Aspirants stay tuned here to check UP Polytechnic round 1 seat allotment results.
Likewise, UP Polytechnic Entrance Exam has been held from 02 to 06 August 2023. Students may further take UP Polytechnic Admission based on the JEECUP Merit list. The JEECUP Admission to the students to offer based on their filled choices, reservation, and state open rank of UPJEE Polytechnic 2023.
JEECUP Counseling Schedule 2023
Name of Exam | UP Joint Entrance Examination (JEECUP)-2023 |
Organization Name | Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education |
Course Name | Polytechnic Diploma Course |
Type of Test | State Level Entrance Exam |
Application Mode | Online |
JEECUP Exam Date | 02 August – 06 August 2023 |
Mode of Exam | Offline |
JEECUP Result Date | 18 August 2023 |
Official website | www.jeecup.nic.in |
UP Polytechnic Counseling Date |
JEECUP 1st Round Counseling Registration and payment of registration fee | 27 July to 20 August 2023 |
1st Round choice filling and Locking | Till 20.08.2023 |
1st Round of Seat Allotment | 22 August 2023 |
Online Freeze/Float choice selection. Document Verification at the district Help Centres | 23 to 26 August 2023 |
1st Round Security fee (Rs 3000) deposition by FLOAT candidates and Institute Fee Deposition |
23.08.2023 to 26.08.2023 |
2nd Round New Registration, One-time Payment of Registration Fee, Choice filling and Locking | 23 to 26 August 2023 |
JEECUP 2nd Round Seat Allotment Result | 27 August 2023 |
Online Freeze/Float choice selection. Document Verification at the district Help Centres | 28 to 30 August 2023 |
2nd Round Security fee (Rs 3000) deposition by FLOAT candidates and Institute Fee Deposition by the FREEZE candidate through their Login (online) |
28 to 30 August 2023 |
3rd Round New Registration, One-time Payment of Registration Fee, Choice filling and Locking | 28.08.2023 to 30.08.2023 |
3rd Round of seat allotment (All candidates are Freeze) | 31-08-2023 |
3rd Round Document Verification at the district Help Centers. All allotted students will be treated as Freeze candidates. |
01 to 03 Sept 2023 |
3rd Round Institute Fee Deposition by the candidate through their Login (online) |
01 to 03 Sept 2023 |
Commencement of classes for Session 2023-24 | 05 September 2023 |
JEECUP 2023 Counselling Process- Online Registration & Choice Filling
Candidates who got the required Marks in JEECUP Entrance Exam are able to complete JEECUP Counselling Registration and Choice Filling for the 1st Round. First students check the UP Polytechnic Counseling Schedule and then register with the required details. There are various Phases for UPJEE Polytechnic Counselling-
- Phase-I: Online Registration
- Phase-II: Payment of Counseling Registration Fee
- Phase-III: Filling of Choice
- Phase-IV: Seat Allotment process by Authority
- Phase-V: JEECUP Counseling & Seat Allotment Result
- Phase-VI: Document Verification
जॉइंट एंट्रेंस एग्जामिनेशन कौंसिल, उत्तर प्रदेश द्वारा यूपी पॉलिटेक्निक प्रवेश परीक्षा का रिजल्ट 18 अगस्त 2023 को घोषित किया जायेगा। अब विभाग उम्मीदवारों को पॉलिटेक्निक कॉलेजो में सीट आवंटित करने के लिए काउन्सलिंग प्रक्रिया का आयोजन करेगा। यूपी पॉलिटेक्निक संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा 2023 में सफल रहे अभ्यर्थी काउंसलिंग प्रक्रिया के विषय में (Registration, Choice Filling, Payment of Counselling Fee, Seat Allotment Round 1st 2nd 3rd) की जानकारी इस पेज में निचे पढ़े।
UP Polytechnic Counselling & Seat Allotment
Online registration- Students have to first register for JEECUP Counselling Process 2023. They fill the Counseling application with correct details and also mention their Choice, Rank, and JEECUP Exam marks.
Payment of Counseling Registration Fee- They have also deposited a payment of the UPJEE Polytechnic Counseling application Fee. The Counseling fee can be paid online mode via Credit Card/Debit Card, net Banking, or through Bank challan at SBI Branch.
Choice Filling – After checking payment, examiners are required to enter choices. Fill your choices in respect of Course and college carefully. The candidate should not hurry while choice filling. After filling in the preference details, lock the same, and submit.
Seat Allotment Process & Result- After filling Counselling Application form and Choices, the board will declare JEECUP Counselling Seat Allotment Result. Candidates check their allotted college and report at the college and despise course fees.
Phase-IV: Document Verification
If students are allotted a seat in any college, then he/she should report to the concerned college on the prescribed date and time and must submit Rs.3000/- for seat confirmation. Thereafter, the authority will verify the candidate’s original documents on a given date and time. Carry all the concerned documents while reporting for document verification.
Click here for JEECUP Score Card/Rank List
Check JEECUP Counselling Schedule – Click here
Apply online for JEECUP Counseling Registration & Choice Filling for 1st Round- Click here
JEECUP 2023 Seat Reservation
As per UP Government rules candidates belonging to certain categories are admitted to seats reserved for them based on relaxed criteria. These categories are:-
Vertical Reservations:
- Economically Weaker Section (EWS) of General Category – 10%
- Other Backward Classes (OBC) if they belong to Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) – 27%
- III. Scheduled Castes (SC) – 21%
- Scheduled Tribes (ST) – 2%
Horizontal Reservations:
- Persons with Disability (PwD) (minimum 40% disability) – 5%
- Freedom Fighter – 2%
- Ward of Military personnel – 5%
- Female Candidate – 20%
JEECUP Counselling Seat Allotment Result
After Counseling Registration, the board will release the JEECUP Seat allocation of 1st Round on 10th August 2023. Students have to report at the allotted college and verify their necessary documents. Candidates shall be offered admission based on their choices, reservation, and State Open Rank of UPJEE (POLYTECHNIC)-2023 through a Seat Allocation Process to announce shortly. Besides, candidates will be able to make their choices online for branches and institutes at appropriate times.
It is equally important to visit website www.jeecup.org and https://jeecup.nic.in for the latest information. The verification of documents would complete at the time of the Seat Allocation Process/admission. The purpose would be to verify different records regarding identification, age, qualifying examination, state of eligibility, category, and Subcategory (if any) of the candidate.
Thus, we have provided complete details about JEECUP Counselling Result 2023 here. All candidates will easily apply for UP Polytechnic Counselling Registration using the above link. Furthermore, they may also check the JEECUP Counseling Result & Seat Allotment List for 1st Round Counseling.