HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023 – Check Haryana SSC TGT Exam Syllabus, HSSC TGT Exam Pattern, HSSC Trained Graduate Teacher Selection Process, Download Subject Wise Syllabus PDF, Preparation Tips
The Haryana Staff Selection Commission will be recruiting candidates for the posts of TGT & various other Posts. There are 7471 Vacancies for Trained Graduate Teacher. After the completion of the applications, the HSSC will release soon announce the HSSC TGT Exam Date, Test Center, and Admit Card. Therefore, We are mentioning the latest HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023 here in this article. Applicants can collect Best Books, GK/Coaching Notes, and Practice Paper Set and Download TGT Previous Question Papers from below.
Besides, we have provided the link to download the Haryana SSC TGT Exam Syllabus PDF. The Haryana Staff Selection Commission Exam Syllabus is important for applicants to score good marks. Further, you may check HSSC TGT Exam Pattern 2023. You can also check the HSSC Preparation Tips from the below section of the article.
HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023 – Haryana SSC Trained Graduate Teacher Exam Pattern
The Staff Selection Commission of Haryana is filling a total of 7471 Vacancies for the post of TGT and Various Other Posts. Those who have filled out the Application Form between 23rd February 2023 to 15th March 2023. Prepare well for the HSSC Paper with the help of the Exam Pattern and Syllabus.
Haryana TGT Teacher Syllabus is available here and published by the Recruitment Board on its official web portal. Recently, Commission released an employment Notification for 7471 TGT Vacancies. Before starting Preparation, aspirants should know about HSSC TGT Exam Pattern & Syllabus. They may see HSSC TGT Teacher Syllabus for various subjects i.e. Hindi Arts, English, Maths, Urdu, Science, Music, Sanskrit, Home Science, Physical Education, Social Science.
HSSC TGT Teacher Bharti Exam Details
Organization Name | Haryana Staff Selection Commission |
Post Name | Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) |
Total Vacancies | 7471 Posts |
Application Dates | 23rd February 2023 to 15th March 2023 |
HSSC Exam Date | Announced Soon |
Category | HSSC TGT Syllabus |
Selection Process | Written Test, Socio-Economic criteria, and experience |
Location | Haryana |
Official Site | www.hssc.gov.in |
HSSC TGT Exam Pattern 2023
The table below explains the exam pattern of the HSSC TGT Exam 2023 all those who are giving the paper can get the exam scheme from here. The written exam is 90 Marks and 10 Marks for Socio-Economic criteria and experience. 75% of questions are based on General Awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi, and 25% of questions are from History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, and Culture of Haryana. Paper Pattern for all the posts is given below.
Subject Name | Marks |
Written Test | 90 |
Socio-Economic criteria and experience | 10 |
Total | 100 Marks |
HSSC TGT Selection Process 2023
Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of the written test. Qualified persons in the exam will be called for the Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience round and then interview and document verification.
- Written Test
- Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience
- Interview
Download HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023 Subject Wise
Applicants who have filled out the online form for Trained Graduate Tacher can check the Haryana TGT Syllabus 2023. With the help of the Subject-Wise Syllabus, you can score well. We have mentioned the topics below for you so that you can prepare all the topics by the exam time.
General Awareness
- World organizations
- Countries and Capitals
- Famous Places in India
- Books and Authors
- Important Dates
- About India and its neighboring countries
- Science and innovations
- New inventions
- National Dance
- Music & Literature
- Indian Culture
- Scientific observations
- Political Science
- Economic problems in India
- Geography of India
- National and International current affairs
- Trigonometry
- Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates
- Statistics
- Differentiation
- Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry
- Straight Lines
- Circles
- Indefinite Integrals Binomial Theorem
- Matrices
- Determinants
- Definite Integrals
- Conic Sections
- Relations and Functions
- Logarithms
- Complex Numbers
- Quadratic Equations
- Sequences and Series
- Permutations and Combinations
- Vectors
- Exponential and Logarithmic Series
- Sets and Set Theory
- Probability Function
- Limits and Continuity
- Applications of Derivatives
HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023 – Computer
- MS Word, Microsoft One Note
- Microsoft Access
- MS PowerPoint
- Microsoft Outlook
- MS Visio and MS Excel
- The Internet
- Workplace Productivity Tools
- MS Project, Microsoft Publisher
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Boolean Algebra
- Computer Networks
- Emerging Technologies and Web Publishing
- PC Software and Office Automation
- Database Management System
- Data Structures
- Antonyms
- Substitution
- Passage Completion
- Idioms and Phrases
- Sentence
- Completion
- Error Correction (Underlined Part)
- Transformation
- Prepositions
- Sentence Arrangement
- Active and Passive Voice
- Substitution
- Sentence Improvement
- Synonyms
- Spelling Test
- Fill in the blanks
- Spotting Errors
- Para Completion
- Joining Sentences
- Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
- वाक्यों का वर्गीकरण (सरल, मिश्र तथा संयुक्त)
- संज्ञा से अव्यय तक
- समास
- शुद्ध-अशुद्ध (शब्द शुद्धि, वाक्य शुद्धि)
- भिन्नार्थक शब्द
- वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द
- संज्ञा, सर्वनाम और विशेषण आदी की मूलभूत समझ और इनके भेदों का ज्ञान
- हिंदी भाषा का मूलभूत ज्ञान (स्वर, व्यंजन, रस)
- मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
- अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
- उचित शब्द से दिए गए रिक्त स्थान की पूर्ती
- पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, शब्द युग्म, लिंग परिवर्तन, वचन परिवर्तन आदी
- वर्ण, वर्तनी और उच्चारण
- वाक्य-क्रम व्यवस्थापन
- रचना भाषा एवं व्याकरण
- वर्तनी सम्बन्धी अशुद्धियाँ
- मुहावरे
- उपसर्ग
- दिए गए वाक्यांशों को सही क्रम में व्यवस्थित करके एक अर्थपूर्ण वाक्य बनाना
- उच्चारण स्थान
- रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति
- पर्यायवाची शब्द
HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023 – History
- Early Structure of the British Raj
- Themes in Early Indian Cultural History
- Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth Century
- Modern Indian History
- Economy and Society in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
- Mauryan Empire
- Early State and Society in Eastern India, Deccan, and South India
- Sources
- Indian Response to British Rule
- Cultural Traditions in India
- Origins of Modern Politics
- Enlightenment and Modern ideas
- Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule
- Guptas, Vakatakas and Vardhanas
- British Expansion in India
- European Penetration into India
- Imperialism and Colonialism
- Nation-State System
- Industrialization
- Society, Culture, and Economy in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries
- Origins of Modern Politics
- Aryans and Vedic Period
- Megalithic Cultures
- Early Medieval India
- Post – Mauryan Period (Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Kushanas, Western Kshatrapas)
- The regional States during Gupta Era
- Period of Mahajanapadas
- Social and Cultural Developments
- Indus Valley Civilization
- Pre-history and Proto-history
- Culture in the Mughal Empire
- Indian Freedom Struggle
- History of the World
Current Affairs
- Banking
- Awards
- Sports & General
- Festivity
- International Affairs
- Current Events
- Current Ministers & Governors
- Books & Authors
- Finance
- Science & Technology
- Environment
- Economy
- Business
- Indian Financial System
- Obituary
- Talkies
- Politics
- Capitals & Currencies
- Education
- Government Schemes
- Abbreviations and Economic Terminologies
- Summits & Conferences, etc
HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023 – Geography
- Geomorphology
- Statistical Methods in Geography
- Geography of India
- Economic Geography
- Environmental Geography
- Field Work and Research Methodology
- Regional Planning and Development
- Remote Sensing and GIS
- Cartographic Techniques
- Human Geography
- Thematic Cartography
- Climatology
- Political Geography
- Hydrology and Oceanography
- Social Geography
- Evolution of Geographical Thought
- Disaster Management-based Project Work
- Remote Sensing
- Advanced Spatial Statistical Techniques
- Geographical Information System
- Research Methods
- Population Geography
- Regional Development
- Climate Change: Vulnerability and Adaptation
- Rural Development
- Industrial Geography
- Resource Geography
- Urban Geography
- Geography of Health and Wellbeing
- Disaster Management
- Geography of Tourism
- Spatial Information Technology
- Sustainable Development
- Bio-Diversity
- Mining and Environment
- Agriculture and Environment
- Renewable Energy
- Environmental impact assessment
- Water Resource Degradation
- Climate Change and Environment
- Environment and Urbanization
- Concept of Sustainable Development
- Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle
- Puzzle Test
- Blood Relations
- Coding-Decoding
- Assertion and Reasoning
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Operations of Mathematics
- Venn Diagrams
- Word Sequence
- Missing Characters
- Sequential Output training
- Analogy
- Series Completion
- Verification of truth of the Statement
- Situation Reaction Test
- Direction Sense Test
- Classification
- Data Sufficiency
- Directions
- Test on Alphabets
- Eligibility Test
- Dot Situation
- Identical figure groupings
- Forming figures and analysis
- Construction of Squares and Triangles
- Series
- Water Images
- Mirror Images
- Figure Matrix1
- Completion Incomplete Pattern
- Spotting embedded figures
- Classification
- Analytical Reasoning
- Paper Folding
- Paper Cutting
- Cubes and Dice
- Rules Detection
HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023 – Science
- Work, energy, and power
- Physical-world
- Oscillations
- Ray optics and optical instruments
- Mechanical properties of solids
- Thermodynamics
- Motion in a straight line
- Nuclei
- Motion in a plane
- Laws of Motion
- Units and measurements
- Thermal properties of matter
- Gravitation
- Kinetic theory
- Wave optics
- Systems of particles and rotational motion
- Mechanical properties of fluids
- Moving charges and magnetism
- Magnetism and Matter
- Dual nature of radiation and matter
- Alternating current
- Atoms
- Electromagnetic waves
- Semiconductor electronics
- Waves
- The s – block elements
- Communication systems
- Electric charges and fields
- Electrostatic potential and capacitance
- Electromagnetic induction
- Current electricity
- Organic chemistry-some basic principles and techniques and hydrocarbons
- P-block elements – group 14 (Carbon Family)
- Solutions
- Surface chemistry
- Thermodynamics
- Chemical equilibrium and acids-bases
- Hydrogen and its Compounds
- Atomic structure
- States of matter: gasses and liquids
- Chemistry in everyday life
- Stoichiometry
- General principles of metallurgy
- Organic compounds containing C, H, and O
- P- block elements group 13 (boron family)
- P-block elements
- Chemical bonding and molecular structure
- Electrochemistry and chemical kinetics
- Haloalkanes and haloarenes
- Polymers
- D and f block elements & coordination compounds
- Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
- Environmental chemistry
- Biomolecules
- Solid-state
- Organic compounds containing nitrogen
HSSC TGT Exam 2023 – Preparation Tips
- Search for the updated Haryana SSC Syllabus & Exam Pattern for Examination.
- Solve previous year’s question papers for better preparation for Exams.
- Attend Mock Tests online series for preparation.
- Make notes for the last time revision for the Test.
- Make a self-study Time Table and start studying under the expert guidelines.
- Practice mock tests on a regular basis to analyze your performance.
- Make short notes on difficult topics and revise them regularly till the exam date.
Guys, we have gathered all the details from the official website, you can easily get the HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023 from the above parts. For any query comment in the comment box. So We will help you as soon as possible.