ITBP Constable Tradesman Result 2023 Check Cutoff Marks for Head Constable, Tradesman, Sub-Inspector & Driver Exam, Download recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in CT Tradesman Merit List Category wise
The Indo-Tibetan Border Police has already conducted the Written Test for Constable (Tradesman) Bharti. Besides, Many applicants have participated in the Physical Standard Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Written Exam. Presently, they are eagerly waiting for the ITBP Constable Tradesman Result 2023. Moreover, we are introducing here ITBP Tradesman Cutoff Marks for the Head Constable, Driver and Sub Inspector. Examinees will be able to see the ITBP Tradesman Result with the help of an E-Mail ID and Password. However, aspirants may collect more information by visiting the web portal https://www.itbpolice.nic.in.
ITBP Constable Tradesman Result 2023 Cut off Marks
Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force is recruiting eligible applicants for 542 Vacancies of Constable (Tradesman) Posts. And these vacant posts are available in Tailor, Gardener, Cobbler, Safai Karamchari, Washerman and Barber trades. Many aspirants have registered for CT/TM Exam from 23 November to 22 December 2022. There are three phases of Recruitment such as Physical Efficiency and standard Test and the Written Exam (marks). After completing the Physical Test, the board has held the Written Exam on 18 September 2023.
ITBP Tradesman Exam has been conducted on 27th December 2023. After this, the board released the Tradesman Official Answer Key. If you are waiting for ITBP Tradesman Result then read this article carefully. Let us tell you that the ITBP Constable Tradesman Result has been released on 4th November 2023.
www.itbpolice.nic.in Constable Tradesman Exam 2023
Department | Indo-Tibetan Border Police |
Total Posts | 542 |
Post Name | Constable Tradesman |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Pan India |
Mode of Exam | Online |
ITBP Constable Exam Date | 18 September 2023 |
Answer key Date | 28 September 2023 |
ITBP Constable Tradesman Result Date | 04 November 2023 |
Status | Available |
Post Category | Result |
Official website | recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in |
recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in Tradesman Cut off Marks 2023
Candidates who qualify for the Physical Standard Test have also appeared in the Written Exam (OMR Based). As we know the written Exam carries 50 Questions from General Awareness/GK, Elementary Mathematics, Analytical Aptitude and Basic Knowledge. Hence, applicants have to secure minimum qualifying Marks out of 50 Score. By the way, the board has already decided ITPB Constable Tradesman Cutoff Marks Category-wise. Also, the Authority determines cutoff based on the following Factors-
- Number of Registered Candidates
- Paper Difficulty Level
- Total number of Vacancies
- Normalisation formula
- Previous Year Cutoff
- Category wise Reservation
ITBP Tradesman Exam Qualifying Marks
It is equally important to obtain minimum passing Marks in Written Exam. As we know that Physical test is qualifying in nature. Applicants will be required to clear the ITBP Constable Cutoff Marks.
Category | Min Marks (Out of 50) | Cutoff Percentage |
General and Ex-Servicemen | 18 marks | 35% |
SC, ST and OBC | 17 Marks | 33% |
ITBP Constable Tradesman Expected Cutoff 2023
However, the board will issue an official ITBP Constable Cutoff along with the ITBP Constable Tradesman Result. Till that, aspirants check expected and previous Cutoff Marks for the Tradesman Category and trade-wise. Furthermore, Our team has given ITBP Tradesman Previous cutoff for Tailor, Gardener, Cobbler, Safai Karamchari, Washerman and Barber.
Category/Trade | UR | OBC | SC | ST |
Tailor | 72.8 | 71.6 | 70.4 | 60.8 |
Gardner | 72.6 | 74.8 | 72.8 | 64.8 |
Cobbler | 72.8 | – | 72 | – |
Safai Karamchari | 73.6 | 70.4 | 68.4 | 67.2 |
Washerman | 75.6 | 73.6 | 73.6 | 64.4 |
Barber | 80.4 | 76.8 | 77.6 | 60.4 |
How to check ITBP Constable Tradesman Result 2023-24
- First of all go to the official website of ITBP.
- And then, you have to click on the link of ITBP Tradesman Result 2023.
- Also, login with the help of a registered email ID and password.
- After that click on Tradesman Result 2023 link and open it
- Check relevant details available on ITPB Constable Exam Scorecard
- Now you have to check your result and finally save the Result for further use
Check ITBP Tradesman Result- Click here
How to prepare for ITBP Bharti Exam- Click here
आईटीबीपी ट्रेड्समैन एग्जाम 27 दिसंबर 2023 को आयोजित किया गया है। इसके बाद बोर्ड ने ट्रेड्समैन ऑफिसियल उत्तर-कुंजी जारी कर दी है। यदि आप आईटीबीपी ट्रेड्समैन रिजल्ट का इंतजार कर रहे है वे इस आर्टिकल को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़े। आपको बता दे कि ITBP Constable Tradesman रिजल्ट दिनांक 4 नवंबर 2023 को जारी कर दिया है।