HPSEB Junior T-Mate Result 2023-24 Himachal State Electricity Board Junior Helper Cut off Marks Category wise, HPSEB Junior T-Mate merit list
Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board has conducted a Written Exam for Junior T Mate, Junior Helper, Driver and Officer Assistant. Many candidates have appeared in this competitive Exam. And now they are also searching HPSEBL Sub Station Attendant Result and Driver Cutoff Marks. According to the latest News, the Authority has completed Recruitment for 1000+ Vacancies and test has been held in December month.
Likewise, we have uploaded a direct link to check the HPSEB Junior T-Mate Result 2023 below. It is equally important to obtain minimum qualifying Marks Category wise. However, candidates have to enter Login details such as Registration number and DOB to download the HPSEB Office Assistant Result Name wise. They can further go to the official portal https://www.hpseb.in for more information.
HPSEB Junior T-Mate Result 2023 Junior Helper Merit List
The State Electricity Board has published a Notification for 1892 vacancies of Junior T/Mate and Junior Helper (Sub Station Attendant) posts. Besides, the T-Mate Application Process has been completed between 4th June to 20th July 2023. A huge number of aspirants have applied for the latest HPSEBL Bharti. The Selection will be purely based on Merit-based and the provisional HPSEB Junior T-Mate Merit list has been released.
In Addition, the Department has declared the HPSEB Junior T-Mate Result for Bilaspur, Kangra, Kullu and Mandi districts. Students check your Name in the Himachal State Electricity Board T-Mate Merit List.
HPSEB T-Mate & Helper Exam 2023 Details
Department Name | Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board |
Total Vacancies | 1892 |
Post Name | Junior T/Mate and Junior Helper (Sub Station) |
Job Category | Government Jobs |
Location | Himachal Pradesh |
Selection Process | Merit basis on Academic, Technical Qualification and Evaluation Criteria |
Merit list date | Declared |
T-Mate Final Merit list | Release Soon |
Official website | www.hpseb.in |
How to check HPSEB Junior Helper Result 2023 Name wise
The HPSEB Junior T-Mate Merit List is finally available provisionally on its official website. The Merit list is also available in PDF format. Meanwhile, Candidates check the HPSEB T Mate Merit list for Bilaspur, Kangra, Kullu and Mandi districts. If your name is in the merit list then candidates are eligible for Evaluation /Documentation in r/o districts. They follow the below steps to access the Himachal State Electricity Board T-Mate Result–
- First visit the official website i.e. www.hpseb.in
- Select “Vacancies Appointments” from the bottom of the home page
- Find the Junior T/Mates (Class-IV) and Junior Helper Merit list
- See your name, Father Bane, Date of birth, Gender, Address, District, category and others from the HPSEB T-Mate Merit list
- Finally, Click on the download HPSEB Office Assistant Merit list for further use
Selection Process for Junior T Mate, T Mate, Helper Recruitment
The total selection process is 100 Marks. The Selection of aspirants will complete on the basis of the merit list made. Those who are recruited will get the job of Junior T Mate, T Mate and Helper posts.
Process Description | Marks assigned |
Marks obtained in 10th Class to be given on a prorata basis. | 60 marks |
ITI Certificate (Technical Qualification) in Electrician or Wireman course/ National Trade Certificate of 1 Year Board based training with six months | 25 marks (not based on prorata) |
Evaluation Criteria | 15 Marks |
Applicants who belong to the Backward Class, Panchayat | 1 mark |
Candidates having no land or who have land but less than 1 hectare will be approved | 2 marks |
Candidates having infirmity/ disability etc. | 1 mark |
NCC Certificate holders, NSS/ National Level Sports competitors | 1 mark |
Aspirants having non-employment documents and no member of a family is in govt services or semi govt service | 2.5 marks |
Poor/ Widow/ Single/ Divorced Women | 1.5 marks |
Singly Daughter or Orphan | 1 mark |
Below Poverty Line families whose annual income is less than 40,000 rupees | 2.5 marks |
5 or more than five years of experience in semi govt. or govt. service regarding the post that applicants have applied for. | 2.5 marks |
Grand Total | 100 marks |
Himachal State Electricity HPSEB Junior T-Mate Result 2023
The recruitment board has published a notice in which they have given various vacant posts for interested candidates. The HPSEB Junior T-Mate Result & merit list shall be available in February 2024. Students can access their results from the official web page to enter their login credentials.
HPSEB Junior T Mate Cut off Marks 2023
The Cut off is minimum qualifying marks. The board has fixed the minimum passing marks category-wise. Aspirants have to obtain T Mate Cut-off marks out of 100 Marks. However, the board determines the Cutoff based on total number of posts, Paper difficulty level and the number of candidates who appeared in the Examination.
HPSEB T Mate Expected Cut Off
Category | Cut off Marks |
General Category Applicants | 72-80 |
SC (Scheduled Caste) | 51-56 |
ST (Scheduled Tribe) | 45-50 |
OBC (Other Backward Class) | 63-69 |
HPSEB Junior T Mate Merit list 2023
The Authority has declared that no written Exam or interview will be conducted for the Recruitment of several posts. There are 100 Marks for the final selection process. The HPSEB Junior Helper Merit list has been released as a result of various posts. The selection list includes the name of all those candidates who are shortlisted for various jobs. Applicants can check their names on the merit list after publication of it. We have provided a direct link to the HPSEB T Mate Result whenever officials have published it on the official portal.
Important Links-
HRTC Conductor Admit Card | HPSEB Syllabus |
Latest Bijli Board Bharti | Apply for Engineering Jobs |
Thus, We have provided the complete information about HPSEB Junior T-Mate Result 2023 here. We also hope that all aspirants will easily get the HPSEB Junior Helper Merit list. Furthermore, If you face any problem accessing the Himachal Electricity Board T Mate Result then put your comment here.