FCI DV Admit Card 2021 – FCI JE DV Hall Ticket 2021, FCI Document Verification Exam Date 2021, How to Download FCI Zone Wise DV Admit Card 2021, and FCI DV 2021 Documents Required
The Food Corporation of India (FCI) has conducted the Exam for Junior Engineer (Civil), Junior Engineer (Electrical / Mechanical), Stage Grade II, AG II (Hindi), Typist (Hindi), AG III (General), AG III (Account), AG III (Technical), AG III (Depot) on 31st May to 3rd June 2020 and the second phase exam was on 27th July 2020.
Now for the further selection process, the FCI has released the Document Verification Date i.e. 18th to 25th June 2021, and for that the DV hall ticket is released on 11th June 2021. Candidates download the FCI AG DV Call Letter. We have mentioned the link for candidates to download the FCI Document Verification Call Letter 2021.
FCI DV Admit Card 2021 is an important document to appear in the Document Verification process. No one is allowed to appear in the DV without the permission Letter. It contains the details of candidates such as name, personal details, and signature, etc.
FCI DV Admit Card 2021 – FCI JE Document Verification Hall Ticket
Food Corporation of India is conducting the Document Verification Process to fill 4103 vacancies of JE, AG, Steno, Typist, etc. Call Letter will play an important role at the time of DV. All the competitors must download the admit card before the DV exam date and carry it with them. Candidates who will download the permission letter before the last date, are only eligible to get the DV Call Letter.
FCI DV Exam Date 2021
Organization Name | Food Corporation of India (FCI) |
Post Name | Junior Engineer (Civil), Junior Engineer (Electrical / Mechanical), Stage Grade II, AG II (Hindi), Typist (Hindi), AG III (General), AG III (Account), AG III (Technical), AG III (Depot) |
Total Vacancies | 4103 Vacancies |
FCI Exam Date | 31st May to 3rd June 2020 |
FCI Phase 2 Exam | 27th July 2020 |
DV Hall Ticket | 11th June 2021 |
DV Exam Date | 18th to 25th June 2021 |
Category | Admit Card |
Job Location | All Over India |
Official Website | www.fci.gov.in |
FCI Document Verification Exam Date 2021
The Food Corporation of India Documents Verification for JE, AG, Steno, Typist, etc is going to be held from 18th to 25th June 2021. The FCI DV Test was delayed due to the epidemic. But now the department has started preparing for the DV process. Along with this, we advise the candidates to continue their preparation for the Documents Verification. Stay tuned to this page to get the latest updates.
AHC Group D Interview Admit Card
With the help of the Food Corporation of India JE DV Hall Ticket, the exam invigilator can easily identify the fake candidates at the Interview center. We suggest all the applicants carry the Exam Call Letter at the time of attending the DV Process.
एफसीआई डीवी एडमिट कार्ड 2021
भारतीय खाद्य निगम (FCI) ने जूनियर इंजीनियर (सिविल), जूनियर इंजीनियर (इलेक्ट्रिकल / मैकेनिकल), स्टेज ग्रेड II, AG II (हिंदी), टाइपिस्ट (हिंदी), AG III (सामान्य), AG III के लिए परीक्षा आयोजित की है (खाता), एजी III (तकनीकी), एजी तृतीय (डिपो) ३१ मई से ३ जून २०१ ९ तक और दूसरे चरण की परीक्षा २ was जुलाई २०१ ९ को हुई थी। अब आगे की चयन प्रक्रिया के लिए, एफसीआई ने दस्तावेज सत्यापन तिथि १ the तारीख जारी की है। 25 जून 2021 तक, और उसके लिए DV हॉल टिकट 11 जून 2021 को जारी किया जाता है। उम्मीदवार FCI JE DV कॉल लेटर डाउनलोड करते हैं। हमने एफसीआई दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन कॉल पत्र 2021 डाउनलोड करने के लिए उम्मीदवारों के लिए लिंक का उल्लेख किया है।
दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन प्रक्रिया में प्रदर्शित होने के लिए FCI DV एडमिट कार्ड 2021 एक महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज है। DV को अनुमति पत्र के बिना किसी को भी प्रदर्शित होने की अनुमति नहीं है। इसमें उम्मीदवारों के विवरण जैसे नाम, व्यक्तिगत विवरण और हस्ताक्षर आदि शामिल हैं। फूड कॉरपोरेशन ऑफ इंडिया एजी डीवी हॉल टिकट की मदद से, परीक्षा निरीक्षक आसानी से साक्षात्कार केंद्र में फर्जी उम्मीदवारों की पहचान कर सकते हैं। हम सभी आवेदकों को DV प्रक्रिया में भाग लेने के समय परीक्षा कॉल पत्र ले जाने का सुझाव देते हैं।
How to Download FCI Zone Wise DV Admit Card 2021
Selected people in the exam of FCI can download the FCI DV Admit Card 2021 by following the given steps. Call Letter can only be downloaded online. Follow these steps to easily get it.
- Go to the official website of the Food Corporation of India department i.e. www.fci.gov.in.
- Find the link to the FCI DV 2021.
- Click on it and you will reach the DV admit card page. Here you have to enter your Registration Number and Date of Birth.
- Now, click on the login button.
- FCI DV admit card will be opened.
- Download it and take out the print for the Document Verification Process.
FCI DV Admit Card– All Zones
FCI DV 2021 – Documents Required
- Date of Birth Proof (Matric Certificate of Mark sheet)
- Mark sheet of the Qualifications
- Bonafide Certificate
- PH Certificate (If applicable)
- Cast Certificate (If applicable)
- Two recent passport size photographs
- Any valid ID Proof
- Any other related documents
Food Corporation of India DV Call Letter 2021 – Printed Details
- Candidates Name
- Date of Birth
- Parents Name
- Application Form Number
- Registration Number
- Photograph & Signature
- Exam Center Name
- Exam Date
- Any other related details
FCI DV Northeast Zone Admit Card
Disclaimer – Guys we have given all the information of FCI DV Admit Card 2021 from the official website. You will get links to download it. Any problem, while downloading gives us a comment on the comment box.
I have dv on 27th of this month. I lost my application form which is required for dv . Can I download it again or will it be a problem during dv if it is not submitted
Hello Rakesh, Plz visit the official website i.e http://www.fci.gov.in for more details