GSSSB Clerk Result 2021: Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Clerk Cutoff & Merit List- Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal is going to release the GSSSB Clerk Result 2021 on its portal. Candidates can check this article for Bin Sachivalay Clerk Result along with the cut-off marks list and merit list details. The Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board has been conducted the Bin Sachivalay Clerk and Office Assistant Exam on 17th November 2019. Now all candidates are eagerly waiting for Gujarat Clerk Result and Office Assistant Exam Score.
The Result will be issued in PDF format with Name, Roll Number, and Rank of Candidates. Many aspirants have participated in this competitive Exam. Candidates who will obtain qualifying Marks in written exam will be shortlisted for Computer Proficiency Test. They can able to check GSSSB Clerk Result 2021 Name wise using below official link. The board has been decided minimum qualifying marks for Gujarat Bin Sachivalay & Office Assistant Exam. Therefore they must check category wise GSSSB Clerk Cutoff Marks from here.
GSSSB Clerk Result 2021, Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Office Assistant Result
The official of the Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection has announced the new written exam date. The candidate starts preparing for the GSSSB Bin Sachivalay as many candidates have applied for GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk Recruitment 2019. The board will fill a total of 3053 Vacancies for Bin Sachivalay Clerk & Office Assistant. Calculate expected Clerk Exam score
GSSSB Clerk Result 2021 will be released by the Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal board. As; GSSSB is the official examination authority & responsible to release the GSSSB Clerk Result and Merit List & official Cutoff Marks.
GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk Result Dates
The Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board has been conducted written exam to fill 3053 vacancies of Clerk and Office Assistant posts. The Exam was held on 17th November 2019. The Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Clerk Result will be declared on Online Job Application System (OJAS) portal. It is expected that Board will declare in October 2021. Along with Result candidates can check GSSSB Clerk Cut off marks category wise.
- Organization Name: Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Board (Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board)
- Job Name: Clerk & Office Assistant
- Category: GSSSB Clerk Result
- Number of Vacancies: 2221 Posts
- Job Location: Gujarat
- Admit Card Release date: Released
- Exam Date: 17th November 2019
- Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Result Declaration: October 2021
गुजरात बिन सचिवालय क्लर्क भर्ती क्लर्क भर्ती 2021
गौण सेवा पसन्दगी मंडल (GSSSB) ने क्लर्क एंड ऑफिस असिस्टेंट के रिक्त पदों के लिए गुजरात बिन सचिवालय अधिसूचना जारी की। GSSSB क्लर्क आवेदन फॉर्म जून 2019 में जमा किए गए थे। बोर्ड ने GSSSB क्लर्क भारती परीक्षा नवंबर महीने में निर्धारित की थी। जैसा कि, गुजरात SSSB क्लर्क रिजल्ट घोषणा तिथि अभी घोषित नहीं की गई है, लेकिन यह जनवरी 2021 के महीने में घोषित होने की उम्मीद है। कट-ऑफ अंकों की जांच करें और अपने परीक्षा स्कोर का अनुमान लगाएं।
Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Cut off & Merit List 2021
Before conducting the written exam, the board fixes the minimum qualifying marks for all categories. These marks are called Cutoff marks. Cut-off marks are the minimum score for any candidate to qualify the exam and get eligible for the next round. Based on various factors the board prepared the GSSSB Clerk Cutoff list.
Candidates who obtain these passing marks will be declared qualified for Computer Proficiency Test. There are various factors that affect the cutoff marks such as the number of candidates participated in the examination, Total Vacancies, paper Difficulty level, previous year and Reservation.
GSSSB Clerk Expected Cut-off Marks
Candidates’ kindly check the Gujarat SSSB expected cut-off marks list
Category | Cutoff Marks | |
Gents | Ladies | |
General | 121.00 | 107.75 |
S.EB.C | 114.00 | 97.50 |
S.C | 118.75 | 105.25 |
S.T | 93.00 | 87.00 |
P.H | Ortho – 99.75
Blind – 80.00 Deaf & Dumb – 80.25 |
Ex. Serviceman | 81.25 |
How to check GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk and Office Assistant Result Online
The The board will declare the GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Result in online mode. All candidates who are waiting for GSSSB Clerk Result & Cut off Marks they follow below official steps. The Result page contains useful details about candidates like Name, Roll Number and Date of birth.
- Candidates visit the GSSSB official site.
- Now on the home page, open the Result menu.
- Search the Link of Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Clerk Result 2021
- Enter the necessary details such as roll number, post to check your exam score.
- Click on the submit button.
- Now you will see the GSSSB Clerk Result 2021 Bin Sachivalay Clerk Office Assistant Result on your screen, all the best…
Official Site: gsssb.gujarat.gov.in or ojas.gujarat.gov.in
GSSSB Clerk Result –Available Soon
Download GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk Answer key
Download GSSSB Clerk Admit Card
GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk Merit list 2021
Aspirants who secure the Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Office Assistant/ Clerk Cutoff marks they will be declared qualified for next selection process. After completion the document Verification and interview rounds, shortlisted will be declared qualified for final selection. The Board will prepare GSSSB Clerk Merit list 2021 based on marks obtain in all recruitment phases. The merit list contains details about candidates such as Name, Qualifying status, Cutoff marks and rank of qualify contender.
Here in this article; we have given the complete detail of GSSSB Clerk Result 2021. This is the responsibility of the candidates to follow the links and check the official site of the GSSSB Board for the latest Gujarat Clerk notifications and more updates.